Halo Infinite is the latest installment in the Halo franchise, providing fans with a new campaign and multiplayer suite to experience. Since its release on December 8, the title has gone on to have the most successful launch in franchise history. While many players have praised the content included in the game, several significant omissions have left numerous fans wanting more.

Among the missing content that players want to be added into Halo Infinite are campaign co-op, a long-standing feature of the series, and Forge, a map editor and creation toolset. Months before the release of the game, the developers announced that more time was needed to get these popular features ready. As a result, they were delayed until sometime in 2022. While an update about this additional content was expected to arrive in January, it is now February, and players continue to wonder about the future of the title. However, it appears gamers are finally getting some answers from 343 Industries, for better or for worse.

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In a tweet from February 1, Joseph Staten, Head of Creative at 343 Industries, updated fans on the much-anticipated Forge mode and campaign co-op. Unfortunately, the message from the developer was probably not what most gamers wanted to hear. According to Staten, a previously scheduled January update on the seasonal roadmap that included information on both Forge and campaign co-op was not ready to be revealed. “We need more time to finalize our plans, so what we share is something you can rely on,” he said. As a result, more details would not come until a later date.

This update from Staten was echoed by another developer at 343 Industries on Reddit. In a comment from Brian Jarrard, Halo Community Director, he revealed that the roadmap for Halo Infinite was still in the works. Unfortunately, he admitted that figuring out the details for the rest of the year was taking longer than anticipated. However, he noted that smaller updates would continue in the coming weeks.

Unsurprisingly, these updates from Staten and Jarrard did not sit well with some disgruntled fans. For many gamers, this latest delay only added to the frustrations they had experienced with the game. Besides this lack of Forge and co-op, players have dealt with problems pertaining to the in-game shop, a nearly unplayable Big Team Battle mode, and desync issues.

It will be interesting to see where Halo Infinite goes from here. While Staten claimed that releasing Forge and co-op was a “top priority” for the developer, no new date to expect an update was given. It seems only time will tell when these highly anticipated features make it into the game and whether this delay impacts the number of gamers playing the title.

Halo Infinite is available on PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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Source: Dexerto