While Halo Infinite's multiplayer did not get the launch it was hoping for, the title has since bolstered its online experience via extensive post-launch updates. Like many competitive first-person shooters, the game boasts its own ranked mode that allows players to see just how good they truly are in competitive matches that honor the franchise's legacy.

Halo Infinite's ranked mode possesses many different tiers that players can progress through, each with their own rewards. With a player's rank resetting at the start of every new season, there are often opportunities for fans to engage with Infinite's ranked mode, and these players will need to know what the different rank tiers of Halo Infinite are in order to understand what they are up against at each tier, as well as the rewards associated with them.

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Halo Infinite Ranked: Bronze and Silver

halo infinite bronze

The lowest two rank tiers in Halo Infinite are bronze and silver. Players will not know their rank for a specific playlist until they complete at least ten games, but will be hoping to avoid the bronze- and silver-ranked tiers after extended play.

Both bronze and silver ranks contain six sub-ranks, with one being the lowest and six the highest. While both bronze and silver are the lowest ranks available, players may find themselves in these tiers when engaging in playlists that they are not familiar with. If anything, bronze and silver placement can be a real inspiring boost to climb even higher up the ranks of Halo Infinite.

Halo Infinite Ranked: Gold and Platinum

halo infinite gold

The next two placements in Halo Infinite's ranked mode are the gold and platinum tiers. Like bronze and silver, gold and platinum also contain six sub-ranks, which may prove more difficult to advance through. Of course, gold and platinum hold more prestige than bronze and silver, being considered quite respectable ranks for players to attain.

Reaching any given tier as a placement unlocks the corresponding color emblem for that tier. For example, placing in the platinum tier will unlock a platinum emblem that a player can equip and even place on their weapon, as well as unlock the corresponding emblems for all previous ranks. With gold and platinum being rather difficult tiers to place in, players should don their emblems with pride.

Halo Infinite Ranked: Diamond and Onyx

halo infinite onyx

The last and most difficult ranked tiers to attain in Halo Infinite are diamond and onyx. Diamond acts much in the same way as its predecessors, containing six sub-ranks and following the traditional medal color scheme. Onyx, however, is the ultimate rank in Halo Infinite's competitive modes, only being attained by the most elite players.

Onyx does not possess any sub-ranks, simply being one blanket placement for the best of the best. To achieve Onyx, players must possess a Competitive Skill Rank (or CSR) of at least 1500. This CSR will be visible to a player only when they reach Onyx, with the CSR then acting as the ultimate quantifier of a player's skill.

To further denote the rarity and achievement of an onyx placement, the tier is befitted with its own unique rewards. As well as receiving a unique onyx emblem, players who place in onyx will receive the "Recon Charm" for their weapons. Longtime Halo fans will remember the initial rarity and swagger behind Recon Armor, and the Recon Charm is an apt nod to players' achievements within Halo Infinite. While Halo Infinite's ranked tiers may seem confusing and intimidating at first, they serve as satisfying markers of a player's progress once understood.

Halo Infinite is available now on PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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