The Harry Potter series is a world full of interesting characters. However, the most interesting character might surprise some fans. It certainly wouldn't be a character that many fans would expect to claim this title. The character that is the most interesting might seem to be a less prominent one. Yet if Harry Potter fans take a closer look, they will see that the Wizarding World wouldn't be the same without this person. Harry himself would not be the same.

This character's story is somewhat similar to Harry's own, but with a few differences to keep things compelling. This character teaches Harry and fans valuable lessons, which just makes them more intriguing. Luckily, this character exists to entertain fans. The world of Harry Potter would certainly notice their absence, as would Harry himself.

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In fact, this character is crucial to Harry's survival. They help him to thrive from the minute they meet him. Of course, Harry is also an interesting protagonist. So who could possibly be more interesting than The Boy Who Lived? Who is this compelling character that fans will love? This character grows and develops as all good characters do, yet they never lose the core of what makes them who they are. This character is strong and independent, yet also kind and caring. They help Harry himself develop. In fact, in the books especially, Harry wouldn't have become who he became without them. That might seem like an exaggeration, particularly since this character is a secondary one in the world of Harry Potter.

Harry Potter Evanna Lynch

Yet Harry's character development is influenced by and tied to this secondary character. Some smart fans might have guessed but the character is Luna Lovegood (Evanna Lynch). Fans are first introduced to Luna during the events of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. She, like Harry, can see the thestrals that pull the carriages at Hogwarts. This is because she, like Harry, has witnessed someone's demise. Of course, the demise Luna witnessed was someone very close to her: her mother. While Harry and Cedric Diggory (Robert Pattinson) were friends, there is no way that they were as close as Luna and her mother would've been. Of course, Harry's parents are both gone. Luna still has her father.

Yet the two of them can both understand what grief is like. Unlike Harry, Luna seems to embrace her grief. She even spends time with the thestrals, and feels that they are misunderstood creatures. Luna herself is often misunderstood, another thing she has in common with Harry. Harry isn't exactly popular at Hogwarts during his fifth year, especially since he keeps insisting that Voldemort has returned.  There's only one problem: no one believes him.

Luna, too, is mistreated by other students for her beliefs that they see as strange, including those that she's gotten from her father such as believing in magical creatures that might not exist like the Crumple-Horned Snorkack and nargles. At first, even Harry judges Luna a bit. Yet eventually he finds comfort with her and the two become good friends. Luna joins Dumbledore's Army and helps Harry a lot throughout his fifth year at Hogwarts.

She accompanies Harry and other friends of his to the Ministry of Magic to rescue Harry's godfather Sirius Black (Gary Oldman). She fights Death Eaters with Harry. At one point during the events of the sixth book, Harry himself reflects on how he has changed. And how he feels about sitting with Luna on the Hogwarts Express is evidence of that change. Harry was a bit embarrassed to be found sitting with "Loony" Luna Lovegood the first time. However, after the events of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, he thinks of Luna as one of the coolest people. Throughout the events of the book version of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Luna's influence is felt even when she herself doesn't appear.  Harry, Ron, and Hermione talk to Luna's father, and Harry looks in her bedroom.

Harry Potter Luna Lovegood

He finds paintings of himself, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, and Neville joined by the word friends written over and over in gold ink. This shows how much Luna values her friends. Harry, Ron, and Hermione end up rescuing her from where she's kidnapped. But before they do, Ron remarks that Luna is a lot braver than her father. That's a definite compliment coming from a Gryffindor. And indeed Luna is very brave. It takes a lot of bravery to be regularly bullied and mistreated by your peers but still treat them with kindness. Instead, Luna prefers to think that her things were taken from her due to the influence of nargles. Luna is a perfect example of not judging a book by its cover. While she may seem a bit ditzy and not that smart, she has a lot of wisdom and bravery lurking underneath her dreamy exterior.

Harry appreciates that about her, as do many fans. There's also her blunt honesty, which Harry himself finds rather refreshing. As do many fans, definitely. Of course, not every Harry Potter fan will agree that Luna is the most interesting character. Some might prefer Harry himself. Or Ron or Hermione or Ginny. Yet Luna definitely has a lot going for her. She's strong and brave while still being kind and caring. She is always there for those she cares about.  Luna's loyalty, as well as her dedication to never being anyone but herself, is admirable. And the world of Harry Potter wouldn't be the same without her.

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