
  • Players can adjust difficulty in Fallout games through build choices and game modes, leading to varying levels of challenge.
  • Fallout 4 simplified combat with VATS system, making it easier, while Fallout 76 is easier due to online co-op options.
  • Earlier Fallout games like Fallout 2 had high difficulty, with Bethesda refining mechanics over time for easier access.

The Fallout franchise is a strange one in terms of difficulty, with the majority of it often being self-imposed through making a more or less difficult build. This is the same for a lot of open-world RPGs, where players get to choose their own level of difficulty both in terms of the game mode they play on and the style in which they choose to play.

8 Common Misconceptions About the Fallout Franchise

The most common Fallout myths and urban legends have been spreading around the community for years, with some even filtering out to the outside world.

Whether Fallout games have been adored or panned, the franchise has always managed to keep consistent themes, but various factors have changed the difficulty of the games over time in surprising ways and to shocking degrees.

Updated on April 29th, 2024, by Chris Harkin: The Fallout franchise is experiencing a huge rejuvenation following the release of the live-action Fallout TV series on Amazon Prime. Many of the games in the franchise are experiencing all-time high player counts. From new fans to veteran players rediscovering their love of the series, the Fallout games continue to provide difficulty in a variety of ways. Though the future of the franchise looks bright, the difficulties seen in the Wasteland may not get any greater than what has already been seen across these existing games. While the franchise has been almost completely covered here, there were a couple games missing, and so this list was updated to feature them (and their difficulty level) as well.

8 Fallout 4

Game FAQ Difficulty Score: 2.79/5

Fallout 4

PC , PS4 , PS5 , Xbox One , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S
November 10, 2015
RPG , Action

Fallout 4 had a variety of campaign choices to make, and a lot of different ways to kill the various mutants and bandits of the Wasteland. Yet, several things made Fallout 4 a lot easier than other entries in the main Fallout franchise, one of those things being the VATS system that improved the shooting combat in the game over previous attempts.

Melee was overly simplistic and didn’t make for fantastic combat generally, players, once they had leveled up enough, were able to competently square off against a majority of enemies with only a shiv in their hands or even unarmed, but there was some difficulty at times for players, particularly if they chose their perks poorly when leveling up.

7 Fallout 76

Game FAQ Difficulty Score: 2.8/5

Fallout 76

PC , PS4 , Xbox One
November 14, 2018
Action , RPG

While Fallout 76 isn’t necessarily the easiest of the games in the Fallout franchise, it brings too many options along with it that make it a lot easier because of the online nature of the game. This means that it is much rarer for players to be going into the most difficult battles in the game on their own, and bringing friends along generally makes even the toughest fights in the game unreasonably simple.

It is a shame that Fallout 76 didn’t do more to make challenges for multiple players. Fallout is a franchise that could have worked better in such an online format, but even with online friends, it only makes the game easier. Perhaps more features from Fallout 76 will see a return in a potential Fallout 5.

6 Fallout 3

Game FAQ Difficulty Score: 2.91/5

Fallout 3

PS3 , Xbox 360 , PC
October 28, 2008
Bethesda Game Studios
Action RPG

Fallout 3 brought the franchise to the 3D world, with not only a vast open world to explore but an engaging story that fans adored even years after release. The biggest problem with Fallout 3 was the shooting mechanics, which were new to Bethesda, needing some adjustment.

The overall difficulty of the game was at a high level that Bethesda would reduce in later entries made by them. The Washington DC setting and the story told throughout Fallout 3 helped make it Game of the Year for several publications, and it is still considered one of the best games of all time, but it made for a trickier game to get through than other entries both before and after.

5 Fallout: Brotherhood Of Steel

Game FAQ Difficulty Score: 3/5

  • Platforms: PlayStation 2, Xbox
  • Release Date: January 13, 2004
  • Developer: Interplay Entertainment

Another early Fallout game, albeit a spin-off which was linear in nature instead of open-world, Brotherhood of Steel expanded upon an element that will be particularly interesting to fans of the Fallout TV series. This game follows an initiate in the Brotherhood, and as they begin to rise through the ranks, they uncover a conspiracy.

With several options to choose from as the player character (including the Vault Dweller from the first Fallout game), players will have a great but challenging time adjusting to this different style of Fallout game. The early concept ideas for the first Fallout game released for consoles made the controls unusual and difficult to come to grips with, although players were generally able to catch up in short order and play the latter parts of the game with less difficulty, particularly with some previous experience of the other games in the series.

4 Fallout: New Vegas

Game FAQ Difficulty Score: 3.03/5

Fallout: New Vegas

PS3 , Xbox 360 , PC
October 19, 2010

Fallout: New Vegas is considered one of the best entries in the franchise, despite not being technically a main entry. It took place four years after the events of Fallout 3 and featured the return of some elements from Fallout 2, making it an ideal version of the Fallout experience for many players. However, there was a solid level of difficulty throughout Fallout: New Vegas.

10 Most Dangerous Locations In The Fallout Franchise

Across every Fallout game, there is a location lurking with dreaded dangers that players should be warned about.

At this point, Bethesda still wasn’t used to the shooting mechanics they were trying to perfect, which added to the level of difficulty players experienced in combat. Mechanics from Fallout 3 were refined and improved upon, which helped make several combat aspects more intuitive, but the ease of access which was important to Bethesda for this new game led them to make it easier than some of the earlier entries.

3 Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood Of Steel

Game FAQ Difficulty Score: 3.37/5

Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel

March 15, 2001
Micro Forté
Tactical , RPG

Released before Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel, but after the first two games in the main series, Fallout Tactics is a strategy game which was turn-based but took place in real-time, and focused on members of the Brotherhood that wanted to expand by initiating "Tribals," or people from outside the Vaults, who were forced to join up to take on the remnants of the Super Mutant Army from the first Fallout game.

A somewhat forgotten entry that makes for a great strategy game, there is plenty of challenge to Fallout Tactics, which can be surprising to fans of the other games in the franchise. While very different in many ways to most Fallout games, Tactics is well-liked by many as a great strategy game and a truly challenging experience which forces players to realistically dive for cover at times. Learning how to play in the early missions is the most challenging part of Tactics, but it is generally considered worth it by players who fought through to the later levels.

2 Fallout

Game FAQ Difficulty Score: 3.41/5


October 10, 1997

Fallout: A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game, was released in 1997 when the RPG genre was still fairly fresh. As the first Fallout game, the format was a top-down RPG about a Vault Dweller leaving the safety of their home to find a computer chip that could save their vault. In their journey, they must face off against the Master who wishes to turn everyone in the world into a super mutant.

The mechanics of this first game weren’t set in stone and there were several firsts as they tried to get Fallout right. This led to the original Fallout not being the best or easiest to play game in the franchise, as there was much refining to do in later entries when more of the mechanics players love about the Fallout franchise would be introduced. The combat was turn-based at this stage, which would be majorly shifted later as the franchise continued to develop.

1 Fallout 2

Game FAQ Difficulty Score: 3.43/5

Fallout 2

October 29, 1998
Black Isle Studios

The most difficult overall game, although one that helped set the wacky tone for later games in the series with its deconstruction of America, Fallout 2 was the same as the first game in the franchise in many ways. There was an incredible amount of choice available to Fallout 2, but the turn-based RPG was a pretty difficult game.

Players were able to help themselves in Fallout 2 by upgrading the right perks and sticking to certain styles of combat, as is common with most RPGs whether they are turn-based or use real-time combat. But it was still overall a difficult game that made surviving in a post-apocalyptic wasteland feel like a real challenge.

7 Unsolved Mysteries In The Fallout Franchise

There are plenty of mysteries in the Fallout universe that are open to many different interpretations.