While Halo 5: Guardians may have been praised for its gameplay, design, and fun multiplayer mode, the game's story suffered from uneven characterizations, a bloated narrative, and a weak ending. The pressure was on 343 Industries to deliver with the next installment, Halo Infinite, as fans of the long-running series wanted to see it recapture the magic of the earlier games. While by no means a perfect game, Halo Infinite has been hailed as a return to form for the franchise and has received praise from both fans and critics for its doubling down on the key features that make Halo games great, as well as introducing new elements.

In the past, the introduction of new main characters has been met with a mixed response from fans (particularly new Spartans like Locke and his team). But with Halo Infinite's much more stripped-back approach to storytelling compared to its predecessor, the focus on new characters like the Pilot and the Cortana-like AI the Weapon really help to add something to the narrative, as well as to Master Chief's characterization. With a much simpler story and premise, Halo Infinite focuses on the relationships between characters and brings a very welcome helping of humanity and humor to the game.

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A Fresh Perspective


As a prominent part of the E3 2019 cinematic trailer, the mysterious Pilot's purpose in Halo Infinite was the source of much speculation prior to the game's release. With Master Chief's relationship with his partner AI Cortana severed after the events of Halo 5, players wondered whether the Pilot would provide some of that emotional heft that she brought to the previous games. Described by the developers as a normal, average guy, the Pilot provides a much-needed human element to Halo Infinite during the single-player campaign. He's the perfect foil for Master Chief and wears his heart very much on his sleeve compared to the Spartan's stoic approach.

During Halo Infinite's story campaign, the Pilot often serves as a much more relatable character for players, reacting to the increasingly dangerous situations in an expected and realistic way. This is often at odds with Master Chief's cool, calm, and collected demeanor, even in the face of insurmountable odds. The contrast between the Spartan's relentless determination and the Pilot's frequent (and completely understandable) freakouts provides some of the best humor in the game, with the relationship bringing a new perspective to the events players experience throughout the narrative.

Showing The Softer Side Of Master Chief


It's not often that players get to see Master Chief portray any kind of emotion, especially as they never see his face or get a glimpse of the real man behind the helmet. It's hard to convey his emotional response – if he were to have one – without the use of facial expressions, so it's in his relationships and interactions with others that players get a hint of his true personality. The Pilot is key to providing this, and Master Chief's commitment to protecting his new friend and comforting him during a very vulnerable scene where they both open up about their mistakes perfectly showcases the depth of his empathy.

One of the best scenes that completely captures the heartwarming nature of this odd couple is when the Pilot hugs Master Chief, overwhelmed with relief at his return after going missing for several days. It has an awkwardness that almost rivals the Voldemort/Draco embrace as Master Chief doesn't know whether to put his arms around the Pilot and just ends up standing there like an immovable object. Even though Master Chief is clearly not used to such overt affection, it's a touching scene that helps to cement their bond, even if Master Chief doesn't even know the Pilot's name for most of Halo Infinite's narrative.

Master Chief is usually a pretty silent protagonist, with the majority of commentary and mission dialogue coming from characters like Cortana in previous games. Thanks to the Banished butt-kicking trio of Master Chief, the Pilot, and the new AI called the Weapon, the dialogue flows and provides a steady backdrop to the story missions. While the Weapon is still figuring out her role and establishing a relationship with Master Chief, the Pilot is an excellent third wheel to add another dimension that provides some of the heart that existed in the Master Chief/Cortana relationship.

Master Chief doesn't form meaningful bonds with other characters often, and after losing Cortana and Avery Johnson there was an emotional void waiting to be filled in the Halo games. The Pilot is an effective everyman character that brings emotional weight, comedic commentary, and opportunities to humanize the hulking Spartan throughout Halo Infinite.

Halo Infinite is available on PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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