Halo Infinite is the latest entry into the long-running game franchise Halo and comes packaged with a free-to-play multiplayer and expansive, open-world single-player campaign. While audience reception is currently a little shaky to the campaign, the game's multiplayer mode is enjoying a little more appreciation.

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Whether a returning player or a new player, mistakes are likely to be made for those getting used to the game. Halo Infinite breaks the mold established in the previous entries, which can cause some difficulty for newer players. Struggling to get to grips with a new game can be a little off-putting, but there are often easy ways to prevent making these mistakes. Halo Infinite's multiplayer is one of the best free shooting games around, and is well worth putting some time into.

6 Jumping Too Much

Halo Infinite Oddball

This issue comes up in every game for newer players, and it seems to be a difficult thing for players to stop. Jumping too much probably entices people because of the difference Master Chief has in gravity to regular soldiers. As fun as the jumping mechanic is, however, it rarely serves much of a purpose in combat.

Jumping can be used when an enemy Ghost is trying to ram the player, or when players are trying to reach a certain area. However, strafing and crouching tend to be more helpful when in a firefight. Knowing when and when not jump to is an important thing players should know going into the Halo Infinite campaign.

5 Sticking With Default Settings

halo infinite hunters

A lot of players will struggle to adapt to a new shooter games' FOV or sensitivity, and that is often down to them sticking with the default settings when they clearly aren't working. Players that are struggling to get to grips with Halo Infinite's settings should spend a little bit of timing fine-tuning them. The best tactical shooter players will always fine-tune their settings a little bit to suit their machines and their preferences.

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Halo Infinite offers a lot of customization with the aspects that make or break a player's comfortability in a shooter. FOV, Horizontal/ Vertical Sensitivity can all be changed, and there's even full key-mapping customization available. Players can play with a mouse and keyboar, or with a gaming pad.

4 Lack Of Variety In Weapon Choice

halo infinite banished audio log 1

Different weapons in Halo Infinite exist for different reasons, even if the game doesn't explicitly tell players that. Human and Brute weapons tend to focus on stripping away health, whereas Plasma/ Covenant weapons focus on depleting enemy shields.

Since the player can hold two weapons at any time, and even dual-wield them, it's wise to pair up a Plasma Weapon, such as the Carbine or Plasma Pistol, with a human/ Brute weapon, such as the Mangler or Assault Rifle. It can be tempting for players to stick to weapons they're used to, but variety will always lead to greater success in combat situations.

3 Not Learning The Maps

Halo Infinite High-Value Target Location Thav Sebarim

Whether on the open-world campaign map, or the array of multiplayer maps, players can often run into trouble if they fail to learn the maps. Every Halo Infinite multiplayer map is different. Learning a map's layout, corners, hiding spots, and open spaces are all useful for ensuring success in a firefight. Becoming familiar with the maps gives players familiarity with their surroundings, which undoubtedly gives them an edge against players who don't have such good map awareness.

RELATED: Halo Infinite: Classic Maps We Need To See

Halo Infinite will follow the route of other live-service games, and eventually, add in new maps and/or make alterations to older ones. Learning the maps as well as a player can ensure they will keep on top of the new content and environments in the game as it progresses through the Seasons.

2 Not Using The Grapple Hook

Halo Infinite Players Want a Weather System

The grapple hook is a new addition to the Halo franchise, but one that players would do well to get acquainted with. It is a fun mechanic, in addition to being one of Master Chief's best tools.

There are lots of fascinating things about Chief's grapple hook, and it has established itself as being a fun part of the combat style for both the single-player and Multiplayer. It doesn't take too long to learn, and players should definitely take the time out to practice with it, possibly on single-player before trying it out on Multiplayer.

1 Not Learning The Grenade Throw

Halo Infinite High-Value Targets

Grenades remain an important weapon for Halo Infinite, perhaps even more so than they were in previous Halo games. Grenades are one of the best single-player weapons in Halo Infinite, as well as being great in Multiplayer. There are four different types of grenades available in Halo Infinite:

  • Fragmentation grenade
  • Plasma grenade
  • Spike grenade
  • Dynamo grenade

These all serve slightly different purposes, but players should definitely get a handle on how to use each of them. Like with most things, well-placed grenade throws come to players with enough practice. Taking an active role in improving on these will give players a headstart on learning to use them effectively.

Halo Infinite is available on XBOX Series X, XBOX Series S, XBOX One, and PC.

MORE: Halo Infinite Multiplayer: Beginner Tips For Arena's Capture The Flag Mode