The magical world is full of dangerous creatures, people, and inanimate objects. The one place where kids should be safe from these issues is their school, but that's far from the case. Whilst Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry might be the safest place from Death Eaters, there's plenty inside the castle grounds that could send Harry Potter or fellow students home in a body bag.

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Be it events that the school holds, places hidden within its walls, or simply things part of the curriculum. Plenty of the more dangerous aspects of the Harry Potter universe are on full display at Hogwarts for students to nearly get killed by. It makes a place like Diagon Alley seem much safer by comparison.

8 Care of Magical Creatures

hogwarts legacy hippogriff

Even non-magical wild animals are plenty dangerous, and parents certainly wouldn't want their kids interacting with them at school. Throw them into a world where Dragons and Basilisks exist, and parents are hardly going to be comforted about that.

Whilst Hagrid is, all things considered, a great teacher, he has an obsession with the more dangerous magical creatures. Although it is Malfoy's fault that Buckbeak attacks him, it definitely shouldn't have been allowed to happen. That same year, Hagrid has the kids care for Blast-Ended Skrewts, which constantly explode.

7 The Third Floor Corridor

Harry Potter Fluffy

One of the very first dangers Harry Potter hears about when arriving at Hogwarts is the out-of-bounds Third Floor Corridor. This is technically fine, although Dumbledore basically encourages students to go down there, warning that any who do will "die a most painful death". Although that may be a fair warning to an adult, to a kid, there's no way they won't be intrigued and want to investigate it.

What's more is that the door, behind which is a murderous three-headed dog, can be unlocked by a spell first-years can easily master. Even after the events of the first book, it's never clear what happens to the secret chamber. It can be assumed that for the rest of the series, there's a hole somewhere on the third floor with Devil's Snare at the bottom.

6 Peeves


The mischievous poltergeist that roams the halls of Hogwarts, Peeves is generally presented as a playful character that is mostly just a minor inconvenience to students. He sings teasing songs, tattles on students doing things they shouldn't, and occasionally throws stuff at people for fun.

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However, he has done some significantly more dangerous things over the years. For example, in Order of the Phoenix, Professor McGonagall catches him trying to unscrew a chandelier whilst someone is standing under it. The fact that the person was Delores Umbridge is beside the point.

5 Moving Staircases


The fact that Hogwarts Students have to navigate upwards of 7 or 8 floors to get from their dorms to their classes is bad enough, and walking the entire length of the castle a couple of times a day can't be fun. Perhaps the worst thing about this is the fact that the staircases can change direction at any time they feel like it.

It's lovely and magical, sure, but when a student just needs to get to class, it's got to be a huge pain. On top of that, they seemingly move at any time, what if one moves whilst someone is trying to step off it? What stops them from falling? Even worse is that there are trick steps, which students can have their foot fall right through, it's like a challenge out of a video game, and it's horrible.

4 The Chamber of Secrets


This one is sightly excused by the fact it was believed to be a myth for hundreds of years, but after it gets opened, 50 years before the events of the Harry Potter series, the fact that everyone still denies it is ridiculous. Even with Tom Riddle accusing Hagrid, Dumbledore clearly knows what happened and did absolutely nothing about it.

Even if no one believed him, if Hermione could work out that the creature was a Basilisk with little trouble, Dumbledore surely knew. Rather than doing anything about it himself, he allowed the creature to hide away for fifty years, only to potentially endanger the school years later, when Harry was there to do protagonist things and kill it.

3 The Forbidden Forest

Harry Potter The Forbidden Forest Malfoy, Harry & Fang

Much like the Third Floor Corridor, simply telling students not to go somewhere doesn't mean it's not super dangerous to have on the grounds. All manner of creatures live in the forest, and it doesn't seem too unbelievable that occasionally something dangerous might decide to pop out and eat a child.

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Plus, giving it a cool name like "The Forbidden Forest" virtually guarantees that students are going to want to go in there and see what's so scary about it. It's great that it gives many magical creatures a home, but at least put a fence up or something.

2 The Triwizard Tournament

Harry Potter Triwizard Tournament

An event that was canceled many years ago for being far too dangerous, the Triwizard Tournament was brought back in Goblet of Fire. It's said that precautions were taken to make it less potentially lethal to participants. This was a lie.

They raised the age of participants to 17, but the actual events didn't seem to change much at all. Participants have to face down a Dragon, disappear under a lake for an hour, and navigate a maze filled with all sorts of horrible creatures. People say that staff will interfere if anyone is ever in any real danger, but that never once happens despite people being in real mortal danger several times.

1 Time Turners

harry potter rpg time-turner

Sci-fi and fantasy writers the world over disagree on the pros and cons of time travel, however, the one thing they can all agree on, is that power shouldn't be given to children. Time Turners are such a closely guarded secret that they're stored in the Department of Mysteries at the Ministry of Magic.

Even if McGonagall and Dumbledore trusted Hermione enough with one, how on Earth did they convince the Ministry to give one to her? The only possible explanation is that Dumbledore somehow knew they'd need it at the end of the year, but that's pulling at straws. It gets even worse in Cursed Child when major alterations are made to the timeline because once again, one got into the hands of a child.

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