Following the release of the Halo Infinite gameplay demo, many in the gaming community have been looking forward to what comes next for the game. The gameplay showcased featured many aspects of the game that weren't previously known, though some details were certainly harder to notice than others. Now, in a recent interview, the head of design over at 343 Industries has gone into further detail regarding some of the qualities featured in Halo Infinite.

Halo Infinite is a title that has received little to no subsequent information following the official reveal at E3 2018. For two years, the development team has kept quiet in terms of what to expect from this game, leaving many fans confused and concerned for the success of Halo Infinite. Though, following the gameplay reveal, many fans were impressed with what was shown and now, Jerry Hook, 343 Industries' head of design, has talked about what else can be expected.

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In a recent interview, Hook talked about some of the gameplay dynamics featured in the gameplay demo. One thing that a lot of fans noticed was a Brute picking up a Grunt and throwing it at the player. Hook explained how those kinds of mechanics will be featured prominently throughout Halo Infinite. The Banished will definitely be using the environment to their advantage.

One thing that Hook definitely emphasized quite a bit was how aware the A.I. is in terms of the surrounding environment. Brutes can pick up Grunts and throw them at the player. Enemies can utilize shield and cover mechanics. In fact the A.I. can actually go and grab a different weapon depending on if the current one they're using isn't working. With so many new weapons to choose from, the A.I. will certainly promote a lot more user agency in terms of how the player can approach any given situation.

halo infinite escharum banished

As more information regarding Halo Infinite continues to surface, this game is starting to look better and better by the day. With the variance in mission types, new semi-open world gameplay, and now the inclusion of more dynamic A.I., this game may very well be the most ambitious title to ever release. Even so, there's still so much more information that has yet to be revealed.

Having said this, there is still reason to be weary in terms of this game. It took Microsoft a little over two years to finally release gameplay and even then, the demo was only eight minutes long. Not to mention, the developers are certainly promising a lot, considering that, presumably, Halo Infinite is supposed to last ten years. How that's supposed to work is anyone's guess. The gaming community will just have to wait and find out.

Halo Infinite is set to launch holiday 2020 for PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

MORE: Rumor: Halo Infinite Multiplayer Will Be Free-to-Play

Source: Video Games Chronicle