The game Borderlands 3 has a host of colorful, quirky, and weird characters for the player to interact with making it one of the best games of 2019. Each has their own ambitions, goals, desires, and oddities that makes them unique and helps them find their place in the world of Pandora.

If we were to relocate them to another world, say the wizarding world of Harry Potter. No doubt there would be some interesting hi-jinks and mischief. Assuming they could all focus enough to enroll at Hogwarts to obtain a magical education here’s the houses each of these interesting individuals might end up in.

10 Amara: Gryffindor

Amara is a brave fighter who faces her problems head-on with her siren abilities and melee combat prowess. She started as a nobody in the slums of Partali, but used her abilities in combat to become a hero of the people and make a name for herself.

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These personality attributes would make her a prime candidate for the Gryffindor house that values courage and those who fight for others. We’re also guessing that she’d make a fair beater in Quidditch thanks to her siren abilities.

9 Tyreen Calypso: Slytherin

Tyreen Calypso is a cunning and powerful villain in Borderlands 3. She uses her ability to leech powers to give herself immense power, build a following, and seek galactic domination. Her cunning and well thought out plan nearly succeeds and she managed to build quite the following along the way.

She’d be a shoo-in for the ambitious Slytherin house that values cunning, resourcefulness, and natural-born leaders. She’d be a horrific student to have at Hogwarts and would no doubt suck the powers out of the students, teachers, and the very walls of the castle giving her immense power.

8 Zane: Slytherin

Zane has a shady background as a black-ops specialist, former bandit, mercenary, and assassin. It's not clear why he took on these jobs, but it probably has to do with his zeal for adventure and danger. This ambitious and highly successful lifestyle has put many targets on his back and forced him to lay low on Pandora.

He’d make a great entry for Slytherin given his prioritization of ambitions over ethics. He’s not a bad person per se, but many professors would no doubt be nervous to see what kind of work he’d get into after his final year, assuming he even bothered to take his O.W.L.s.

7 FL4K: Hufflepuff

FL4K is a bit trickier to identify as not much is known about this robot’s mysterious background. But FL4K has proven to be very attached to its beasts and the patience it uses when hunting both man and beast is something of legend.

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As a result, FL4K would probably find a home in Hufflepuff as they put a high priority on this kind of loyalty and patience. Most of FL4K’s time would likely be spent in the Forbidden Forest and it would get along swell with the gamekeeper Hagrid.

6 Moze: Ravenclaw

Moze may come across as cocky and overconfident to some, but it’s backed by a clear understanding of her abilities and the powerful mech she’s built, maintained, and upgraded over the years. As the only survivor of a suicide squad under the command of Vladof, her experience and intellect have kept her alive where others perished.

She’s a good candidate for Ravenclaw who values smart tinkerers like herself. She may get her hands a little dirtier than her fellow Ravenclaws would appreciate, but you’d better believe they’d quickly be asking questions and would be eager to learn from her when they saw her tromping around in the Iron Bear.

5 Troy Calypso: Gryffindor

Troy is an example of what would happen if a Gryffindor ever became villainous. He’s overconfident in both his abilities and his goals. His chivalry has him fighting at his sister’s side or letting wounded opponents go, but he’s as likely to mock their pain and push his sister to continue fighting if it serves him.

This self-righteous attitude and fierce protectiveness of his sister put him in the Gryffindor house. This thirst for violence, zealousness, and pompous attitude would put him at odds with his classmates, the leeching abilities probably wouldn't sit too well with many either.

4 Lillith: Slytherin

Lillith bears some similarities to Snape in that she has a dark nature, tempered by her relationships and connections to others. She’s a capable leader, but one that isn’t fond of the role and isn’t above getting her own hands dirty to get things done. She also didn’t hesitate to stab Handsome Jack in the back when he became too dangerous in The Pre-Sequel.

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This cunning and craftiness makes her a viable Slytherin though with less lofty ambitions and goals compared to her peers. Like Snape, her resourcefulness and cunning make her a potent ally when things get dark, assuming you’re on her friendly side of course.

3 Sir Hammerlock: Gryffindor

Sir Hammerlock is a friendly chap who embodies chivalry, courage, and bravery to a T. Whether it’s gallivanting across the galaxy on some grand hunt or assisting those in need with his knowledge of plants and animals this fellow is ready to lend his robotic hand to whoever requires it.

He’d find himself at home in the Gryffindor house and be one to take up dares to wander into he Forbidden Forest or venture off out of his own curiosity.

2 Mad Moxxi: Slytherin

Mad Moxxi has had a rough life and it’s through her resourcefulness and ambition that she’s gotten to where she is today. She’s constantly expanding her network of contacts, establishing new enterprises, and isn’t afraid to use seduction or violence to further those goals.

She is very much a Slytherin, with lofty ambitions and an array of tactics and ploys to get what she wants. She’d be the one running businesses or cons between classes and using either her looks or her violent nature to ensure her grades never suffered.

1 Claptrap: Hufflepuff

borderlands 3 claptrap

Claptrap fits into this house as a result of not fitting in the others. He’s by no means courageous, intelligent, cunning, resourceful, or any of the other attributes that would have him fit into the other houses. His one redeeming quality is that he’s immensely loyal to those he cares about.

This fierce loyalty makes him a Hufflepuff and very much a negative stereotype often associated with that house. At Hogwarts he’d be the one stumbling into things, screwing up potions, setting creatures loose, miscasting spells, and getting picked on by students from every house and probably some of the professors as well. He’s basically Nevil Longbottom without the courage or potential that young man possessed.

NEXT: Borderlands 3: 10 Ways You’re Making The Game Harder On Yourself