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Even those who aren't die-hard Harry Potter fans can instantly connect the dots between these two franchises at first glance. Hajime Komoto, creator of Mashle: Magic and Muscle, has clearly been influenced by the iconic Wizarding World. However, this parody seems determined to point out every inconsistency within J. K. Rowling's universe, in the most hilarious ways possible.

Mashle viewers discover quickly that this unique anime series is not simply a Harry Potter rip-off, but more of a comedic fan fiction. It pokes holes in the beloved magical adventure without (arguably) offending the fandom. Harry Potter and Hogwarts-relatedEaster Egg titbits are abundant, without becoming a predictable copycat show.

The following discusses details up to episode 4 of Mashle: Magic and Muscle, accompanied by a few manga spoilers.

10 The Wizarding World's Magic System

Harry Potter Hogwarts Easter Eggs in Mashle Magic and Muscle wands, Ministry of Magic

More often than not, particularly in anime, magic can be projected from a person's body (usually the hands or chest), often with minimal reliance on equipment. Although wand use is not unheard of, the Harry Potter franchise's wands are arguably the most iconic. Not only does Mashe adopt similarly styled magic rods, but some are even recognizable to the trained eye, including Voldemort, McGonagall, and Narcissa anime wand replicas. Furthermore, the wand supposedly chooses its master (as far as The 13 Master Canes are concerned), and the spells themselves involve unique terms of a familiar Latin-esque origin.

To (allegedly) maintain control over all the magic wielders, the Bureau of Magic has been set up in lieu of the Ministry of Magic. However, unlike the Harry Potter original, the corruption within the Mashle administration is blatantly unscrupulous. Viewers know from the get-go that these guys can't be trusted.

9 Purebloods & Squibs

Harry Potter Hogwarts Easter Eggs in Mashle Magic and Muscle Purebloods and Squibs

While only the most detestable Harry Potter characters worry about insignificant details like pedigree, the Mashle Magic Realm revolves around one's magical status. To make matters worse, it's quite simple to tell the Purebloods from the Squibs by just looking at them. Those with an affinity for wizardry are born with a physical mark on their face, but those without receive a worse fate than Argus Filch could imagine.

RELATED: Harry Potter: Iconic Aurors

Abandoning or even killing an unmarked infant is not only socially acceptable, but outright enforced. Parents are expected to send any unmarked offspring to the Bureau, never to be seen again. Baby Mash was left for dead and wouldn't have seen his teenage days if his existence wasn't kept a closely guarded secret. And Regro nearly took his own life due to his low-level magic capacity.

8 Hagrid's Hut

Harry Potter Hogwarts Easter Eggs in Mashle Magic and Muscle Hagrid's Hut

While Regro Burnedead is hardly a Hagrid stand-in, the wizard's humble abode shares a likeness to the half-giant's iconic hut. Hajime Kōmoto gets even more specific with this Easter Egg by adding the wood-chopping block and accompanying storage unit alongside the cottage.

Though this aspect may not be a direct Hagrid reference, many fans could envision the clumsy bearded goliath breaking many objects. Both Mash and Hagrid made their debut alongside the unnecessary destruction of a door, ignorant of their own strength.

7 Hogwarts (Easton Magic Academy)

Harry Potter Easter Eggs in Mashle Magic and Muscle Dumbledore, McGonagall and Hogwarts

The Wizarding school that Mash is forced to attend is practically a carbon copy of Hogwarts, equipt with the turret-topped castle, neighboring (Forbidden) Forest, a Great Hall with the famed floating candles, and more! The classes are almost identical, with subjects like Potions, Magic History, Enchantment, and Divination. The students also wear the same unmistakable robes as the Hogwarts kids, who have also all been divided among distinctive houses: Orca, Lang, and Adler. There is also a convenient Hogsmeade setup for magic users to free their paranormal urges, with their pointy hats, owls, and supernatural shopfronts.

RELATED: Every Wizarding School in the Harry Potter Franchise, Ranked

Even some of the Easton Academy teachers share an uncanny resemblance to the Harry Potter characters. Professor impersonators include Wahlberg Baigan (Dumbledore), a McGonagall look-alike, and Claude Lucci (who gives strong Lockhart vibes, considering how much he prioritizes peoples' prestige).

6 Hogwarts Student Similarities

Harry Potter Hogwarts Easter Eggs in Mashle Magic and Muscle Harry, Neville Longbottom, Ron Weasley, Draco Malfoy

While there are an array of Hary Potter character parodies sprinkled throughout Mashle's storyline, arguably the three most distinctive student references are Harry (Mash), Draco Malfoy (Lloyd Cavill), and a combination of Neville and Ron (Finn Ames).

Both Harry and Mash were ignorant of the Magic Realm for most of their childhood, after surviving a near-death experience in infancy. They both receive a lightning bolt mark and are urged down the path of the Chosen One, albeit with different goals in mind. Lloyd matches Malfoy in appearance, attitude, and accomplices; however, his superiority complex has more violent side effects. Finn is as timid and loyal as Neville Longbottom, and initially just as weak. He does have an overachieving brother like Ron, and happens to be Mash's de-facto best friend.

5 Wand Reappropriation

Harry Potter Easter Eggs in Mashle Magic and Muscle Wand Troll Bogeys Hogwarts Legacy

While most magic users wield their wands in the expected fashion, Mash takes a leaf out of Harry's book during his first duel (if one could even call it that) and diversifies the possible applications of wand use.

RELATED: Harry Potter: Biggest Developments (Introduced After The Books)

The suspenseful troll-fighting scene in The Philosopher's Stone gets a layer of humor the moment Troll Bogeys come into question, and, although no noses were harmed in the making of this anime, there could be an underlying Hogarts Legacy Easter egg here. The Troll Bogeys obtained during the battle are quite useful in-game, as a key component to Invisibility Potion creation. But in the anime, instead of shoving the magic stick up the troll, aka Brad Coleman's nose, Mash propels the wand at his target's face, creating a destructive high-speed projectile with enough force to shatter the dragon-destroying Nalcom Pas spell.

4 Triwizard Tournament

Harry Potter Hogwarts Easter Eggs in Mashle Magic and Muscle Triwizard Tournament

The first major challenge that Mash faces upon enrolling at Easton Academy is influenced by the Third Task of The Goblet of Fire's Triwizard Tournament. This specific event was a game-changer for the entire Harry Potter franchise, and the same could be said for Mash because his whole life lies in the balance regarding his "wizarding" progress.

The maze set up on Easton grounds resembles the Harry Potter labyrinth. It's filled with death-defying traps and a variety of monsters, such as the riddle-delivering Sphynx-type behemoth. If only Harry had the strength to plow straight through the maze walls, maybe Cedric Diggory would still be alive.

3 The Daily Prophet

Harry Potter Hogwarts Easter Eggs in Mashle Magic and Muscle The Daily Prophet

This Easter egg may not be a critical plot point, but many Harry Potter lovers immediately think of the Daily Prophet when the unnamed Mashle newspaper crops up in the series debut. The Sirius Black Prisoner Escapee headline is the most memorable, although Rayne Ames has little in common with Harry's godfather.

RELATED: Harry Potter: Plot Holes That The Movies Fixed

Much like Rita Skeeta's M.O. in The Goblet of Fire and beyond, this newsprint seems particularly interested in the student affairs (and conveniently avoids the topic of corruption in the government or police force). The inclusion of moving photographs is a nice touch, while the black-and-white quality resembles the Daily Prophet's printing style.

2 Quidditch (Duelo)

Harry Potter Hogwarts Easter Eggs in Mashle Magic and Muscle Quidditch

The concept of Quidditch is introduced in episode 4 of Mashle: Magic and Muscle, after Mash follows in Harry's footsteps by showcasing some impeccable broomstick skills during initial flying practice. However, unlike Harry, Mash is on more of a "falling with style" wavelength, that involves no actual aviation.

The Duelo field setup resembles the Quidditch arena with the strange ball and hoops, although the Mashle sport seems to be a simplified version. One cannot mention Quidditch without getting Oliver Wood involved. Tom Knowles is just as enthusiastic, dramatic, and inspirational as his counterpart. He urges Mash to perform at full throttle while taking the airborne game much too seriously.

1 Voldemort & Death Eaters (Innocent Zero)

Harry Potter Hogwarts Easter Eggs in Mashle Magic and Muscle Voldemort Death Eaters

Teasers regarding the Mashle main antagonist have been hinted at in the opening credits, which feature a cloaked character with some distinctive Voldemort vibes. Innocent Zero is the evil Death Eater-type organization, eloquently named after its leader, whose pursuit for power and immortality is a moral debate.

Unlike Nicholas Flamel's relatively harmless longevity, Zero (and Voldemort) insist upon blood sacrifices to get the job done. Innocent Zero's Horcrux mission goes in an entirely different direction than He Who Must Not Be Named, but still involves slaughtering multiple victims. Furthermore, Zero has a history with Wahlberg and Easton Academy, being a former student himself.

MORE: Harry Potter: Iconic Death Eaters