Harry Potter: Magic Awakened is the latest game in the HP Universe to hit the global mobile market. Although it’s available for PC as well, the platform’s current player base is restricted to the SEA region. Since it's an MMORPG that offers an immersive campaign and various activities, the fandom has quickly taken to it. Fans can take on monsters in the Forbidden Forest, engage in 1v1 or 2v2 card-based duels against each other, or dance. They can also make friends and invite them along for the journey.

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The Social Club is among the many features offered in this Harry Potter game and is akin to the clan system that many titles nowadays offer. Through it, they can get seasonal rewards by helping advance the club’s overall accomplishments. While navigating around a Social Club is simple, many may not be aware of how to exactly go about it. Hence, let’s take a look at the steps needed to join a club, leave it, or even create one from scratch in Harry Potter: Magic Awakened.

Harry Potter: Magic Awakened Guide – How to Join the Social Club

Social Club in Harry Potter: Magic Awakened

The Social Club has a physical location, a grand room, that players can easily go to via the map. Once there, they can wander around and meet many of the members who are online, invite them to trade cards, take a photo, take part in club adventure, and even see the Social Club Family Tree. But first, they need to join one. The steps to take are as follows:

  1. Once on Harry Potter: Magic Awakened's playable screen, click on the map icon in the top-left corner and then on the Hogwarts icon in the top-right corner.
  2. Once the overview of the Hogwarts castle is seen, click on the banner icon; it is present on the highest point of the tower, just above the bed icon.
  3. Go through the social clubs available. Players can check which are the top clubs by region or server if they click on the Rankings tab on the right side. They can even click the Social Club Filters button and sort clubs based on language, houses, number of members, permission needed to join, rankings, and more.
  4. Once they have looked through the available options and made a choice where they meet the criteria, they can simply click the Apply button.
Social Club in Harry Potter: Magic Awakened

Once the process is done, players need to ensure that they meet the rules set by the Social Club’s founder, or they may get kicked out. It is thus advised to go through the various instructions, make friends, and regularly participate in club activities.

Harry Potter: Magic Awakened Guide – How to Leave the Social Club

Social Club in Harry Potter: Magic Awakened

Since there are a host of Social Clubs available, especially when players expand beyond their default server, they may want to hop around a bit. There may also be cases where the club’s rules have changed, or they no longer feel comfortable and want to leave on their own. In such cases, it is important that they know how to leave the Social Club in Harry Potter: Magic Awakened. The steps to take are as follows:

  1. Click on the map, then the Hogwarts castle icon on the right, and then the Social Club icon on the top of the castle’s blueprint.
  2. Once in the club’s physical room, click on its name at the top of the screen.
  3. Click on the Details tab on the left side of the screen and then the Leave Social Club button on the right side.

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It is important to note that if players do leave the Social Club, a cooldown timer of four hours will start. They will thus be unable to join another club until it ends. This restriction ensures that they don’t spam joining and leaving clubs. It is thus advised that they make sure they want to leave and have checked that they won’t incur the loss of any club-based rewards.

Harry Potter: Magic Awakened Guide – How to Create a Social Club

 Harry Potter: Magic Awakened

If players have gone through the available options and don't like any, they can create their own club in Harry Potter: Magic Awakened. This is another option available to them if they want to create a private club with their own friends or have control over the finer workings, like the rules, member behavior, and more. To create a Social Club, the steps they need to take are:

  1. The first step is to make sure players aren't a part of any club, and the four-hour countdown if they left one recently has concluded.
  2. Go to the map, choose Hogwarts on the right, and click on Social Club at the top of the screen.
  3. The default screen of the available clubs will pop up. Click on the Create Social Club button on the right side of the screen.
  4. Next, they will then have creative and administrative freedom to create their own poster and set the joining criteria, name, server location, and more.
  5. Now all that’s left to do is to hit the Create button. It is important to note that players will need a special item, a Social Club Starter, to finalize the process and create the club. They can buy it for 100 Gems and can acquire only one at a time.

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The process of creating a Social Club in Harry Potter: Magic Awakened is fun as well since players get a lot of creative and administrative control. For example, if they click on the Edit Poster on the main page before creation, players will be able to choose a background from the many options like Quidditch field and common rooms; they can also select from various stickers, write any text, and choose any character like Sirius Black and Mad-Eye Moody.

How to create a Social Club in Harry Potter: Magic Awakened

Further, they can choose criteria like language, server location of the club, if it is open to everyone or they need permission to join, any or all houses, name, slogan, and even up to two descriptive tags like Chatty Crowd, Forest Trekkers, Event Fanatics, and more.

Overall, the Social Club is a wonderful feature in Harry Potter: Magic Awakened since it helps enhance the game’s MMORPG aspect by being in a group of like-minded fans. Since the title offers various activities that become significantly more fun with friends, players will find it fun to be a part of one, especially if it’s their own creation.

Harry Potter: Magic Awakened is available on PC, Android, and iOS.

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