
  • Funny quotes from iconic characters like Ron and Hermione add humor to the dark themes of Harry Potter .
  • The witty banter between characters like George Weasley and Minerva McGonagall showcases the strong writing of the series.
  • Moments of humor and amusement in the Harry Potter series help fans form a deep connection with the characters and the story.

Harry Potter is undeniably one of the most influential and successful franchises the world has ever seen, with fans reading and re-reading the books and constantly rewatching the movies. Despite the darkness of these films, especially in the later installments, they still provide viewers with moments of humor and amusement. These moments helped Harry Potter find its place in the hearts of millions across the globe. With such a colorful cast of characters, it comes as no surprise that many of them had some pretty funny quotes that undoubtedly amused fans.

The Best Harry Potter Games Of All Time

Even though Harry Potter games tend to be extremely hit-or-miss, a few releases capture the magic of the books, movies, and the overall universe.

Both the movies and books of Harry Potter house some memorable quotes, with the characters having unforgettable lines that fans will remember long after they're finished reading or watching (or both) through the HP Universe. In fact, most people would argue that the titular character himself is nowhere near as fascinating as his buddies, which shows just how strong the writing is throughout the Harry Potter series, with only a few minor hiccups appearing here and there that do nothing to bring down the overall quality of the series' writing.

Updated on March 26, 2024, by Ritwik Mitra: Harry Potter is one of the most popular series of all time, and the fact that people still can't get enough of this title is a testament to how beloved these magical adventures really are. The books tapped into the fantasy every child had about studying magic in a school for wizards and witches, with the main character and the stakes both growing as the audience did. Even now, there are some hilarious lines in Harry Potter that never fail to elicit a chuckle from dedicated viewers.

18 "Can I Have A Look At Uranus Too, Lavender?"

Ron Weasley

Ron and Lavender
  • A hilarious double-entendre during Divination class

Ron has a habit of saying the wrong thing at the wrong time over and over again, which is to be expected from a character who's meant to serve as comic relief. Even something as weird and boring as Divination Class becomes exciting when Harry's best friend partakes in some shenanigans, even if his comic timing at this moment was completely unintentional.

When Lavender is holding a map with all the relevant constellations and celestial bodies, Ron makes the tragic mistake of saying a line that sounds dirtier than it is. Trelawney decides to heap a lot of homework on the hapless student after class when she overhears this statement and assumes the worst. The funniest part about this whole scenario is that Ron and Lavender ended up dating in rather weird circumstances during the events of the Half-Blood Prince.

17 *"You Haven’t Got A Letter On Yours... I Suppose She Thinks You Don’t Forget Your Name. But We’re Not Stupid – We Know We’re Called Gred And Forge."

George Weasley

Fred and George Weasley in Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire
  • When the twins get Christmas jumpers with initials on them so that their mother can differentiate between the two of them

Fred and George are two of the funniest characters in Harry Potter. The chemistry they share with each other is palpable in both the books and movies, with some of the banter they dole out is legendary. One such instance comes when their mother gives them Christmas jumpers as a way to differentiate them since she herself finds it hard to distinguish between the two.

After seeing that Harry's jumper has no initials, Fred and George joke about switching jumpers in a way only they can. This line is extremely witty and something that readers can expect the two to say.

16 "Dobby Never Meant To Kill! Dobby Only Meant to Maim, Or Seriously Injure."


  • After finally getting his payback against Lucius Malfoy, knocking him back with some powerful magic

Dobby is one of the most beloved characters in Harry Potter. He's introduced in Chamber of Secrets and gives off a rather poor impression early on when he prevents Harry Potter from going to Hogwarts by any means necessary, venturing into the realm of the extreme. While he's definitely looking out for Harry in his own way, it still doesn't help his character all that much. Thankfully, after being freed from Lucius Malfoy's clutches, Dobby becomes a friendly and helpful house elf for Harry and Co.

This is what makes his fate in Deathly Hallows so hard to swallow, especially after he saves Harry and his friends from the Death Eaters. After almost dropping a chandelier on Bellatrix's head, the witch screams that he could've killed her. Dobby's retort to this is hilarious and shows why people love this house-elf despite his antics during Harry's second year.

15 "I’ve Always Wanted To Use That Spell!"

Minerva McGonagall

professo -mcgonagall plothole fantastic beasts
  • An expression of glee after animating the suits of armor to protect Hogwarts

Most people would think that Professor McGonagall is a strict teacher who abides by the rules and doesn't really take kindly to any immature antics. While this is true for the most part, there are times when this character lets herself loose and enjoys a moment of happiness in times when she deserves it. The Battle of Hogwarts is certainly a time when all the gloom and doom can be a bit overbearing, so it's nice to see McGonagall ease the tension.

Harry Potter: Wandless Magic, Explained

In Harry Potter, young wizards perform uncontrolled magic before attending Hogwarts, but why don’t they perform wandless magic once they get a wand?

After using the Animation Charm to compel the suits of armor of the castle to come alive and protect Hogwarts, McGonagall keeps an aura of professionalism for the longest time. However, even she had to acknowledge just how cool this spell was, expressing her elation at finally casting this spell in a giddy manner that is easily one of the best jokes in the final movie.

14 "What Are Fred And I, Next-Door Neighbors?"

George Weasley

  • A hilarious response to her mother's bold claims that everyone in the Weasley family has been a Prefect

Fred and George are some of the best characters in the entire series. Their wit and charm are palpable in every scene, and people definitely praised their guts when they decided to fight against Umbridge's tyranny and got themselves expelled from Hogwarts in the most ludicrous fashion possible. Their nature as pranksters irritates Molly to no end, especially since their very own mother becomes the source of some of their quips.

After Ron shows off his Prefect badge, his mother is ecstatic and mentions how everyone in the family has received this distinguished honor. This perks George's interest, who utters this hilarious line that will make any book reader let out a hearty chuckle.

13 "There's No Need To Call Me Sir, Professor."

Harry Potter

Professor Severus Snape rebukes Harry in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.
  • A retort to Snape's attempts to intimidate him, resulting in the docking of House Points and detention

Harry and Snape have a tumultuous relationship over the course of the series, with the Potions teacher and Harry constantly being at odds with each other from their very first encounter. The Boy Who Lived has no idea why Snape has it out for him, with the latter half of the series explaining that Snape actually had a thing for Harry's mother, only for Lilly to end up with a rugger Gryffindor lad who bullied him at every step of the way.

Seeing James' visage in Harry, Snape decides to pick on him from the very first day. One such humorous interaction happens when Snape is teaching the class non-verbal spells, reminding Harry to do the same. Harry says yes haughtily, and Snape tries to establish his dominance by telling him to say "Yes, sir." This causes Harry to retort with this legendary comeback, which was worth the loss of House Points and detention.

12 "Harry! Did You Put Your Name In The Goblet Of Fire?!"

Albus Dumbledore

Harry Potter Scenes That Are Better In The Books Than The Movies Dumbledore Harry Goblet of Fire
  • The contrast between Dumbledore's aggression in the movie and his calmness in the book while this line is unintentionally hilarious

On its own, this line doesn't really seem all that hilarious. Watching an angry Dumbledore storm into the room that housed all the Triwizard participants and pushing Harry up a wall as he interrogated him was tense, and showed just how much of an anomaly it was for the legendary tournament to select four candidates instead of the usual three.

However, what makes this line hilarious is the manner in which it's said in the books, with Dumbledore actually going out of his way to calm everyone down before asking the same question to Harry in a normal tone of voice. In contrast, the scene in the movie is so aggressive and downright violent that it's become somewhat of a running joke within the Harry Potter fandom.

11 "Yes, As Gamekeeper Fresh Air Must Be So Difficult To Come By."

Dolores Umbridge

Dolores Umbridge in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
  • A biting comeback to Hagrid after she inquires about his absence from Hogwarts

There's no denying that Dolores Umbridge is easily one of the most heinous characters in Harry Potter. Her prim and posh demeanor hides a vile personality that loves to throw her authority around as she tortures both adults and children alike. That being said, the creators should be praised for making Umbridge such an easy character to hate, with some of her lines dripping with wit and sarcasm.

Harry Potter: 10 Most Underrated Wizards In The Books

In the Harry Potter books, these wizards didn't quite get the credit they rightfully deserve.

A great example of this is when she's interrogating Hagrid in his hut, clearly unimpressed by his lies. Asking about Hagrid's absence from Hogwarts, the half-giant said that he needed to take a break for some fresh air. This prompts Umbridge to say this iconic line that leaves Hagrid speechless.

10 "Dumbledore’s Got Style."

Kingsley Shacklebolt

Harry Potter Kingsley Shacklebolt
  • Clearly impressed by Dumbledore's flamboyant escape before he was carted off to Azkaban

Unfortunately, the character of Kingsley Shacklebolt does not get as much attention in the films as he does in the books, but when he does get the spotlight, he delivers some pure gold. After the secret of Dumbledore’s army is revealed, Cornelius Fudge descends upon Dumbledore’s office with his Aurors, including Shacklebolt, to take him to Azkaban.

With “no intention of coming quietly,” Dumbledore pulls off a daring escape with the help of Fawkes, causing an explosion that puts every person in the room on their backs. Shacklebolt, a double agent and member of The Order of the Phoenix, can finally voice some of his true support for Dumbledore while embarrassing Fudge. George Harris’ rich voice rolls out the line, “You may not like him Minister, but you can’t deny... Dumbledore’s got style". Priceless.

9 "She Needs To Sort Out Her Priorities."

Ron Weasley

A young Ron Weasley looks confused on the Hogwarts Express
  • A hilarious line after Hermoine outright declares that expulsion from Hogwarts is worse than death

Hermione’s academic obsession is no secret and she even uses a Time Turner so she can take more classes. Yet prioritizing her studies over her own life seems a bit far. After the trio almost gets eaten by Fluffy the three-headed dog, Hermione berates her two new friends, “I’m going to bed before either of you come up with another clever idea to get us killed, or worse, expelled!”

Having stormed off to bed Ron remarks in complete shock, “She needs to sort out her priorities!”. There are no libraries in the grave, Hermione.

8 "What Exactly Is The Function Of A Rubber Duck?"

Arthur Weasley

Arthur Weasley in Harry Potter
  • Arthur's obsession with Muggles culminates in many hilarious moments, like this one

After Ron, Fred, and George break Harry out from his imprisonment in the Dursley house in the now-famous Flying Ford Anglia, Harry makes his first visit to the Burrow, home of the Weasley family. Here he meets Arthur Weasley, an Order of the Phoenix member, Ministry employee, and a fanatic for all things Muggle.

This obsession gets him in constant trouble, both with his work and with his fearsome wife, but he pursues it nonetheless. Sitting down to breakfast with all the Weasleys, Harry gets to experience life in a wizarding family for the first time. Yet Arthur poses a question, utterly ridiculous to Harry and the audience, with deadly seriousness, "What exactly is the function of a rubber duck?"

7 "But I Am The Chosen One."

Harry Potter

Minerva McGonagall talking to Harry Potter in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.
  • Harry's inner teenager comes out in a hilarious moment

Throughout the series, Harry has hated being "The Chosen One." It made him lose his parents, made him different from everyone else, attracted unwanted attention, and caused him no end of grief. Yet for one brief period, we see Harry acting in true teenage hormonal passion.

10 Things About Harry Potter The Movies Changed From The Books

Harry Potter is one of the most iconic characters in literature and there are some things that the movies changed about him from the books.

Trying to warn Harry against the attentions of Romilda Vane, who is trying to slip him a love potion, Hermione argues, “She only likes you because you’re the Chosen One.”, to which Harry replies, somewhat smugly, “But I am the Chosen One.” The Boy Who Lived rightly gets a smack on the head for his youthful arrogance.

6 "Do You Have A Lot Of Experience With That Then, Mad-Eye?"

Fred Weasley

Fred and George Weasley in Harry Potter
  • A funny retort to Mad-Eye Moody when the Order of the Phoenix is planning to whisk Harry away to safety

The Seven Potters scene in Privet Drive provides quite a few funny moments, like Harry wearing a bra or Hermione insulting Hermione’s eyesight, but the interaction between Mad-Eye and Fred Weasley is arguably the best. Passing around the Polyjuice Potion, Mad-Eye gives the dire warning, “It tastes like Goblin p***.”

With his trademark quick wit, Fred replies “Do you have a lot of experience with that then, Mad-Eye?” Maybe this hardened Auror and Death Eater hunter is not someone Fred should be mocking... but that's precisely why people love this humorous duo.

5 "I Shouldn't Have Said That. I Should Not Have Said That!"

Rubeus Hagrid

Hagrid tries to hatch a dragon egg in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.
  • Hagrid's unintentional slip plants an idea in the minds of Harry, Ron, and Hermione

Hagrid is a fan favorite, bumbling and caring, a big man with an even bigger heart, and sometimes with too big a mouth. After discovering Fluffy the three-headed dog in the third-floor corridor, Hagrid reveals far too much about what the monstrous dog is guarding, revealing that it has a connection to Nicholas Flamel, the creator of the Philosopher’s Stone.

Following this slip-up, Hagrid says what will come to be one of the most well-known lines in the movies, “I shouldn’t have said that. I should not have said that!” Hagrid’s iconic line has become the fuel for memes everywhere and helped fans fall in love with this legendary character.

4 "It's Wingardium Levi-o-sa, Not Wingardium Levio-saaa!"

Hermione Granger

Wingardium Leviosa in Harry Potter
  • Hermione's pretentious nature isn't necessarily annoying, with this line exploring this side of her character with a bit of hilarity

This quote needs no introduction and has been quoted again and again to great amusement, with Hermione’s pronunciation often extremely exaggerated. Telling Ron the correct way to do the hovering charm, Hermione chides him and says, “It's Wingardium Levi-O-sa, not Wingardium Levio-saaa.”

Harry Potter: 7 Things About Hermione The Movies Changed From The Books

The character of Hermione Granger from the Harry Potter franchise is a bit different in the movies compared to her literary version.

While an amusing moment, this also shows the beginnings of Ron and Hermione’s long and complicated path to love, strewn with fights, arguments, and snide remarks.

3 "Not My Daughter You B****!"

Molly Weasley

Julie Walters as Molly Weasley
  • An aggressive remark against Bellatrix, culminating in a duel that ends in the Death Eater's demise

The Battle of Hogwarts is full of sad moments and the deaths of beloved characters. So when Molly pushes Ginny aside from dueling the brutal and powerful Bellatrix Lestrange, one is not expecting to laugh. Yet from the lips of Molly Weasley comes a line of unbridled power and fury, “Not My Daughter, You B****!”.

Although this is a tense moment, one can’t help but laugh at the fact that one of the few expletives in the eight movies is uttered by Molly Weasley, who once threatened to glue her son’s fingers together for making a rude hand gesture.

2 "The Emotional Range Of A Teaspoon."

Hermione Granger

Hermione in Order of the Phoenix
  • Hermione's retort to Ron after he comments on whether Cho could really feel so many emotions after a kiss with Harry

Ron and Hermione’s relationship has been fraught with numerous bumps in the road, with each getting on the other's every last nerve on more than one occasion. Yet these squabbles do provide some comedic gold. After Harry laments that Cho Chang was crying during their kiss, Ron fails to understand the complexity of Cho’s emotions.

Hermione, possessed of both emotional and academic intelligence, proceeds to list Cho’s conflicting and stressful emotions. Ron laughs as he says, "There’s no way one person could feel all that, they’d explode," to which Hermione hilariously replies, "Just because you’ve got the emotional range of a teaspoon doesn't mean we all have." The ensuing laughter, shared by the audience and the characters on screen, is a funny yet beautiful moment, as we see the trio facing some ordinary teenage challenges instead of fighting Voldemort, dementors, or the Whomping Willow.

1 "Obviously."

Severus Snape

  • Annoyed by Umbridge's constant inquiries surrounding his numerous rejected applications to become a Defence against the Dark Arts teacher

Over the course of the fifth installment of the Harry Potter Saga, the viewer’s ever-present fear of Voldemort is completely replaced by the hatred of one frilly, pink, and venomous character: Dolores Umbridge. As a result, any moment of comeuppance she receives is very deeply appreciated.

But none perhaps more so than during her reign of terror as the Hogwarts High Inquisitor. While observing Snape’s Potions class, Umbridge quizzes Snape about his consistent applications for the post of Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. She asks him while standing in the middle of his Potions lesson, "And yet you were unsuccessful?", and Severus Snape in that classic languid drawl, so often used to put down Harry and his friends, replies, "Obviously." A simple yet effective burn.

Harry Potter: 10 Most Powerful Spells Used By Voldemort

As the Dark Lord, it comes as no surprise that Voldemort uses a variety of powerful spells to further his goals in Harry Potter.