With Halo Infinite releasing later this year, longtime fans of the series have a lot to look forward to. Given the promise of semi open-world gameplay, a grappling hook, and a slew of other features, the return of Halo could not come fast enough. Sadly, there remains a lot left to be extrapolated regarding gameplay features and mission types. Although, one clever fan noticed something rather interesting in the gameplay trailer that everyone else supposedly missed.

343 Industries showed off Halo Infinite gameplay for the first time after two years of waiting and the reaction, for the most part, has been positive, though many fans were disappointed by Halo Infinite's graphics, which Microsoft promptly addressed. For how much was shown in terms of gameplay, there are still many details that have yet to be explained. However, thanks to the keen eye of one fan, it seems that information regarding mission types has been gleaned.

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One Reddit user managed to pause the demo video right before the map screen came up, which had previously shown only the three anti-aircraft cannons mentioned in the preceding cutscene. Right before the map gets officially shown, there are numerous landmarks and potential missions dotted around the map. Given the semi open-world nature of Halo Infinite, there's bound to be variance in mission types.

The map screen showed several red and blue blips scattered across the map. The blue blips, marked Echo Base and Golf Base respectively, appear to be friendly outposts, while the red blips are unfriendly and likely occupied by the Banished. The red blips have different symbols on them, presumably showing what kind of mission or location it is. One of the red blips is marked as "Marine Rescue K," implying a hostage rescue mission.

halo map

Two of the red blips are marked with crosshairs, one of which reads "Okro Vagaduun," which sounds like a name, possibly hinting at an assassination mission. In any case, it definitely seems like there's a high level of variance in in-game content for players to enjoy. It really seems like 343 Industries took the criticism of Halo 5 to heart.

It ultimately seems like this game has tons to offer players in terms of gameplay. A lot remains unknown in terms of the narrative and the finer details of Halo Infinite's structure, but from what has been seen so far, the game appears to be very promising. How the developers plan to make Halo Infinite last ten years in terms of content is anyone's guess, but hopefully, they can continue to deliver on the game's promises.

Halo Infinite is set to launch in the Holiday of 2020.

MORE: Mondo Unveils Limited Edition Halo Infinite Poster

Source: Reddit