Forge of Teash is an optional mission in Halo Infinite, but completing it will give players lots of Valor. Valor is used to unlock additional vehicles, weapons, and support Marines to assist Master Chief while exploring Zeta Halo.

At Forge of Teash, players must destroy five Silos, and sabotage four Repair Bays to complete the mission. To sabotage all Repair Bays in Halo Infinite, a little scouting needs to be done in order to enter a tricky Repair Bay.

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How to Sabotage Repair Bays at Forge of Teash

Halo Infinite using scanner of building

While the Silo control panels are outdoors and easy to activate once nearby enemies have been eliminated, the Repair Bays are buildings that must be entered in order to sabotage them. They can be identified by pressing down on the d-pad on controllers to scan the area. Any small, yellow cube that appears will be the controls to sabotage a Repair Bay.

The northernmost Repair Bay door at Forge of Teash in Halo Infinite, however, is sealed. Scanning reveals a line leading to the door, but that's it. In order to sabotage this northern repair bay, players must head to the right of the building (north on the map) and enter a tunnel system. When in the tunnel, take the first left and follow the path to a Gravity Lift.

Halo Infinite Forge of Teash northern repair bay entrance circled on map

The lift will bring players inside the Repair Bay. Scan to locate the yellow cube, then go to it and hold "X" on controllers to complete th mission. This is the trickiest part of completing the Forge of Teash, but there is another sealed bay later. That Repair Bay thankfully has a panel that can be shot at to the right of the entrance to gain entry.

The Silos must also be destroyed, and they are revealed by scanning for yellow control panels first. Once activated, they will reveal the Fuel Silos. Change to a Plasma Grenade in Halo Infinite to make light work of them.

For even more Valor and collectibles, players can explore other optional facilities on the map, like Ransom Keep in Halo Infinite. It has similar objectives, and players can even bring the recently rescued Marines along for the mission to provide some extra firepower.

After destroying all the Silos and sabotaging all the Repair Bays at Forge of Teash, there are Mjolnir Armor Lockers and Spartan Cores nearby in Halo Infinite that can be quickly located. The armor is a multiplayer collectible, but the Spartan Cores are used in the campaign to upgrade Master Chief's equipment and shields.

Halo Infinite is out now for PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.

MORE: Halo Infinite Mission List