Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery from developer Jam City is constantly launching a variety of time-sensitive events to keep players engaged, often featuring exclusive items such as outfits or furniture as prizes. Some of the events are better favored by players than others, some are downright despised.

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Taking into account, the ease of completing the event, the quality of the rewards the event usually bestows, the convenience of participating in the event alongside Hogwarts Mystery’s base gameplay, and actual enjoyment of the event, here are Hogwarts Mystery’s game events ranked from worst to best. Only Hogwarts Mystery’s recurring, activity-based game events are included in this list.

7 Full Marks

Full Marks

When Full Marks inevitably rears its ugly head, players cross their fingers and plead that the event’s exclusive outfit is hideous. Unlike every other game event (with the exception of a portion of House Pride), Full Marks forces a small group of players to compete against each other for prizes versus the usual system of players independently unlocking prizes that every single player has the ability to obtain without affecting each other. As a result, Full Marks usually boils down to a stressful battle royale between players for first place, which is nearly always the only way to win the event’s exclusive outfit.

The odds of the event are highly variable, putting lucky players in a better position to advance through the rankings. To better their chances, many players are obligated to spend copious amounts of gems in a gamble to be the victor though success is still never guaranteed.

6 House Pride

House Pride

One of Hogwarts Mystery’s first events, House Pride bears a lot of similarity (and a lot of the same struggles for players) to Crest Event. What puts House Pride just under Crest Event is that the most effective strategy for the event is to grind eight-hour classes as opposed to grinding one-hour classes for Crest Event.

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Although there are more secondary benefits to eight-hour classes, they take up more of the player’s time which is not ideal during a limited-time event. House Pride also makes small groups of players compete against other House teams for additional prizes, which many players have found frustrating as it forces three Houses to take subpar prizes home.

5 Crest Event

Crest Event

Crest Event is another longstanding Hogwarts Mystery game event and one that is certainly a grind fest. The event allows players the option of grinding one particular class to gain bonus crests, which come with pros and cons. Obviously, extra crests mean getting closer to rewards. However, it means having to grind for the same attribute points and club experience when a player may want to use the opportunity to level up other areas.

No matter what method is utilized, Crest Event is one of the last events players want to launch when a timed side quest triggers.

4 Dueling Club

Dueling Club

Dueling Club is the game event that has had the most tweaks since its introduction. Its current form is the easiest to date, players are provided with tickets just by completing any kind of energy task. Even if they lose a few duels, active players are sure to clear the event by its end.

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Unfortunately, with the dueling gameplay being one of the weaker aspects of Hogwarts Mystery, the myriad of duels can easily become tedious. Dueling Club’s highlighted prize, an exclusive dueling spell, has also become lackluster to players who feel the spells already in their arsenal tend to be more effective for battle.

3 Club Constellation

Club Constellation

On top of its beautiful background of stars, Club Constellation has plenty of prizes for players to snag. It is also the only game event to have a community mechanic that players don’t despise, rather than pitting any players against each other, it gives them the chance to work towards rewards together. However, the event tends to push players to grind not only classes but specific club-connected classes to earn enough star fragments to complete the constellation, narrowing options.

On the bright side, Club Constellation does have a coin-based (a currency that players usually have an abundance of) booster that can assist in a pinch.

2 Clean Sweep


Clean Sweep requires players to grind classes and complete Daily Planner assignments in order to gain the tickets necessary for starting the event’s Quidditch streaks. The grinding can be tedious for players and forces them to focus on classes rather than story or side quests but the event has a long duration and is relatively easy to complete. Especially recently, the Quidditch matches have become far less difficult than they were when Clean Sweep first debuted.

What really puts Clean Sweep above the majority of the other game events though, is that it usually runs alongside House Pride or Crest Event and allows the player to wrack up either House Points or Crests for those events.

1 Puzzling Potions

Puzzling Potions

Puzzling Potions is Hogwarts Mystery’s most recently created game event, and it clearly reflects the insight Jam City has obtained from years of its players’ feedback. Because the event requires a variety of club points to earn potion bottles, players can spend most of the event completing any kind of energy task they desire. Although players may have to grind for specific potion bottles as they finish clearing up the ingredient boards, the potion bottles are easy to obtain and overall, the event requires far less grinding than a majority of the other game events.

The event is absolutely no trouble to complete and offers great prizes, books, and an exclusive (and quite often cute) outfit.

Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery is available on Android and iOS.

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