With Halo Infinite’s Season 3: Echoes Within update, 343 Industries released three new maps for multiplayer modes. Oasis is a large BTB-appropriate map, while Chasm is a more traditional close-quarters, arena-type map. Cliffhanger is somewhere between the two. It's suitable for Arena matches, but open and feels significantly larger than Chasm.

It’s a great map that works well for arena matches and looks fantastic, and could well become a favorite for Halo Infinite fans. However, it can be hard for players to familiarize themselves fully with any new map. A few tips can fast-track players to not only surviving but thriving on new or unfamiliar Halo maps. Here are a few for Cliffhanger.

6 Take The High Ground (But Watch Your Back)

In-Game, first person shot of the Cliffhanger map in Halo Infinite

For team game modes (which most Halo Infinite modes are) the central roof platform of Cliffhanger base (Hex Roof) provides a strong vantage point for one team. Players will be able to scout almost every inch of the map that’s out in the open and shoot anything that dares to move.

As long as players watch their backs, or have them covered by teammates, it’s not so easy to be taken out from this vantage point. However, Spartans should beware of the gap in the middle leading to the floor below, or hidden entrances to the roof at the back, on either side of the generator. From these locations, enemies can emerge suddenly, without being spotted.

5 Make Use Of The Gravity Hammer/Energy Sword

In-game, player wielding the Gravity Hammer on Halo Infinite's Cliffhanger map

Alternatively, go rogue and stick to the low ground after picking up the Energy Sword or Gravity Hammer. This power weapon can be found on the Cliffside Trail, which runs behind the conveyor lift.

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Cliffhanger is chock-full of little pathways and hidden routes, with plenty of cover available. Whether gunning it through the paths or stalking the base (Hex Basement), Cliffhanger provides ample opportunity to get a lot out of a close-quarters power weapon, such as the Energy Sword or Gravity Hammer. Players will also be able to get the drop on teams taking the high ground by emerging from below, or from behind the generator.

4 Know What’s At The Other End Before Taking The Lift

Conveyor lift on Halo Infinite's Cliffhanger map

On one side of the map, there is a conveyor lift that will transport Spartans to the other side. It can be tempting to run onto it blind in order to find the enemy players and get a bird’s eye glimpse of the map. However, there’s a good chance that players will find more of them than they bargained for on the other side.

Not to mention, an enemy on the Sanctuary side is likely to be armed with a Sniper Rifle, with which a particularly skilled player could yell ‘PULL’ and make a clay pigeon out of the invader. It may be better to spot where allies are, and whether they will be able to offer support upon landing.

3 Be Wary Crossing The Bridges

The bridges on Halo Infinite's Cliffhanger map

Two foot bridges connect the Sanctuary side of the map (where the Sniper Rifle is) and the rest of the map. These, barring the conveyor lift, are the only ways to get across the gap between the two parts of the map.

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Players on either side should check they’re all clear before making it across them. Otherwise, these bridges are very precarious in a tight spot. Enemies on either side will be able to shoot down onto the bridge that offers no protection and certain death with one misstep. Attempting to strafe side to side is not a good idea here. To avoid being the proverbial fish in a barrel (who in this case is also on a tightrope), be sure no one is pointing a gun down over the bridges or that teammates can cover the crossing. Then run.

2 The Grappleshot

Player using the Grappleshot on Halo Infinite's Cliffhanger map

Players might notice that the Grappleshot utility takes a place of pride on this map. Located on a raised section of the Hex Roof, the Grappleshot is obviously of some significance to players on Cliffhanger. It doesn’t take long to realize why. Cliffhanger has many high and low points. Tall rock formations are dotted all around one half of the map. On the other side, Grappleshotting to or from the Sanctuary in an instant means not having to risk the bridges.

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Getting around with a Grappleshot on Cliffhanger is so effective and advantageous it will have players feeling more like Spider-Man than perhaps any other map. Players with the Grappleshot can get from one side of the map to the other in not much more than two swings. They can catch or escape an enemy within a moment. However, remember that only three uses are available. Otherwise, players leaping the chasm might find themselves writing checks their utility-less body can’t cash.

1 Sanctuary Is Held Best With Multiple Teammates

Halo Infinte Multiplayer Spartans

The Sanctuary side of the map is a stronghold. It holds the Sniper Rifle spawn point and is only accessible via the two open bridges or the conveyor lift (unless a player uses the Grappleshot). This means it can be held very effectively, providing hard-to-breach cover for its occupants.

However, singular Spartans alone in the Sanctuary can easily be pinned down by multiple members of another team. The Sniper Rifle may be of less use to those not being covered by friendlies. Because of its lower positioning than the rest of the map and difficult access, Sanctuary also inspires a lot of grenade spamming. Be careful not to lose footing during a Blitzkrieg of grenades. There’s an open section at the back of the ground level that will take players out of the frying pan and into a bottomless chute where they’ll meet an untimely demise. Perhaps only slightly untimely, but still undesirable.

MORE: Halo Infinite: Every Multiplayer Map, Ranked