The anticipation for Halo Infinite is building and there are plenty of players who are keen to go on another Master Chief adventure. With more information about the upcoming Halo game expected at Xbox's July 23 event, many are keen to see how the franchise will evolve with the next generation of consoles. A clue about this evolution has now been provided as the box art has now been revealed and it looks set to please fans who are nostalgic for the older games in the franchise.

The Halo franchise began in 2001 and has since been a major series for the Xbox consoles. The series is known for its immersive first-person shooting mechanics and its epic story. With that said, some did feel that the series lost its way with Halo 5 and many are hoping for a return to form. The box art certainly suggests a return to previous iterations with its reminiscent design.

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The box art has Master Chief in a forward-moving position which is very similar to that which was present on the cover of Halo: Combat Evolved. Furthermore, the image also has a spacecraft in the background again mirroring the original box art for the game. The current image does not have the cluttered box messaging that the Xbox Series X games have criticized for and it will be interesting to see how this case looks when it begins to be sold physically. Many will hope that it remains as simple as this iteration which showcases the inspiration for the game while adding some intriguing features.

A lot of fans have noted that on the left forearm of Master Chief is a black device. Some players think it may be a grappling hook, but its true purpose will likely remain a mystery until the Xbox July 23 event. The upcoming Xbox event is rumored to only show the campaign of Halo Infinite and many will want to know why the box art mirrors the first game and whether it is part of a greater narrative device. Furthermore, players will be intrigued to see if this new addition to the suit of Master Chief will reflect a new feature or be part of a deeper story.

The excitement generated from this box art is indicative of the anticipation for Halo Infinite. With that in mind, there is a lot of pressure on the next Xbox presentation as it is clear that fans are expecting another impressive installment of the Halo franchise.

Halo Infinite is set to launch in the Holiday of 2020 on Xbox Series X.

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