When the first Halo Infinite testflight ended, immediately, the question was, "When is the next one?" Now, days away from the second Halo Infinite testflight, 343 Industries has started sending out invites to eligble players.

After the first testflight which occurred this past July, it was an anxious waiting game for if fans would be able to get to try out the game oncemore. Throughout Halo Infinite's development, the team at 343 Industries has been very candid with how the game is progressing through its monthly "Inside Infinite" update series. Previously, 343 Industries announced the next Halo Infinite testflight to be targeting the weekend of September 24, as well as informed players on how to register for eligibility if they had not already done so. It looks like not only will fans be able to play Halo Infinite very soon, they will be able to play longer as well.

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As of this morning, invites for the next Halo Infinite testflight are officially being sent out, according to the offical Halo twitter account. To have received an invite, players must have been simply been registered as Halo Insiders on Halo Waypoint by September 13. Players will be contacted via email with how to acess the flight, involving signing in on Halo Waypoint and looking for a proper notification there. Unlike the invitation process of the last Halo Infinite testflight, all Halo Insiders will be receiving invites to this flight, there being no arbitrary, luck-of-the-draw system for selecting players.

Along with this announcement, the tweet links to yesterday's "Inside Infinite" update, which provides a litany of details on how the upcoming testflight will work. For starters, it is not just a single weekend but two, running both the weekend of September 24 and September 30. Furthermore, each weekend will be testing different Halo Infinite multiplayer modes, with the first weekend running Social Arena Slayer, 4v4 multiplayer, and the second weekend running Big Team Battle, Infinite's new 12v12 multiplayer mode. There is also promising news for players who may still have not registered to be Halo Insiders: "We will also be expanding our audience ahead of the second weekend, so you and your friends (who may have forgotten to register as Halo Insiders in time) can join us for some Big Team Battle and push the servers even further."

Although the September 13 registration date seemed like a hard cut-off, it is great to see 343 Industries trying to give as many people possible an opportunity to play Halo Infinite. As 343's last statement suggests, it will be interesting to see how Infinite's servers handle the expected multitude of players, considering that the last testflight was mostly against bots. Halo Infinite is just a couple months away, so this testflight will be really telling on where the game is at in the run up to launch.

Halo Infinite releases December 8, 2021 for PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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