The Halo series has been enthralling science-fiction and FPS fans for years. Players have been drawn in by the galaxy-spanning adventures of Master Chief and his war against the Covenant. They have followed his fight from the first Halo game in 2001 to the innovative Halo Infinite. The franchise has become the center point of Xbox, and it even got a live-action show on Paramount Plus. It is safe to say that the Halo franchise has become a staple of the video game industry and is showing no signs of stopping.

Almost every title in the Halo series has followed the adventures of John 117, also known as Master Chief. He has become the nemesis of the Covenant and the savior of humanity, and it has been a pretty fun ride. However, he has been the center of the franchise since 2001, and maybe it is time for another person to take the helm. Telling stories following a brand-new character allows for even more storytelling potential, and it could help reinvigorate a franchise that has not been able to achieve the heights of the original trilogy. Master Chief does not have to be gone forever, but the series should not be afraid to tell more stories where he is not the protagonist. It did it in 2010, there is no reason that 343 Industries cannot do it again.

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Master Chief Has Had His Time in the Spotlight

master chief red electricity

John 117 has been the protagonist of the Halo series ever since it first started back in 2001. He has been the center of the franchise for six of the titles, and has been referenced in a couple of the spin-offs. He also served as the protagonist of the Halo show on Paramount Plus, and fans got to see a lot more of him than they have come to expect. Master Chief defines Halo, but maybe it is time for the series to give him a bit of a break.

The Halo story has been infatuating fans for a while now. Players can remember the feeling of first landing on the Halo ring in Halo: Combat Evolved, the high-stakes story of Halo 2, and the climatic finale of Halo 3. Since the end of the original Halo trilogy however, the main series hasn't quite managed to recapture that essence. Halo 4 struggled to pave new ground after the end of Halo 3, Halo 5: Guardians was often called a step backwards for the franchise, and Halo Infinite felt more like a return to form but was still lacking compared to the original trilogy.

Since the end of Halo 3, 343 Industries still seems to be figuring out the trajectory of Master Chief's story. Halo 3 felt like a strong finale for the character, but the series had him return once more for a new Halo saga that has not reached the same heights. Perhaps the series would be better off if 343 Industries let Chief take a backseat for a little while. This would allow new stories with new characters to flourish without the limitations of Master Chief's ongoing story.

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The Halo Series Has Told Great Non-Chief Stories

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The Halo franchise is no stranger to stories without Master Chief at the center. None of the spin-off games have put John 117 as the main character, but probably the most memorable non-Chief game came in the form of Halo Reach. It was the last Halo game made by Bungie, and it told the heart-wrenching story of Noble Six. The game took place before Halo: Combat Evolved and depicted the events of the destruction of Reach. It earned praise from critics and is considered by many fans to be the best story in the Halo franchise.

Halo Reach proved that Halo stories that don't follow Master Chief work, and there is room in the franchise for other characters. Bungie also showed that Halo stories do not even have to follow Spartans when it released Halo 3: ODST in 2009. That title put players in control of an Orbital Drop Shock Trooper during the events of Halo 2, and it was also received pretty well. It showed the world of Halo from a brand-new perspective and doubled down on the fact that Halo's world is bigger than the Spartans.

It is Time for More Non-Chief Stories

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The Halo franchise seems to be in a bit of a tough spot right now, with a fanbase angry over the state of Halo Infinite multiplayer and stories that have not been able to capture the feeling of the original trilogy. Introducing a brand-new protagonist into the franchise may be the best way to break free from this. Building out an entirely new character has all sorts of new story potential, and it usually brings with it an entire new cast of side characters. It could feel like a fresh start for the series, which seems to be what Halo needs.

Halo would not be the first Xbox franchise to introduce new protagonists to the series. Gears of War has been doing it ever since the end of Gears of War 3. The series once followed Marcus Fenix, but Gears of War 4 put the focus on his son JD Fenix, while Gears 5 starred Kait Diaz. Both characters were received pretty well, and the series has maintained its popularity. These new characters helped to reinvent the franchise and breathe new life into it, and that is something that Halo could benefit greatly from.

Halo has been telling the same type of stories with Master Chief since 2001, so it is time for a new protagonist to take the spotlight. The series has shown that it can do it; 343 Industries just needs to give someone else a chance. Master Chief has had his time, and his story should be put on the back burner so that 343 can further expand the world with brand-new characters. It may just kickstart a positive direction for Halo.

Halo Infinite is available now on PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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