Harry Potter has a rich and esteemed legacy that has lasted for generations. Children grew up with the series as it evolved for its growing fanbase, with the series ending on a high note after Harry finally fulfilled the prophecy and defeated the evil Voldemort once and for all. However, even the end of the main series didn't stop fans from faffing over anything and everything related to the Harry Potter series, including a new game that has been raising eyebrows ever since it was announced.

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Hogwarts Legacy is bound to be one of the biggest gaming releases when it comes out next year, to the point where most fans find the wait to be quite excruciating already. After all, given the litany of spells in the Harry Potter universe, players can't wait to see what all spells can be accessed in the game. Here are some of the most popular candidates that should definitely appear in Hogwarts Legacy.

10 Expecto Patronum

Expecto Patronum from Harry Potter

One of the most legendary spells in the entire series has to be the charm that protects users and their comrades from the debilitating effect of the Dementors. This was a crucial spell that Harry learned in the Prisoner of Azkaban to fight against the new threat of these Dementors.

The manner in which this spell evolves to become a stag is one of the most awe-inspiring moments in the series. Hopefully, this moment can be replicated in Hogwarts Legacy as well.

9 Alohomora

Alohomora in Harry Potter

The iconic lock-opening spell that has become a staple of the series definitely needs to make a return in Hogwarts Legacy. After all, the concept of locked doors can be used brilliantly to spice up exploration in the game.

It wouldn't be a stretch to say that players can be blocked from accessing certain areas until they learn the Alohomora spell. Such kind of level design can allow for a Metroidvania style of exploration, with the game world slowly opening up as players unlock more spells to use in the game.

8 Expelliarmus


At its heart, Expelliarmus is a simple disarming spell that can be used to prevent an opponent from casting spells. However, it's a testament to Harry's proficiency in offensive spells that he managed to turn this spell into his signature attack.

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The fact that this spell ultimately allowed Harry to defeat Voldemort once and for all is a testament to just how useful it really is. It would be a major surprise if Expelliarmus wasn't featured in Hogwarts Legacy in some capacity.

7 Protego

Hogwarts Legacy Harry Potter Dragon Feature

Of course, simply going on the offensive in a wizard battle is bound to have negative repercussions. This is where the Protego spell comes into the picture.

Hogwarts Legacy is bound to have its fair share of enemies that can harm the player quite a bit. Thankfully, with Protego, players might be able to reduce or absorb enemy damage entirely!

6 Apparition


Fast traveling is a crucial aspect of any video game with massive open worlds that can take a while to traverse. Given how massive Hogwarts as a school really is, it wouldn't be a stretch to say that fast travel would become a necessity here as well.

However, there's a way for wizards to travel around quickly by Apparating. While this might be a complex technique, it would still be cool to find out whether players will have the ability to move around quickly using this technique in Hogwarts Legacy.

5 Obliviate

harry potter hermione granger

Obliviate is easily going to be one of the hardest spells to integrate in Hogwarts Legacy from a gameplay standpoint. After all, it's going to be really challenging to explain why memory loss needs to be a gameplay mechanic at all!

So, it's a safe bet that Obliviate won't be present in Hogwarts Legacy. It's a shame, since making enemies lose their memory would be so entertaining otherwise!

4 Petrificus Totalus

Petrificus Totalus in Harry Potter

One of the coolest spells in Harry Potter completely petrifies an opponent and prevents them from taking any action at all. It helps that the spell's name sounds incredibly cool too!

Petrificus Totalus is an iconic spell from Harry Potter that should definitely be featured in Hogwarts Legacy as well. After all, if Hermione could use it in her first year, then the player should be able to as well.

3 Wingardium Leviosa

Wingardium Leviosa in Harry Potter

Speaking of iconic spells, it would be impossible to not mention Wingardium Leviosa in the same capacity as well. This levitation spell was an iconic part of the first movie and should appear in Hogwarts Legacy as well.

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Moving objects out of your path or on top of an enemy are just a few of the many ways that Wingardium Leviosa could possibly be used in the game. It would open up a ton of possibilities in Hogwarts Legacy, and failing to capitalize on its iconic nature would be a massive shame.

2 Stupefy


In order to make combat in Hogwarts Legacy interesting, several spells that can be cast repeatedly should come into the picture. Stupefy is one such spell that will be a joy to use in battle.

Hitting enemies repeatedly with this spell is a great way to make combat fun and frenetic. Whether Hogwarts Legacy will use this spell for such an effect is anyone's guess.

1 The Unforgivable Curses


It goes without saying that the Unforgivable Curses are something that mere children won't use in a school like Hogwarts. However, the idea of these spells being usable by the player in the game is still electrifying to imagine regardless.

The trinity of Crucio, Imperio, and Avada Kedavra has become infamous in the world of Harry Potter. Regardless of whether the player will use it or not, it's a safe bet that the Unforgivable Curses should make their way into the game in some capacity or the other.

Hogwarts Legacy is set to release in 2022.

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