The campaign for Halo Infinite is a departure for many reasons, from the plot to the fact that it's an open-world Halo game. Halo Infinite feels like a much different game than the others in the series, and for good reason. Players have a whole world to explore, which opens up a whole new element of gameplay that has never been seen or done in a Halo game before and could take the series in a different trajectory than what players have expected.

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As a semi-open-world game, seasoned Halo vets might have a hard time adjusting to the new gameplay design. Players will likely make mistakes during the campaign, but if they avoid doing the following things, the game can truly be a fun and new experience for all.

6 Ignoring Upgrades

player using the grapple hook

Abilities were introduced back during the days of Halo Reach, but in Infinite they are expanded. Players can now upgrade the abilities they earn throughout the campaign. Halo Infinite, unlike most open-world games, doesn't use RPG mechanics. Players don't level up, and there is no XP mechanic to grind for. Instead, they must find Spartan Cores which are scattered all throughout the world.

These Spartan Cores can be used to upgrade abilities, and can be banked as well. This allows players to save up because, after the first tier, abilities become more expensive. It's not a perfect system; for example, grappling hook upgrades are mostly cooldowns, and some argue that needs to be fixed. However, gives players the freedom on what they can focus on to make things easier. If players don't do this, the game can get quite difficult early on, and boss fights can become impossible.

5 Playing On A High Difficulty

master chief and the weapon Cropped

Seasoned veterans of the Halo series usually opt to play on harder difficulties like Heroic or Legendary, without paying any mind to Normal and Easy. It's for good reason — the higher difficulties usually offer more story, and it feels more rewarding beating the games on the hardest difficulty. However, in Halo Infinite, the difficulty has risen. Now, Normal is pretty hard for what it is, and Legendary is a whole other nightmare.

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Because developers 343 Industries ramped up the difficulty in this iteration, it can be frustrating for those who are playing on Normal and getting killed off easily. By going for something easier and learning how the game works, players can benefit. Unfortunately, players who want to make the Halo Infinite harder can't change the difficulty mid-game, but instead have to start over and pick a higher or lower difficulty.

4 Using The Same Weapons Throughout The Game

halo player holding an energy sword

In typical Halo fashion, Infinite features a large variety of weapons, each from a different faction. However, sticking to the weapon was given at the start or rarely changing what weapons they use can be detrimental. Halo has always been about players adapting to the situations that they are in, and Inifinite is not immune to that rule. The game has some pretty strong weapons, but the strength also relies on how the player uses them.

Some newer weapons like the Skewer requires more patience for players to use them effectively. Others, like the Energy Sword, need players to be aggressive to work properly. Usually, the weapons can be easy to master when players decide which ones work for them. But changing up guns whenever possible makes things easier. Ultimately, if players know how the various weapons work, they can manage to get out of a firefight quicker and more easily.

3 Not Dealing With High-Value Targets

halo infinite a high value target

This mechanic is one of the newer features of Halo Infinite, and is a good opportunity for players to explore the open world. High-Value Targets are similar to mini-bosses, but can be killed. The difficulty of their fights is varied — some may be hard like the elites, while others may be grunts that the player should focus fire on.

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Getting these targets will reward players with Valor, which can be used to buy vehicles from forward operation bases (FOBS) and can also be used to buy unique weapons. What's more, killing off these targets will get make it easier to traverse in the area, which allows players to get from one area to another without having to worry about being attacked.

2 Not Saving UNSC Soldiers

unsc soilders

Captured UNSC soldiers can be found on the map only after FOBs have been captured. By saving them, players can thus populate the local FOB. Saving soldiers can give players a few benefits that will make their lives easier. Firstly, they start to meet up at the FOBs, and secondly — and probably more importantly — they can help players when they're assaulting a checkpoint or taking out a High-Value Target.

Much like in other Halo games, the soldiers will assist players in any way the game allows them to. They can drive the Warthog and operate the turret, or can serve as a distraction for enemies. Like most of the side activities, the game rewards players with Valor once enemies are saved.

1 Failing To Explore The Map

an outpost with trees surrouding it Cropped

Usually, the Halo games are all about linearity: go to this point, fight here, and stick to the script. This time around, the game holds the player's hands a lot less. Exploring the world of Halo Infinite is something both newcomers and veterans may miss out on, because it's a new concept in the series. Having that freedom will take some time for players to get used to, but it's rewarding since it gives players an incentive to explore each open area.

Doing so will allow players to find Spartan Cores to help them upgrade, find side missions to help them get more Valor to buy things, and discover what the ring has to offer. Not only will exploration reward players, but it also gives an idea of where everything is so that players can learn the map more easily.

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