After following Professor Mareaux into the Lab Quarters in Harold Halibut, and receiving the PDA, players will be instructed to address two tasks. More specifically, fans are asked to clean the Filter station and feed the fish, and they may be confused about exactly how to perform those two actions. This guide is here to alleviate that confusion, and details on how to clean the Filter station and feed the fish in Harold Halibut can be found in what follows.

The Filter station and the source of the fish food are both on LVL 2 of the Lab District . It is thus recommended that players who value efficiency clean the Filter station, then pick up the fish food, and then feed the fish. It is certainly not mandatory that the two tasks be addressed in that way, though, and it is perfectly fine for indie video game fans to collect the fish food and use it before they visit the Filter station.

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Harold Halibut: How to Clean the Filter Station

Players who are attempting to clean the Filter station should begin by exiting the Lab Quarters. Fans of story-rich games should then go left, descend the stairs that are next to the Lounge and continue downward until they reach LVL 2. From there, players should go right to enter Filtration Pump 014F and interact with the device in the top-left corner of the room.

That interaction will give players a closeup view of the device, and they should perform the following actions to clean the Filter station:

  1. Press up, down, down to navigate to the square in the bottom-right corner.
  2. Press the Interact input.
  3. Press down to highlight the symbol with a zero.
  4. Press the Interact input.
  5. Press down to highlight the moving spiral.
  6. Press the Interact input.

Harold Halibut: How to Feed the Fish

Once the Filter station is clean, players should go to the far-left side of LVL 2 and enter Botanical Concepts 022F. Fans of games with a stop-motion aesthetic will encounter Cyrus in that room, and they should interact with him to initiate a conversation. That conversation concludes with Harold receiving some food, and players must now bring it to the fish.

To perform that action, players should simply return to the Lab Quarters and interact with the metal device that sits in front of the large window. Indeed, the associated task will be marked as complete as soon as that interaction is resolved, and fans of adventure video games will then be free to use the nearby Tube to travel to the Agora Arcades.

harold halibut feed fish

Harold Halibut is available for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X.