
  • Halo Infinite offers a variety of weapons, but some are clearly superior to others in terms of damage and fire rate, making them essential for victory.
  • The M41 Spnkr, S7 Sniper, Energy Sword, and BR75 Battle Rifle are considered the top-tier weapons in the game, offering high levels of destruction and accuracy.
  • On the other hand, weapons like the Disruptor, Plasma Carbine, Ravager, and Plasma Pistol fall into the lower tiers due to their low damage, slow projectiles, and limited effectiveness in gameplay.

The Halo franchise has endured the test of time since its 2001 launch, but 343 Industries' flagship seems to be waning with age with the performance of the most recent mainline edition, Halo Infinite. Participating in multiplayer shooting competitions never gets old, and the quality of weapons players choose to face opponents in hotly contested arenas is directly proportional to performance. While skill remains a determining factor, some arms make the gaming experience in Halo Infinite much more enjoyable, with a few weapons exponentially superior to others in terms of damage and fire rate. As a result, many players commit to the brutal grind to obtain the best weapons in the title to climb to the top of the multiplayer leaderboards.

Halo Infinite's fast-paced arena-styled gameplay may have failed to materialize the title into the killer app Xbox thought it would be, but it is still considered by some to be a candidate for one of the best Halo games. Masterful weapon control is essential to victory, and noting that not all weapons are created equal in Halo Infinite, some are must-haves, and others almost immediate passes as players gain prestige and try to climb the seasonal ranks to win prizes. Halo Infinite has over 20 weapons for gamers to pick from, including long-standing franchise classics.

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S Tier

Energy Sword
  • M41 Spnkr
  • S7 Sniper
  • Energy Sword
  • BR75 Battle Rifle

While Halo Infinite may have a lot of weapons at its disposal, these are the cream of the crop for players to use in-game. The M41 Spnkr has been a legend since it first came to the franchise in 2001, and although the rocket launcher is limited to just two shots before needing a reload, its destructive potential is too much to ignore, as it can one-shot almost anyone and rack up several multi-kills in a single match. The S7 Sniper, another long-range killing machine, can eliminate Spartan enemies with a single headshot or two body shots thanks to its 1000 damage. The Energy Sword made its debut in Halo 2 and has become one of the franchise's best weapons ever since.

The Sword extends users' lunge distance range and eliminates enemies with a single touch, and becomes even more powerful when combined with the Grappleshot. However, players need to be wary of the energy percentage in a match. Next up is the BR75, a highly effective weapon in mid-range combat and also adept at long-range. Equipped with a true scope that enhances its accuracy, the BR75 deals high levels of damage and is one of the most iconic FPS weapons.

A Tier

  • Gravity Hammer
  • Cindershot
  • Mangler
  • CQS48 Bulldog
  • Skewer

While not as effective and having more limitations than Halo's absolute best, players can give their opponents a good run for their money with these weapons. The Gravity Hammer is perfect for close-quarter combat, clearing out teams that huddle together in a small area. However, the Hammer has a painfully slow swing and often leaves players open to counterattacks if their aim is off. Grenade launchers are ultimate wreckers of havoc in the best FPS games, and the Cindershot gives players the ability to personally direct its explosive ammunition in mid-air to yield maximum damage.

The Mangler pistol got hit with a nerf for Halo Infinite Season 2, but it is a powerful force when combined with melee attacks and is a fan-favorite for getting up close and personal. The Bulldog also got a nerf, now needing an extra bullet or two to finish off opponents, but CQS48 is still one of the game's elite weapons. The Skewer, on the other hand, replaced the Spartan Laser and is a lights-out hitter with its spikes from long-range. Unfortunately, it only has one piece of ammo in its chamber, and the painfully slow reload times can leave players vulnerable.

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B Tier

  • Heatwave
  • MA40 Assault Rifle
  • Shock Rifle
  • MLRS-2 Hydra
  • Sentinel Beam
  • MK50 Sidekick

Heatwave, a shotgun with roots in the Halo Forerunner saga, fires in both vertical and horizontal modes, but its limited ammo cache and steep learning curve limit its true potential. The MA40 Assault Rifle is surprisingly powerful in Halo Infinite, as the Longshot variant deals far more damage than players are used to, although players prefer the BR75 for its precision. The Shock Rifle is sneakily effective with headshots and will cause extra delayed damage to teams. However, the lack of zoom level variety and quick ammo usage makes it a far second to the S7.

The Hydra - returning to the Halo franchise from Halo 5 - can kill enemies with three hits in its normal mode, but its splash damage is considerably weaker than others in its class. Sentinel Beam received a buff from 343 Industries, sporting a beam with near-limitless range, but issues with its strong recoil and ammo consumption rate make it a challenging weapon to use. The MK50 Sidekick adds the pistol sharpshooting element to Halo Infinite, packing a punch with headshots. However, the Sidekick is best used as a sidearm, as there's not much it can do in extended exchanges of fire.

C Tier

halo infinite needler model
  • VK-78 Commando
  • Needler
  • Stalker Rifle
  • Bandit Rifle

The VK78 Commando replaced the Halo classic SMG, providing players with better accuracy and range but trading off fire rate and general control. The Stalker and Bandit Rifles are similarly lacking in rate of fire, with the Stalker particularly needing careful shooting to avoid overheating. 343 Industries retained some classics like the Needler in Halo Infinite, and although the weapon has a reputation for being one of the weakest in the game, the Covenant mainstay slightly improved its performance.

D Tier

halo infinite ravager feature
  • Disruptor
  • Plasma Carbine
  • Ravager
  • Plasma Pistol

While the Disruptor is essentially the pistol version of the Shock Rifle - and has a faster fire rate, the forearm trades this upgrade for less damage. With a pitifully small ammo cache, not many players pick up the weapon during battles. The same goes for the Plasma Carbine and Pistol, as the latter has terrible aim and power, and while the Carbine fares significantly better at tracking, its projectiles are almost sinfully slow and easy to dodge. Finally, the Ravager - another plasma launcher - got hit with a nerf that rendered its fire rate obsolete, and there isn't much use for it in Halo Infinite's gameplay.

Halo Infinite is available now for PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.

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