The Halo franchise has been in a strange place since 343 Industries took the helm, extending from Halo 4 all the way to the upcoming Halo Infinite. However, the newest game may have revealed one of the biggest changes coming to the series in the new gameplay shown off in the recent Xbox Games Showcase.

343 Industries has introduced a brand new mechanic to Halo Infinite in the form of a grappling hook that Master Chief can use to move quickly around the world. This comes as the game also seems to be looking to open up the generally mission oriented series into a more open space made for traversal.

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While the addition of a mechanic like a grappling hook might initially seem like a small change to the series,  it could be a huge change if Halo Infinite implements it properly. It could mean a change of direction for the franchise as future games begin to move in the direction of mobility, which also brings back the sprint mechanic from older Halo games. This could lead to an unfamiliar experience for players of older Halos, but might be recognized by fans of the original developer’s most recent title.

Mobility and Space in Destiny


In one of many ways that 343 Industries’ Halo Infinite seems to be following in the footsteps of Bungie’s Destiny, the new title is taking a step towards mobility. What that means, specifically, is that having the ability to quickly move across the map or swiftly move from side to side of an encounter changes how players approach every aspect of a shooter. This is the type of system that sets titles like Titanfall apart from the pack, where combat isn’t a measurement of who can sit behind cover and shoot across better, but who can dodge, close distance, and utilize the map better.

Of course, Destiny has had its own list of problems since release, and as Destiny 2 heads to Game Pass, the engagement of the series is still shaky at best. However, one thing that both games do very well is the gunplay and level design that brings the way that Hunters, Titans, and Warlocks are able to maneuver into every aspect of gameplay. So, as long as 343 is able to utilize this new mobility into how the world of Halo Infinite is designed, this could mean that the compelling and drawing gameplay could be coming to the series.

Speed in First Person Shooters

First person shooters have come a long way from the original Doom and Wolfenstein franchises, and in one way, they’ve actually become much slower paced. The older titles in the Doom series, as well as Doom Eternal and the 2016 release, are all about quickly sprinting through the map and mowing down waves of enemies. However, games like Halo have taken that quick paced combat with wide open spaces to fight and replaced them with tighter corridors with cover strewn about the map to duck behind.

The main difference with Halo Infinite with the introduction of the grappling hook and other games in the series is that this upcoming title looks to be leaning towards speed again. From the way that the gameplay trailer shows off the combat, it’s clear that 343 Industries is looking to incentivize players to take quick bold moves in combat. This again is something that will require an expert balance between level design and the utilization of how the new mechanic will work to be successful.

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Open Space in Halo

halo infinite july 2020 screenshot

While the answer to the question of whether or not Halo Infinite will be open world is still up in the air, it is clear that it will at least be more open ended than previous titles in the series. As seen in the recent gameplay trailer, there is at least some choice in how to travel across the map, with more to the area than the immediate mission. This is where a mechanic like a grappling hook can be best utilized, with large areas ready to be explored due to the increased mobility, including a never before explored verticality.

Opening up the level design for a Halo title would likely feel empty or hollow without some new way to travel across these open stretches of land. Even including classics from the series like Warthogs in Halo Infinite, which would have been a given even with a more linear design, becomes a chance to push some past features to new heights in the more open space. So, combining those older elements with new ones like the grappling hook can make for a fresh experience in a series that has otherwise stagnated.

The Stagnation of Halo

Master Chief halo map

For many fans, Halo 5: Guardians was a disappointment, filled with microtransactions in the multiplayer and an underwhelming campaign. The criticisms that the last Halo earned on release were actually a large part of why development for Halo Infinite has taken as long as it has. In order to make up for that disappointment and to earn the faith of the fans again, 343 Industries was going to have to really tackle the next installment with a number of risks.

So far, that risk taking has already led to some criticism over Halo Infinite’s graphics and some of the returning features coming back for this game. However, one thing that has been viewed as a completely positive note would be the grappling hook, with many fans latching onto the new mechanic as the saving grace of the showcase. It’s a step in a new direction for a series that has continued to be a series of hallways with knee-high and wall-cover between the player and the enemy.

While it may be difficult to claim with absolute certainty that this new mechanic will revolutionize the genre, or even the series, it is at least a step forward. Until players get a chance to get their hands on Halo Infinite, we won’t know exactly how well the grappling hook works in practice. For now, this whole idea does prove to be an interesting concept to add to Halo and the possibilities for what 343 Industries could do with it are endless.

Halo Infinite is currently in development for PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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