Halo Infinite fans are often pointing out elements of the latest sci-fi shooter that could be improved or need to be fixed entirely. Balance changes and patches have been dropping for Halo Infinite since the game first launched. Things like weapons in Halo Infinite's multiplayer are constantly being pointed out as in need of rebalancing, and there are other more blatant issues too such as glitches and bugs that have made the multiplayer experience unenjoyable for some.

While some fans can be more antagonistic toward the developers in their calls for change, others are simply hoping for a game they already enjoy to become even better. One fan recently found a detail from Halo 4 that they'd like to see in helmets in Halo Infinite and future games. Showing a screenshot to Reddit, a Halo fan points out that players can see the border of Master Chief's helmet during Halo 4, an immersive detail that many see as helping the player literally get into the head space of the famous character.

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Fans in the comments of user hantar7788's post pointed out that this helmet detail had occurred in other games besides Halo 4. Parts of the helmet of Samus Aran in Metroid Prime were visible in the game's HUD, even going so far as to show her reflection on the inside of the visor at certain points in the game. It was then pointed out that some of Metroid Prime's developers worked on Halo 4, having made the jump to 343 Industries.

DOOM and DOOM Eternal were also remembered fondly by fans for allowing players to see parts of the helmet of their protagonist. Star Wars: Republic Commando allowed players to see blood splatters whenever they killed an enemy up close as part of its immersive features. Halo Infinite has a lot of helmets for players to show off, but only the exterior changes for players. For some, it would be a great detail if, alongside the addition of cat ears atop their helmet, a player could see the features from the inside.

Besides having the features present in previous Halo titles, helmets have proved controversial to fans for another reason as of late. Particularly, fans were shocked when they saw Master Chief remove his helmet in the Halo TV series. An episode later, viewers saw Master Chief remove the entirety of his armor. Developers from 343 and those behind the show have sought to explain the controversial decision, but some still aren't fully convinced.

Halo Infinite is available now on PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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