
  • In the world of Harry Potter, wizards and witches can suffer from unique magical illnesses caused by things like fungi, curses, or misuse of magic transportation.
  • Some of these illnesses, like Scrofungulus or Dragon Pox, can be fatal and have no known cure, while others, like Splinching, can cause severe injuries.
  • The magical community also has illnesses that exist in the muggle world, such as the Black Death, which has been used by dark wizards for their own gain.

Although able to use magic, members of the magical community in the world of Harry Potter are still human beings who can get injured, sick, and fall into a plague, meaning that wizards and witches can experience illnesses like muggles.

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However, some illnesses are unique in certain cases and can only affect the magical community. In the world of Harry Potter, some sicknesses are caused by magical fungi, curses, genetics, or even by misuse of magical transportation. The medicines for such illnesses are also particularly made for the magical community and are not the typical over-the-counter medicines that muggles have access to. Some illnesses in the wizarding world are downright incurable and can sometimes lead the affected to their demise.

7 Scrofungulus

Caused By A Magical Fungi

An image of Snape in Harry Potter

Derived from the words "scrofula" and "fungus," Scrofungulus is a type of fungus infection around the neck. Scrofula itself, in the muggle world, is a type of tuberculous disease. This wizarding illness is contagious and is caused by an unknown magical fungus.

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Those who are affected by this illness will suffer a few symptoms that can be fatal, such as the spread of tiny tentacles across the neck and the face. It is known that from 1898-1990, Scrofungulus had spread across Hogwarts, filling the Hospital wing with sick students who were suffering from it. Luckily, as long as it is treated fast and properly, the disease is curable by focusing on strengthening one’s immune system with immunoelixir.

6 Splinching

Caused By Failed Apparition

An image of Harry Potter: Splinching

Splinching is a type of injury in which the separation of body parts occurs during a failed apparition or teleportation process. The separation can be severe or minor, depending on one's failure to focus when apparating themselves. There are a few known splinching cases at Hogwarts. One of them involves Susan Bones, who left one of her legs while apparating and had to have the leg reattached by the school's healers.

Ron Weasley also had to endure a painful injury while apparating from the Ministry of Magic because Hermione changed the arrival location suddenly, as Death Eaters had figured out where they were hiding. Ron came close to death by getting splinched, showcasing just how dangerous it can be.

5 The Black Death

Not Only In The Muggle World

Harry Potter Percival Graves aka Grindelwald Fantastic Beasts Auror

The Black Death was a serious epidemic that was widespread across Europe around the 14th century. In the muggle world, this plague took countless lives, killing 30-60% of the population. Although the Black Death plague might not be as scary for the magical community as those in the muggle world, this illness has been taken advantage of by vile wizards and witches.

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Rumor has it that Nicholas Malfoy, the ancestor of Draco and Lucius Malfoy, murdered his muggle neighbors to take on their properties under the guise of the disease. He was never convicted of his crime as his part in their deaths was never proven. However, knowing the Malfoy family's history with crimes against muggles, it is hard to say that he is innocent.

4 Dragon Pox

Chicken Pox But Worse

An image of Harry Potter: Dragon Pox

Dragon Pox is a contagious illness that is easily widespread and dangerously fatal. The disease causes the affected to grow purplish green rashes on the skin, and sparks of fire can be seen when the victim sneezes. Unfortunately, a permanent curse to this illness has yet to be found. Cases of Dragon Pox can be seen in the 20th century and are still happening, killing Fleamont and Euphemia Potter, James Potter's parents.

When it affects older patients, the danger becomes a few times deadlier than it normally would be for younger people. As for younger individuals with healthier bodies, they are easily treatable in St. Mungo's Hospital. It is such a common issue for elderly people; it even affects Draco Malfoy's grandfather.

3 Blood Malediction

A Fatal Genetic Disorder

An image of Harry Potter: Blood Malediction

Also known as a Blood Curse, blood malediction only affects the female descendants of a cursed family. It is a deadly illness as it shortens one's life and can even turn them into an animal. There are two known victims of blood malediction, Astoria Malfoy and Nagini. Astoria Malfoy is known to suffer from the illness, leading to her demise when her son, Scorpius, was still quite young.

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As for Nagini, her blood curse has transformed her into a snake, causing her to lose her sense of humanity after years in a snake form. At first, she was able to transform herself back into her human form on command. However, as the disease got worse, she lost control of it, forcing her to remain in her animal form.

2 Obscurus

Affects The Sufferer Mentally And Physically

An image of Harry Potter: Obscurus

An Obscurus affects wizards or witches who suppress or have been forced to suppress their magical abilities since they were young. Many wizards and witches affected by this illness went through a great deal of traumatic and mentally exhausting events in their lives, taking examples from two obscurials, Ariana Dumbledore and Credence Barebone.

When Ariana was 6 years old, she practiced magic in front of muggle boys who tormented her, leading to her repressed magical abilities. As for Credence Barebone, who was adopted into a No-Maj anti-witchcraft group in America, he repressed his magical ability due to the abuse he endured throughout his childhood.

1 Lycanthropy

Transforms The Sufferer Into A Werewolf

An image of Harry Potter: Lycanthrophy

Lycanthropy is a disease where the affected people will live their lives as humans but will transform into a werewolf during a full moon. This disease is caused by infected werewolf bites, causing the affected to lose their minds when transformed into a werewolf. J.K. Rowling herself stated that the disease is a metaphor for HIV, referencing the discrimination a werewolf has to endure during its lifetime.

The illness can be relieved with a wolfsbane potion, allowing the sufferer to keep their human mind during transformation. However, the disease is unfortunately untreatable. A wizard who is known to suffer from this illness is Remus Lupin, making him susceptible to discrimination even when he’s a grown-up. In The Prisoner of Azkaban, after it is revealed that Lupin is a werewolf, he chooses to resign from teaching at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry so as to keep students and faculty members safe.

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