Prior to Halo Infinite's release last year, 343 Industries confirmed a fan-favorite mode would be absent upon launch. The much beloved Forge mode is where players can create their own custom game experiences, which can lead to a bunch of creative matches and ideas. Past iterations of the Forge have seen players recreating things like Duck Hunt in-game or Grifball, a Halo-inspired take on Rugby or Football. While the game mode isn't officially available yet, that hasn't stopped leaked videos of the Forge from spreading over the Internet.

Despite Halo Infinite's rocky post-launch, some players have been looking forwards to what Forge mode can offer. Halo Infinite's Forge mode is known to be quite detailed according to leaked footage and screenshots. This is further supported by the game supporting a new graphical interface that allows for in-game scripting, which can create some wild custom games. Some players who have been tinkering with the unreleased mode have made some incredible things, with one fan managing to recreate PT in Halo Infinite.

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PT (short for Playable Teaser) was a short-lived horror game that was going to be a completely new Silent Hill game, developed by Kojima Productions. Unfortunately, the fallout between Konami and Hideo Kojima in 2015 had caused the game to be canceled and deleted off the PlayStation store. In a video by YouTuber Death Templer, they showed off their own recreation of PT, walking through the same hallway fans would find in the original game. This includes the same haunting atmosphere, sound effects, and radio that were such a big source of tension.

Considering Halo Infinite is a first-person shooter, it helps recreate the same first-person view the player would have in the original PT. According to a pinned comment from Templer, this demo was a passion project and they wanted to recreate it as visually close as possible to the original as possible within the toolset of Forge. Moreover, this version was an early build and the state of the unreleased Forge left some things in.

Some things Templer hopes to finish in time for the official release of Halo Infinite's Forge mode is to recreate the entirety of PT not just in visuals, but in functions too. This includes no guns and reducing the FOV in game, along with a couple more hours of playtime in the area. They note that the Lisa breathing audio cue in this demo video was an edit and not a function in-game yet, but it did mess with a few paranoid commenters who were expecting the jump scare.

Halo Infinite is available on PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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