Halo Infinite has had a troubled launch due to multiple factors, but despite that there's a significant community of Halo fans that want the newest game in the franchise to succeed. That's because Halo has a long legacy behind it with Halo fans young and old each having memories of sharing multiplayer experiences in one Halo game or another. Now there's been a hint that 343 might try and lean harder into this nostalgia, conveyed by Halo Infinite's own head of creative.

Joseph Staten, responsible for the original Halo trilogy's cinematics, is currently head of creative for Halo Infinite. He's deeply intertwined with the future direction of the game, which Microsoft and 343 Industries has long-term plans for. Staten recently participated in the Kinda Funny Xcast and was asked by host Parris Lilly why 343 wasn't mixing in classic Halo content in-between new content updates for Halo Infinite. It was a question that wasn't expecting an answer, but Staten surprised everyone with his response.

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According to Staten, he thinks that, "There are a lot of [classic Halo] maps that are awesome." Further, Staten believes that it would be, "awesome to play on those maps again." While Staten doesn't fully commit to anything, he does half-jokingly say that bringing back classic Halo maps would be a "fun thing" and that he would mark down the possibility in his notebook.

The clear message from Staten is that the possibility of bringing back classic Halo maps for Halo Infinite isn't a new idea. It's also certainly no surprise to Staten or 343 that Halo fans would want that kind of content in Halo Infinite. That doesn't mean Staten's response is valueless, however. If there were no plans to bring classic Halo maps to Halo Infinite, Staten would have shut down the conversation straight away. Staten's casual, joking response makes clear the opposite.

With that said, Staten also isn't making an official announcement on a podcast. It may be a safe assumption to believe that 343 Industries is working on classic Halo maps for Halo Infinite, but exactly what it's working and when it could arrive are questions without answers. As such, Halo fans should check their expectations. Even exciting plans can be canceled.

Halo Infinite players will simply have to be content with the game as it is for the time being. Season 2 just launched and with it two new maps were introduced. If classic Halo maps are coming, they'll have to wait until mid-season or Season 3, which won't arrive until November. Expect to hear more about 343's future plans for Halo Infinite in the months to come. Perhaps news will be shared during Microsoft's Xbox & Bethesda Summer Games Showcase on June 12.

Halo Infinite is available now on PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Halo Infinite: 10 Classic Maps We Need To See