Halo boasts an incredibly long and remarkable history, one that continues to be popular today. While many accredit the game's success to revolutionary mechanics and narrative, much of it is attributed to the Spartans.

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Superhuman soldiers fostered for the Covenant-Human War, Spartans are the UNSC's finest defenders of humanity. Throughout the Halo series, players have the opportunity to step into the shoes of these venerable super soldiers. Chiefly, as the legendary Spartans and heroes of humanity, Master Chief and Noble Six. Both UNSC super soldiers are regarded as the finest warriors ever to serve. However, it is unknown which Spartan is the greatest ever to come. So, who is the better Spartan?

Updated January 20, 2022, by Christopher Anaya: With the release of Halo Infinite, the accomplishments of Master Chief continue to grow, bolstering his status as one of the finest Spartans in existence and as humanity's most stalwart protector. Even so, the debate of "who is the better Spartan?" remains a controversial matter. Master Chief and Noble Six are alike in many ways, making an argument for either Spartan plausible. So yet again, these UNSC legends will undergo a thorough evaluation to determine who the better Spartan is. Everything from combat prowess to renown will be accounted for, providing a substantial basis for an informed decision.

Master Chief's Background

Halo 4 Master Chief

"This child could be more useful to the UNSC than a fleet of destroyers, a thousand Lieutenants — or even me. In the end, one child could be the difference between peace and an unwinnable war."

— Dr. Catherine Halsey referring to John-117

Master Chief Petty Officer John-117, or simply Master Chief, is a Spartan-II super-soldier. He served as one of the main figures in the war against the Covenant and other battles for humanity, and has single-handedly saved the human race on numerous occasions. His innumerable accomplishments in defending humanity earned him a place among the UNSC's most decorated war heroes.

Master Chief himself is resilient, righteous, and fiercely loyal. Such admirable qualities garner him much respect among humanity and alien species alike. However, these characteristics have gotten Master Chief into trouble on countless occasions. Time and again, he has disobeyed orders in the name of the greater good. Such defiance, while justifiable, causes the UNSC frustration — so much so that they sent Fireteam Osiris after Master Chief when he went AWOL.

Noble Six's Background

Noble Six Concept Art

"Because of you, we found Halo, unlocked its secrets, shattered our enemy's resolve. Our victory — your victory — was so close ... I wish you could have lived to see it. But you belong to Reach. Your body, your armor — all burned and turned to glass. Everything ... except your courage. That, you gave to us. And with it, we can rebuild."

— Dr. Catherine Halsey referring to Noble Six

Lieutenant SPARTAN-B312, or simply Noble Six, was a Spartan-III super-soldier. He served on the NOBLE Team during the Fall of Reach, seeing his mission through to the bitter end. Noble Six is the only Spartan besides Master Chief to be warranted a hyper-lethal rating, a label granted to those of immense lethality.

While his exploits are unknown to most, Noble Six provided humanity the advantage needed to combat the Covenant, allowing the UNSC and Master Chief to finish the fight. Noble Six himself is selfless, unwavering, and compassionate. Everything Noble Six did was in the best interest of his companions and humanity. This lasted to the end with his sacrifice on Reach, when he held back swarms of Covenant to his dying breath, allowing the Pillar of Autumn to leave safely.

8 Reputation: Master Chief

Master Chief Among Other Spartans

Master Chief by far wins in the reputation category; Noble Six does not even come close. The simple reality is that Master Chief has served for decades and engaged in countless operations against threats to humanity, becoming one of the UNSC's most decorated and well-known heroes. In addition, Noble Six and his involvement in the Fall of Reach went undisclosed to the public, leaving him to be glorified by high-ranking members of the UNSC alone.

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Master Chief is widely known throughout the UNSC as an icon of admiration and a role model, simply referred to as "Chief". In addition to his in-game fame, Master Chief is one of the most recognizable video-game figures in history; his best quotes, actions, and exploits are well-known, even outside the gaming community.

7 Rank: Noble 6

Noble Six Art

While Master Chief holds the highest enlisted rank, Noble Six is a Lieutenant. While such a title seems inferior, it ranks higher than Master Chief's Petty Officer. Even so, Master Chief has the authority to lead teams of Lieutenants and Captains, despite them outranking him.

So, although Noble Six technically wins this category, Master Chief is the victor in terms of actual authority. Regardless, both Spartans are respectable leaders that are more than worthy of their ranking.

6 Spartan Generation: Master Chief

Spartan-II Super-soldiers (1) (1)

Master Chief and Noble Six come from different Spartan generations. Master Chief is a Spartan-II super-soldier, while Noble Six is a Spartan-III super-soldier. The principal difference between these generations is their design philosophy. These opposing views led to varying strengths and weaknesses between each generation. However, Spartan-II super-soldiers prove to be better overall. While they lack the unprecedented collaboration of Spartan-III super-soldiers, they excel in every other regard. A close-knit squadron of Spartan-II super-soldiers can significantly outperform their successors.

Spartan-II Super-soldiers

Spartan-II super-soldiers are costly yet indisputably effective. Candidates for this generation must meet a draconian set of requirements, ensuring that they were near-perfect specimens. Those chosen undergo extensive mechanical and biological augmentation. Such alterations make a single Spartan-II super-soldier a force capable of combating armies alone.

Spartan-III Super-soldiers

Spartan-III super-soldiers are cost-effective, but considerably less effective than their predecessors. The selection process for this generation was much less restrictive, allowing for much more acceptable candidates. Those chosen undergo biological augmentation, enhancing their overall capabilities as soldiers. While Spartan-II super-soldiers lacked the individual boons of their predecessors, they received better teamwork and tactician training. As such, they worked more effectively in numbers, being more akin to a family than a fireteam.

5 Persistence: Noble Six

Noble Six

The Halo series has put its protagonists through some excruciatingly difficult missions. As such, both Master Chief and Noble Six can be considered to be persistent. Noble Six, however, slightly edges out Master Chief regarding this one.

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In the dying hours of Halo: Reach, Noble Six fends against hordes of Covenant forces while gravely injured. He never gave up, even when defeat and death were guaranteed.

4 Equipment: Master Chief

Master Chief Equipment

In terms of weapons, both Master Chief and Noble Six carried fleshed-out and extremely effective arsenals. Master Chief does however get a chance to use more weapons than Noble 6 and has used virtually every lethal weapon available in the fight for humanity.

Finally, what gives Master Chief a major advantage over Noble Six is that in later installments he is donning the MJOLNIR Powered Assault Armor Mark VI. Noble Six only had the chance to wear Mark V. The Mark VI provides the wearer with more mobility and defense, granting them a significant advantage.

3 Sacrifice: Noble Six

Halo Reach Ending

Despite being well-trained, well-equipped, and created as a super soldier, none of this could save Noble 6 from his final moments. His death however tragic was extremely heroic, and not in vain. Noble 6 died defending Cortana and Master Chief, so they could in turn save all of human life.

This sheer ability to sacrifice oneself, with a pure dedication to the mission and protecting life, is the true essence of what it means to be a Spartan super-soldier. In this regard, Noble 6 is the essence of a true Spartan.

2 Impact: Master Chief

Master Chief Posing hero

In terms of impact, Master Chief is the undisputed winner. His actions have not only saved but shaped the Halo universe. The entire mainstream series follows him and his actions, every pivotal point in the game, every major battle, every world-changing event, Master chief is there playing a major role.

Outside the in-game universe, Master Chief has become a symbol for the industry in general and a mascot for the Xbox. He is the face of one of its most successful game franchises of all time, and even those who have never picked up a controller will recognize him.

1 Verdict: Master Chief

Master Chief dual wielding

Both Master Chief and Noble Six are respectable and capable Spartans. However, when considering every factor, one soldier stands well above the other. Master Chief is the superior Spartan overall. His exploits, attitude, and skill are known and respected by many. While Noble Six is like Master Chief in many regards, he lacks the legendary status and experience. He had the potential to become something much more, yet he met an untimely end.

Should Noble Six have had the opportunity to continue his service, he very well could have surpassed Master Chief. Regardless, he remains one of the greatest Spartans of all time.

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