The Harry Potter franchise has continued to grow since The Deathly Hallows concluded the iconic series, and has since introduced of new schools, developments in career and romance departments, and other significant “ghost plots.”

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From all the embellishments, smaller details (such as the Golden Trio's inclusion on the Chocolate Frog Cards; Firenze's acceptance into the centaur herd, or Ron's "inheritance" of the Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes) will be excluded to make room for more intriguing plot advancements.

The following new additions to the Harry Potter franchise come compliments of WizardingWorld and MuggleNet websites as well as "The Cursed Child" (J. K. Rowling, Jack Thorne, and John Tiffany.)

10 Harry, the Prodigal Son

Ginny Weasley holding Harry Potter's face in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2

Fortunately, Harry did not reach his peak during the Battle of Hogwarts and went on to accomplish even greater things (without finishing his schooling first, that is.) He pursues his dreams of becoming an Auror at the Department of Magical Law Enforcement alongside Neville and Ron, quickly ascending the ranks to become the youngest Head Auror in wizarding history.

The fragments of Voldemort's soul that had been embedded in Harry disappeared with the tyrant's death, and so did Harry's ability to use Parseltongue; not a game-changer, but still noteworthy. It is also widely accepted that Snape's portrait now hangs in the Headmaster's office at Hogwarts (currently occupied by McGonagall) due to Harry's efforts to honor the fallen hero, despite the Potions Master's controversial past.

9 The African Wizarding School, Uagadou

Harry Potter Biggest Developments (Introduced After The Books) The African Wizarding School, Uagadou

While it is far from being the only Wizarding School in Africa, Uagadou is certainly the most prestigious. Located in the mysterious Mountains of the Moon, this particular education system prioritizes Astronomy, Alchemy, and Self-Transfiguration and has not always relied on wands to get the job done. Taking a leaf out of the Scarlet Witch's book, the Uagadou students learn to cast spells with their hands alone.

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These Animagi experts do not receive acceptance letters as a recruitment method, but instead experience Dream Messengers, accompanied by an engraved stone suddenly appearing when they awake (as proof.) In addition, Albus Dumbledore's role of Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards has been assumed by a prestigious Uagadou alumnus named Babajide Akingbade.

8 The Disastrous 2014 Quidditch World Cup

Harry Potter Biggest Developments (Introduced After The Books) Quidditch World Cup

The 1994 Quidditch World Cup (in The Goblet of Fire) is not the only catastrophic sporting event to cause a stir, as 2014 didn't have much luck with international relations, either; although thankfully, not a Death Eater in sight! With numerous water-bound participants (Viktor Krum-inspired creatures called Fijian Dukuwaqa) on the roster, it's quite surprising that this Quidditch World Cup takes place in the Patagonian desert, with a makeshift pond magically inserted for those in need.

The mascot-centric Opening Ceremony attempted to add a flesh-eating sea serpent (the Selma) to the already-occupied pond, which was swiftly tainted red by all the bloodshed that followed. The nearby Curupiras also contributed to the mayhem, resulting in over 300 injured parties. The whole ordeal is explored by the Daily Prophet‘s talented Quidditch correspondent, Ginny Weasely (the former Holyhead Harpies Chaser.)

7 Hermione, the Honourable Heroine

Hermione Granger in Harry Potter

After completing her final year at Hogwarts, reviving her parents' memories, and reforming House Elf Rights in the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, Hermione takes Kingsley Shacklebolt's place as the new Minister for Magic. Thankfully, during his ten years as Minister, Shacklebolt purged the Ministery of its "underlying corruption" by removing the Dementors from service, leaving a relatively clean slate for Hermione to "do some good in the world!”

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During her term in office, Hermione quells anti-werewolf laws, provides better opportunities for goblins, and grants centaurs and mermaids the freedoms they deserve. As a Muggle-born authority figure, she recruits Arthur Weasley to assist with reforming the segregation between Wizards and Muggles, rendering the terms pureblood (and mudblood) moot.

6 The Japanese Wizarding School, Mahoutokoro

Harry Potter Biggest Developments (Introduced After The Books) The Japanese Wizarding School, Mahoutokoro

Much like the average Japanese Muggle, students enroll at Mahoutokoro at a much earlier age and begin attending classes from seven years old, eventually moving on-campus when they turn eleven. The jade-adorned palace, situated on the volcanic isle of Minami Iwo Jima, was apparently found by chance by a group of disorientated Hogwarts students, who proceeded to teach the Japanese the ways of Quidditch. And thus, the talented Toyohashi Tengu team was born!

An intriguing stand-out feature of Mahoutokoro is its uniforms, which change colors depending on the user. While most gradients (ripening from pink to gold) is indicative of their educational level, a white robe signals illegal misconduct; a sure-fire way of weeding out the bad apples!

5 Neville the Rebel

Harry Potter Neville Longbottom

After dabbling in the ways of the Auror, Neville goes back to his roots to assume the Herbology Professor's role and, as some may not know, also earns the title of Head of Gryffindor House. He gains some status points among his students for landing the lovely lady of the Leaky Cauldron, Hannah Abbott, and breaking customs by living above the pub instead of within Hogwarts' walls.

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The cute couple does not have any children of their own but they are undoubtedly the favorite aunt and uncle of the next generation of kids; almost like the Lupin and Tonks of Harry's childhood. Unfortunately, his parents remained institutionalized at St. Mungo's, but at least they lived long, relatively comfortable lives, by each others' side.

4 Wizard Rugby Fans

Harry Potter Biggest Developments (Introduced After The Books) Sport Fans Quidditch

As popular as Quidditch is in the Wizarding World, it is not the only supernatural sport around; however, the jump across to the Muggle Rugby realm is a strange one indeed. Without adding any magical flair to the pre-existing game, Wizards flocked in masses to support their favorite Rugby team, unanimously agreeing that Scotland is the best! Why Scotland, of all places? Because the charming Squib, Angus Buchanan plays for that team, of course!

After a rough childhood filled with pretense, Angus' magic deficiency eventually became apparent, and he was exiled to the Muggle world by his parents at just eleven years old. Fortune finally favored the boy in 1871 when he grew into a hulking figure, perfect for the rugby field, and news of his incredible achievements reached wizards' ears. By the time Angus died, he had amassed countless fans across the Wizarding and Muggle Worlds.

3 Luna, the Lovable Magizoologist


"Loony" Luna may have always been teased for her eccentric beliefs in absurd creatures; however, her open-mindedness certainly paid off in the end, as she now flourishes in the Magiczoologist field. Upon her many ventures, Luna comes across several never-before-seen critters which she introduces to the world; but sadly, the Crumple-Horned Snorkacks evades her to this day.

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Luna also found her perfect partner along the way, a fellow Magiczoologist by the name of Rolf Scamander, who just so happens to be the grandson of Newt (from the Fantastic Beasts series.) The adventurous couple eventually settles down (to the best of their ability) after welcoming twin sons, Lorcan and Lysander, into the world.

2 The Brazilian Wizarding School, Castelobruxo

Harry Potter Biggest Developments (Introduced After The Books) The Brazilian Wizarding School, Castelobruxo

The rainforest-bound South American Wizarding School is under the constant protection of local Caipora, who are like wood-Sprites, with a mean streak! Surrounded by nature on all fronts, Castelobruxo students focus most of their attention on studying all they can about magical flora and fauna as well as the animalistic inhabitants of the Amazon, and even offer exchange programs for anyone keen to learn.

J.K. Rowling states that Bill Weasley longed to join the ranks of Castelobruxo's skilled Herbologists and Magizoologists; but unfortunately, financial circumstances impeded his plans. Unsurprisingly, the author (Libatius Borage) of iconic works such as Advanced Potion-Making, Asiatic Anti-Venoms, and more, stem from this Academy.

1 The Quill of Acceptance and The Book of Admittance

Harry Potter Biggest Developments (Introduced After The Books) The Quill of Acceptance and The Book of Admittance

J.K. Rowling has provided greater clarification regarding the Hogwarts selection process, which was originally set up by the Four Founders to run without human interference. The names on every acceptance letter that makes its way into the world first have to appear in a black dragon-hide-bound Book of Admittance, written in by the mystical Quill of Acceptance, subsequently eliminating any potential human error.

The Quill, assumedly made from an Augurey feather, can pick up the slightest sign of magical capabilities in prospective witches and wizards and is eager to give the kids a chance, whereas the Book is believed to be much more selective, and will often refuse to be written in; until more substantial proof comes to light. A flawless Yin and Yang combo!

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