One major area that the spread of the novel coronavirus is certainly affecting, but of which little is known, is the forthcoming next-gen console launch. Microsoft has insisted so far that Xbox Series X plans remain on-track, but hasn't denied the influence of COVID-19. Thursday morning another Microsoft studio confirmed the impact of the virus. 343 Industries, currently working on Halo: The Master Chief Collection on PC and Halo Infinite for Xbox Series X, is sharing its current status.

In a post made to the Halo Waypoint website, 343 Industries starts its latest community update by discussing COVID-19. "We're fully aware of the danger [COVID-19] poses to us as individuals, as a team, and as a part of the larger Seattle community," is how the post starts. 343 makes clear it understands the gravity of the situation, hoping its fans do too. 343 then says it implemented guidance for employees to work from home as of about two weeks ago.

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Development continues at 343, of course. Employees remain hard at work on their respective projects, even at home. "It hasn't been a vacation though, as every team is adapting and getting creative to make sure they can do their best from outside the studio," is how 343 characterizes the situation. 343 and Microsoft leadership continue to evaluate the situation, including the development of the pandemic, while trying to keep both the Master Chief Collection and Halo Infinite moving forward.

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With that said, 343 doesn't have any immediate changes in plans for both games' development schedules. Or, at least, 343 isn't ready to make that announcement. "We're removing obstacles in our path and tracking well, but need to be mindful of our current limitations," is how 343 describes the current development COVID-19 status quo. In a straightforward fashion, 343 makes clear that, "the coronavirus situation may get worse before it gets better."

So while 343 is "doing everything in our power to continue developing and delivering quality Halo experiences while we adjust to this new way of life," the underlying message is clear. Plans may change and, while 343 is saying it subtly, the possibility of a Halo Infinite delay is still there and very real.

The final message in 343 Industries' letter to its community is that "this is bigger than games and bigger than Halo," referring to COVID-19.  343 encourages Halo fans to practice social distancing and wash their hands. "We're all in this together."

Halo Infinite is planned for release for PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X this holiday season.

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