Halo Infinite is set to have its long-awaited gameplay reveal in just a few weeks, but until then, Microsoft and 343 Industries have offered fans a huge clue for what they can expect to see.

Although only a few months remain until the game is supposed to launch, fans still know next to nothing about HaloInfinite, especially in regards to who they’re supposed to shoot this time around. However, a new teaser video released on the official Halo Twitter page suggests that, whoever they fight, the Banished will be among them.

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For the uninitiated, the Banished is the organization of rogue Covenant mercenaries that served as both the main antagonist and one of the playable factions for the series’ 2017 RTS spinoff, Halo Wars 2. That game ended with the conflict between the UNSC and the Banished unresolved, which has left fans speculating whether it will carry over into Halo Infinite’s story.

It certainly sounds like it will, according to the teaser video. In it, a communication device picks up a signal and deciphers it, revealing an ominous message: “The hour approaches. Forces occupy the ring. Within hours, it will be under our control. Humanity will burn. The brazen defiance will be all but a memory. No more prophets. No more lies. We stand together, brothers to the end. We are his will. We are his legacy. We are the Banished.”

Click here to see the teaser.

Master Chief

This is not the first time the Banished’s inclusion in the game has been teased. Back in April, photos emerged of a couple of unannounced Halo Infinite toys from Mega Construx, one of which happened to be a Brute Warrior wearing what looked like Banished armor. Considering Brutes have largely been absent from the mainline series during 343’s tenure, it’s looking like Infinite could serve as their big comeback.

Naturally, the teaser provides more questions than answers. For starters, are the lines “We are his will” and “We are his legacy” referring to Atriox, the leader of the Banished, or someone else entirely? It’s not immediately clear, but hopefully Halo Infinite's showcase at the Xbox 20/20 event next month will address that.

Halo Infinite will be released this holiday season for PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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