343 Industries reveals more details about Halo Infinite’s Forge mode beta. The upcoming mode will let the player create and share custom multiplayer maps once the beta launches on November 8.

Bungie introduced the Forge map editor in Halo 3, letting players fly around as a Monitor robot positioning objects, weapons, and vehicles for multiplayer maps. Subsequent Halo games added to and improved upon the system. However, it was one of many features not included in Halo Infinite’s initial launch. And while developers announced Infinite’s Forge mode some time ago, fans still had plenty of questions regarding the upcoming beta.

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343 asked Halo fans to submit their questions on Twitter. The studio collected them into an FAQ posted on Halo Waypoint, with answers provided by Forge Lead Developer Michael “Forge Lord” Schorr. 343 also provided a set of four YouTube tutorials covering core concepts such as Building, Scripting and Bots, Lighting and Audio, and File Sharing. Additionally, the Waypoint post clarified that while the studio considers Halo Infinite’s Forge mode a beta, it launches with “immense functionality” and will be available for all players. Forge, and player’s forge creations, will also be there to stay once 343 Industries adds Forge to Halo Infinite next week.

Halo Infinite Forge Monitor construction

The FAQ revealed several details, such as how 343 hopes to eventually start including popular community-made content in matchmaking. However, the Custom Game Browser won’t arrive until Halo Infinite’s Season 3 launches on March 7. Until then, players can find and bookmark custom modes via the Content Browser.

The studio is also open to eventually incorporating some of Halo Infinite’s forge maps into the Halo Championship Series, as it did with some Halo 5 Forge maps. However, that can only happen after 343 Industries has an opportunity to evaluate Infinite’s player-made maps and coordinate with their creators. However, the team already plans to introduce the Forge-built Argyle and the Pit remake into the HCS lineup.

The FAQ also touched on what 343 means by calling Forge a beta. Schorr explained that the mode would be fully functional when it launches on November 8 and features more content than any previous version of Forge. However, there are still some additional polish and features that developers want to implement before considering Forge complete. Schorr didn’t say how long Halo Infinite’s Forge mode will stay in Beta but indicated that planned features include the ability to edit developer maps, audio improvements, and new content.

The FAQ also revealed that Halo Infinite will not feature any in-game Forge tutorial. However, 343 players can turn to the Forge Fundamentals video series for help. They can also find more information in the full FAQ on Halo Waypoint.

Halo Infinite is available on PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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Source: Halo Waypoint