Thanks to Halo Wars, fans of 343 Industries' acclaimed Halo franchise can see how wars and skirmishes happen from a top-down perspective. This time, there's no Master Chief going guns blazing deep inside enemy territory. Instead, players control the UNSC, or the Banished in Halo Wars 2, as they duke it out in tactical skirmishes across different battlefields.

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Moreover, as an RTS, this Xbox war game allows players to use various units and combatants to eliminate enemies in various ways. Some units specialize in offensive tactics. However, others also primarily serve defensive roles or support functions. As such, gamers have a lot of options to approach combat - be it against their own faction, or the enemy's. Moreover, thanks to Commanders, players have access to new units unique to their leaders of choice. For Halo Wars 2 players, just which units are the best of the best?

10 Grunts

Banished players have Grunts to take whenever they swoop in for the rush victory. After all, these core Infantry Unit are easily accessible, use up small population counts, and come very cheap. As such, they easily serve as scouts or even first layers of an attacking force.

Moreover, Grunts come with handy upgrades that take advantage of their strength in numbers and unconventional combat tactics. Shrapnel Mines allow Grunts to deploy mines that can slow an enemy's advance. This upgrade can be advanced into Pack Brother, which adds another Grunt and Brute to the squad and setting up the opponent against numbers.

9 Suicide Grunts

Talk about dedication. Players who want a more devastating alternative to Grunts might opt for a Suicide Grunt instead. They cost a bit more than their ordinary counterparts, but they do have a catch: Suicide Grunts explode in death. This factor makes Suicide Grunts extremely efficient ambushers or for players who have some Resources to spare and want to employ a strategy that deals massive damage to enemy troops.

Unfortunately, Suicide Grunts don't work well against air units and vehicles. However, they do come with decent upgrades. For instance, New Recruits increase their overall size and capacity to do damage.

8 Snipers

Given Leader Abilities, it's very likely for a couple of players to rely on stealth to scout enemy terrain and get information on the enemy's tactics. Moreover, the availability of cloaking tech in Halo Wars 2 means it's likely for players to ambush one another. Snipers serve great roles in detecting this movement, as they're built as efficient Anti-Infantry units.

Not only is the Sniper a long-ranged combatant, but they also detect cloaked units. Moreover, their Active Camo upgrade can conceal them from enemy units who can't detect them. This ability, plus the Stanchion Sniper System, makes them extremely devastating units - especially when well-guarded.

7 Cyclops

Fans of Halo's wonderful lore will recognize the Cyclops as the predecessor of the Spartans' MJOLNIR Assault Armor. As such, unlike Master Chief's armor, the Cyclops is a hulking exoskeleton. In Halo Wars 2, the Cyclops serves as an Anti-Vehicle unit, perfect for pulverising incoming tanks from enemies.

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Moreover, UNSC users seem to love the Cyclops for its mobility and heavy armor, making it quite a durable heavy-duty unit in the midgame. While it can't attack air units, its Shock Round upgrades do slow down vehicles when hit. Players should pair Marines and Cyclops together to devastate enemy bases, especially if the enemies rely on vehicles and air units.

6 Marines

The UNSC's Marines are perhaps one of the most flexible and versatile units out there. They're available on the outset, are vastly cheaper compared to more specialist units, and are generally well-rounded. On the plus side, they're also the most recognizable - being frequently seen in Halo games aside from the Master Chief. Moreover, Marines can capture points quickly, which becomes a huge plus for rush builds.

Additionally, Marines can receive a couple of upgrades as players progress through their Tech levels. Grenade Throw allows Marines to launch a small area attack, effective against skirmishes. Moreover, Combat Tech advances this further. This upgrade enables them to wield rocket launchers and now repair air units, vehicles, and even buildings.

5 Jackrabbit

The Jackrabbit is perhaps another recognizable vehicle from Halo Wars 2, and it's also one of the sleekest. As a motorcycle with two front wheels, it's easily one of the coolest-looking vehicles in an RTS. Moreover, these scouts are efficient de-capture units, capable of stealing control points with ease.

When upgraded, the Mini-Frag Launcher makes Jackrabbit into a speedster mini-tank, capable of mowing down Infantry. Moreover, a Support Drone upgrade also heals the Jackrabbit and detects cloaked units, making the Jackrabbit a very deadly scouting weapon in the midgame.

4 Spartans

What's a Halo Wars 2 match without these super soldiers? Similar to the Master Chief, Spartans serve as heavily-armored commandos that can either lead a squad to victory or take down opponents on their own. As a Hero unit, they're generally strong against all types of units and have special abilities.

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By default, Spartans have a Spartan Slam attack that attacks enemies or takes control of targeted vehicles. Meanwhile, they also have a passive Shield that soaks up damage and regenerates over time, like in the games. Lastly, three different Spartan units exist in the game, all of which with different abilities depending on the commander of choice.

3 Ghost

Despite the efficiency of the Jackrabbit as scouts, it's perhaps the Ghost that takes the cake in terms of mobility. Thanks to their affordable nature and ramming capabilities, they make great repellents for incoming assaults. Moreover, their ability to gather Resources can make Ghosts great frontline scouts when players try to gather Resources in far-off areas.

While the Ghost doesn't work well against structures and aircraft, they do decent damage against Infantry units, especially when upgraded with Vehicle Shielding. This upgrade grants them a decent Shield and can help them detect cloaked units, enabling them to serve as scouts in whichever part of the game.

2 Warthog

It's not a Halo game without a Warthog. This recognizable vehicle remains as trusty as ever, even in an RTS. As a fast-moving vehicle, the Warthog is a great scouting alternative for the Jackrabbit. Moreover, Warthogs can ram into enemies, slowing them down and stopping their advance. Their Gauss Cannon also provides better range and damage, enhancing their fighting capabilities.

Fans who want a good throwback to the good ol' Halo days should rely on Warthogs to give their Infantry decent vehicular support. Moreover, their speed makes them efficient for hit-and-run strategies and rush wins.

1 Scarab

If there's any iconic Halo Wars 2 vehicle, that's definitely the Scarab. Tearing through units way back from Halo Wars, the heavily-armored Scarab makes a triumphant follow-up in this sequel. And like in the first game, the Scarab remains a terrifying opponent, especially when the Banished player finally gets it moving for the assault.

The Scarab is initially equipped with a powerful frontal excavation cannon, as well as Thrasher missiles on its sides to protect it from aerial units. Despite its slow speed, it's a terrifying foe to face, usually taking a lot of hits before falling down. Banished players will likely want to use a Scarab to intimidate opponents into submission, or perhaps just tear through their base like paper.

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