Although Microsoft and 343 Industries are pushing Halo Infinite to next year, its marketing campaigns are still continuing on schedule. As fans continue to stock up on doubled experience points through Infinite's Monster Energy promotion, eyes are also on 343's Halo Waypoint blog for any new updates. In the latest post, 343 revealed Halo Infinite's newest character and iconic armor through pieces of concept art.

The developers released this art in Halo Waypoint's latest installment of "Canon Fodder," a regular feature of the official blog that dives into Halo's lore across the games, novels and comics. Teasing connections to Halo's other works of fiction, franchise writer Jeff "Grimbrother One" Easterling announced that his latest article would include future elements of the series.

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The Halo Waypoint post first showed off the new character, Jega 'Rdomnai. Quoting the character's biography, 'Rdomnai is a Sangheili swordfighter infamous among the Banished for his ambiguous past and mastery of the blade. Jega is also one of the enigmatic Hand of Atriox's first recruits. While the post hints that the character could be the result of an experiment, Easterling only confirms that Jega is "battle-ravaged," and representative of what players can expect from the new characters that players will encounter during Halo Infinite's campaign. The game's lead writer also claims that every encounter will be integral to Master Chief's story.

halo infinite, new charactor, Jega 'Rdomnai

Easterling also revealed the latest line of Mjolnir armor that will appear in the upcoming Halo title. Referencing how Halo Infinite combined its classic influences with modern graphics, Easterling explained how the game's new art style inspired the new concept art. After briefly describing the Mjolnir armor's in-universe development from the first generation onwards, the writer unveiled the third generation of Mark VII armor and some of the lore behind it. According to the prototype armor's in-game flavor text, Dr. Halsey contributed to its creation.

halo infinite, gen 3 mark vii mjolnir armor, new armor, concept art

Considering the clues laid in the Halo Waypoint post, one might be able to assume that the Chief will clash with Jega and the Hand of Atriox at some point during his fight with the Banished. While 343 has not specified the Hand's role in the Banished's military campaign, its name references the Banished's infamous leader from Halo Wars 2, and likely consists of the enemy faction's most powerful leaders. 343 and Easterling also did not say how the GEN 3 Mark VII armor would fit into Infinite's narrative, considering the Chief will be wearing the third generation Mark VI armor.

Overall, Halo Infinite appropriately feels like a culmination of the franchise's broad universe. Hopefully, the new title will be able to bring the series' current storylines to a satisfactory conclusion while serving as a proper tribute to Halo's deep lore.

Halo Infinite is in development for PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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Source: Halo Waypoint