It's been about eight months since Halo Infinite released, and things have gotten a little rocky on the multiplayer front. While Halo Infinite's campaign was commended by both long-time fans of the series and newcomers, the multiplayer mode was where Halo Infinite really took off, rejuvenating the series and pushing it straight back into the spotlight, something which Halo hasn't been able to do for quite some time. However, in the months following Halo Infinite's initial launch, the player-base saw a steady decrease, with some fans believing that the game was missing some content vital to the Halo experience.

While most cite the game's lack of maps and classic series modes, some fans will point to Halo Infinite's arsenal when asked why they dropped off the game. Initially, Halo Infinite's array of weapons were praised, with enough iconic weapons returning to keep die-hard fans happy, while the new entries served their own unique purpose. However, as time's gone on, the cracks have begun to show, and Halo Infinite's weapons aren't quite as balanced as they first seemed. And with a good handful of classic Halo weapons still not being added to the game, Halo Infinite's arsenal could do with a little rework.

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Iconic Weapons Still Missing From Halo Infinite

Halo Infinite Spartan Laser

To be completely fair, Halo Infinite has a lot of fan-favorite weapons in its multiplayer and campaign arsenal. The Battle Rifle, Assault Rifle, Energy Sword, Rocket Launcher, and a few others all made the cut, serving to both act as a hit of nostalgia while also being completely practical weapons, functioning just how fans would expect them to. But that being said, there are still plenty of franchise favorites that didn't make it in, and now could be a good time for 343 Industries to earn some favor in the community and introduce some returning weapons.

One of the most egregious cuts is the Spartan Laser, which has been one of the most iconic Halo weapons since its debut in Halo 3. While Halo Infinite has the Skewer, Rocket Launcher, and a few other anti-tank weapons, nothing matches the iconic audio and visual design of the Spartan Laser, and none of the new additions come close to replicating its iconography.

On the more practical side of things, some more mid-long range weapons could be a welcome addition to the current Halo Infinite meta, which is currently dominated by Skewers, Cindershots, and Manglers. The DMR from Halo Reach could certainly make a comeback, being the perfect in between of a slow-firing, hard-hitting sniper rifle, and a burst-fire Battle Rifle. The Needle Rifle from Halo Reach would also fit the bill nicely. Alternatively, the faster-firing Covenant Carbine could make a reappearance. While it was mainly an Elite and Jackal weapon, the Carbine could find a place amongst the Banished arsenal, and its semi-auto fire rate and longer range give firefights a little more variety.

Ever since Halo Infinite's release, fans have been desperate for the original M45 Shotgun to make a return. At the minute, players only really have the Bulldog, which fires faster than a regular shotgun, but does have a much lower damage output and just doesn't sound as satisfying as the classic Halo shotgun. Even the Scattershot from Halo 4 and 5 would be a welcome addition, being one of the only memorable Promethean weapons in the entire series.

Another fan-favorite Halo weapon that's sorely missed in Halo Infinite is the Brute Shot. With Brutes making up the vast majority of the opposing force in Halo Infinite's campaign, some fans expected the Brute Shot, the signature weapon of the hulking alien species, to appear in the game. Unfortunately, it wasn't there, and now Halo Infinite is sorely missing a grenade launcher-type weapon that's also easy to use, unlike the Cindershot.

Halo Infinite is available now on PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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