Developing decision-based games is where DON’T NOD shines, and they deliver just that in their new visual novel, Harmony: Fall of Reverie. Players step into the shoes of Polly, who can travel between two worlds. One of these worlds is her hometown, a colorful island stuck in the grasp of a mega-corporation. The other is known as Reverie, inhabited by the very embodiment of aspirations present in humanity. These include Bliss, Power, Bond, Truth, Chaos, and Glory, with Polly being the embodiment of Harmony.

Polly soon realizes that her world is closely intertwined with these Aspirations. If she is to save both Reverie and Humankind, she must make difficult choices that can shape the very future. One of the first major decisions players have to face comes to them while on the quest to revive Truth. Some players can feel conflicted by the choice of two aspirations, Bliss and Power, that can revive Truth.

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Power or Bliss: Who Should Revive Truth?

Bliss in Reverie, Cinematics

Bliss and Power are the first two aspirations players meet in Reverie, with conflicting personalities and appearances. The game immediately introduces players to the Augural, which is essentially a roadmap into the future. The augural also connects events in the story with succeeding major events and "Outcomes."

Thanks to Harmony’s ability to see into the future with the help of the Augural, players can choose events that lead to different outcomes. However, this involves collecting Aspiration crystals which can be earned by choosing events that are related to that particular Aspiration. At the end of a chapter, players can be instructed to choose a certain Outcome.

On the quest to revive Truth, players are presented with two choices. They can either choose Bliss, or Power and Bond, depending upon the number of crystals they have collected for that particular Aspiration. Both of these Outcomes require 13 crystals for the particular Aspiration. The player needs to plan out their approach by analyzing the augural to achieve their desired outcome.

Events can also result in losing crystals of particular Aspirations. Avoiding those events should be prioritized. While the choice between Bliss and Power may seem important to jumpstart Harmony’s life as an Aspiration, it is only the first major Outcome of her choices. Hence, the developers chose not to change anything drastically while traversing the domain of Truth.

Choosing Bliss

Bliss Aspiration Introduction

Bliss greets Harmony near the borders of Truth’s Domain, and they have a quick conversation regarding how much time it took for finding an accessible path to Truth. The scene changes to a cold, damp cave which resonates with the basic values of Truth, solid and unchanged.

They see Truth in the center of a lake in a shattered shape. Bliss proceeds to call them an Old Witch and searches through her seemingly never-ending pockets. She brings out a comically large pink tube of glue, which is described to be the size of a bazooka. As she uncaps the tube, Harmony can feel something change in the air.

This leads to a cutscene that shows shards of truth coming back into place to form a humanoid figure. Power, Bond, and Bliss stand by as Truth structures back into her Aspiration form. They discuss the upcoming dangers threatening Reverie and Humankind alike, as Power decides to go on a rant about Chaos not assisting them.

Choosing Power and Bond

Power Character Introduction

Harmony meets Power and Bond near the borders of Truth’s domain. Bond explains how they found an access point to Truth’s domain with many difficulties, while Power seems to be impatient and just wants this to be over. This provides a good contrast for players who decide to replay the game multiple times.

The main events of the story are identical to those of the Outcome of Bliss. However, Power and Bond do not choose to Mend Truth back into shape using glue. To Harmony’s surprise, they hold hands and sway around. The sway gradually changes to an intense dance. Suddenly, Harmony can hear drums from a distance, which increases the tempo of their dance. She describes the two Aspirations to be so engrossed in their dance that one is indistinguishable from the other. As the drums grow louder, she can hear noises similar to chanting coming from behind her.

This triggers a cutscene in which fragments of truth are seen reassembling. As Truth transforms back into her Aspiration form, Power, Bond, and Bliss watch from the sidelines. As they debate the impending troubles that face both Humankind and Reverie, Power chooses to make a fuss about Chaos's failure to help. He also elaborates that he is hiding from them in a maze where even power cannot invade with his army.

Hence, the first Outcome presented to players via the Augural has no major impact on the story of Harmony; Fall of Reverie. However, future outcomes tailor the story in interesting and devastating ways, so players must exert caution.

Harmony: Fall of Reverie is available on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, Microsoft Windows, Xbox Series X, and Series S.

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