Online focused titles, especially those that rely on a live service model of continually adding content and updates for players, have no shortage of stories surrounding odd glitches and wierd behaviors that have arisen post launch. From the likes of the Telesto exotic fusion rifle causing all sorts of game breaking chaos in Destiny 2, to players being able to glitch inside of parts of the map that Call of Duty: Warzone developer Raven Software didn't intend, there's always something new seemingly going on. The same extends to Halo Infinite and its multiplayer component, something that is also embracing the live service model.

Since it launched back in November, Halo Infinite has certainly experienced a number of high profile glitches with some being relatively harmless, to more prominent ones like one that actually erased player save files. While 343 has managed to stay on top of them through new updates, one has seemingly managed to stick around with no fix in sight. While a slow update would likely irritate players, it seems as though the community doesn't mind if this visual glitch sticks around a while longer.

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Over on the Halo Infinite subReddit, a user by the name of Crespo2006 posted a shot clip of multiple intro cinematics that play before a typical match. The camera pans to each Spartan player, highlighting their name and showing them perform a small animation before the camera zooms into the helmet of that particular player. However, for this video, each clip shows one character facing the wrong direction appearing to be staring at a teammate almost as though they're confronting them over a comment that was said.

Naturally, the comment section provided plenty of commentary for what may have been said to offend the other Spartan player. Everything from "hey. you still owe me five dollars" from user WolfReadsMemes to “I saw you eat my Cheetos again Ben. I have told you the consequences of eating my Cheetos” from a user named Dennys_employee12. However, most agreed that this is a glitch that they don't want to ever be fixed inside of Halo Infinite's multiplayer.

As funny and awkward as this is, it isn't the first instance of this happening. Not only were users in the comments recalling their favorite moments in the intro cinematic with some facing the wrong way, missing entirely, or falling from the sky. The glitch itself has been present since Halo Infinite's launch back in November, so there have been plenty of examples of strange Spartan behavior over the months. One in particular showed the three members of the Spartan fireteam as expected, with the fourth far off from the rest staring straight at a wall.

Halo Infinite is available now on PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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