The new season of Halo Infinite comes with a wide range of new things for players to try. From a new battle pass and maps to new modes, the new season can help breathe new life in the somewhat dried out multiplayer. Halo Infinite comes from a long line of greatXbox games. Thankfully this new update for Halo Infinite is so big, it'll provide players with plenty of playtime.

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One of the new aspects of season two of Halo Infinite is new modes, the big one being Last Spartan Standing. This mode plays out like a battle royale mixed with deathmatch, so every player is on their own. However, unlike most battle royales, Last Spartan Standing is somewhat easier to get into. The mode gives players four chances to fight back when they die. Use these tips while playing in this mode to become that last Spartan left alive.

5 Look For Items

halo two players running

One of the more crucial mechanics that can give players an edge is to be on the lookout for items that are scattered throughout the map. For example, searching for a grapple shot can change the gameplay up quickly, because it can get players out of hot situations very fast.

Items don't just mean abilities or equipment, but also grenades. If players lob one towards a couple of players fighting amongst themselves, they should be able to quickly get a couple kills, allowing them to upgrade faster. Much like other modes in Halo Infinite, mixing available items with gunplay will always increase the chance for players getting wins. The only difference is that it means more in Last Spartan Standing, due to the fact that lives are limited.

4 Leveling Up

halo one player sniping with another rushing them with a sword

This is a quite newer mechanic that only works well in the new mode of Last Spartan Standing. If players kill another player, they have a chance to upgrade. The only issue is Halo Infinite's UI doesn't give players a good indication that this option is available, so players will need to keep a lookout for that. While upgrading, the player's arsenal gets stronger, with weapons from both the single-player and multiplayer. However, in typical Halo fashion, players are only able to hold two guns at once, so things may get challenging as players level up.

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While this may seem like an issue to some players, they should note that every player during a map will usually have the same weapon, unless players have upgraded and the weapons are now cycled out. Ultimately, players should pay attention to the upgrade message, because it allows them to expand their weaponry. In the end, this makes Halo Infinite one of the betterPC shooters out there, because of the rewarding it can be.

3 Pay Attention To Lives

halo player about to be shot another

Unlike other game modes in Halo Infinite, the course of the match in Last Spartan Standing can change rapidly based on how many lives the player has. Starting off, each player gets four lives, and those lives get spent each time the player dies. This element forces players to think before they shoot, since players have a limited number of lives to strategize how they'll take out the other players.

In Last Spartan Standing, there are many options for players to outlive others. The first is by teaming up with other players. While some may have issues with this move, it's the easier way for players to get kills without hurting themselves. Players should look out for a firefight that is happening near them, wait until one player is low, and come in for the kill. This way, players can keep their lives up while still getting those kills and making the enemy spend their lives.

2 Always Move

halo player holding a flag

Just like in Halo Infinite's Big Teams mode, the key to staying alive in Last Spartan Standing is to keep on moving. While this may seem obvious, players don't use this tip as often as one would think. In modes like Last Spartan Standing, it's crucial for players to keep moving because not only will they be harder to hit, but those players will also be more aggressive when running and gunning.

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If players choose to camp during this mode, they can expect to be picked off, quickly costing them life. On the other hand, players that are moving can quickly hunt down others with ease, without the enemy players having to come to them. Being on the move can be used both defensively, with players dodging and escaping others; or offensively, with players chasing others to take them down.

1 Balancing Gameplay

Halo players standing with their coustomizations

Usually, those who have played Halo for a long time understand that being aggressive is the name of the game. That stays true in Halo Infinite, but in Last Spartan Standing, players will find it rather odd when playing are being aggressive. While players may want to run in armed with some strong weapons, they may end up doing more damage to themselves as opposed to enemy players. With a limited number of lives, players should plan out each attack.

By balancing their attack and timing them carefully, players will get into the rhythm of Last Spartan Standing a lot faster. Additionally, this allows players to try out new forms of attack and to be patient. Only attack when the situation allows, because as lives dwindle, fighting may become a lot harder. However, if players strategize their every move in Last Spartan Standing, winning becomes much easier. Players should not treat the mode like a team deathmatch. Instead, every move they make should be carefully thought out.

Halo Infinite is available now on Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, and PC.

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