***Halo Infinite Spoilers***Halo Infinite changes things up in many ways and alters the formula of previous Halo games. Halo Infinite introduces the series to its first open-world and with it comes a load of features not possible in the prior Halo games. Infinite's open world is full of hidden easter eggs, daunting side-objectives, collectibles, and above all, challenging boss fights.

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Halo Infinite's boss battles add a new element to the campaign that encourages players to explore and upgrade their equipment between each boss battle to be able to take on the next challenge. Boss battles also add a layer of difficulty, with some bosses being nearly impossible to take on when playing on higher difficulties or with all-skulls on.

8 Adjutant Resolution

Halo Infinite Boss Adjutant Resolution

Adjutant Resolution will be fought multiple times throughout the campaign, though his encounters won't be difficult. Both fights with Adjutant Resolution are the same format, and just happen in different locations. Adjutant Resolution moves slowly and doesn't pursue Master Chief often, meaning his attacks are easily evaded. He will shoot a laser beam at certain points during the fight, but cover is plentiful so players can easily avoid this. He will also stomp down, dealing damage if players get too close, but this is also easily evaded.

There are many strategies that work well when fighting Adjutant Resolution. Players can take out his arms from a distance, which deals large damage and causes him to use his laser beam after each removal. It is also possible to take on Adjutant Resolution almost entirely close-range using melee attacks, while avoiding his stomp.

7 The Harbinger

Halo Infinite Boss Harbinger

The Harbinger may be the game's most teased and ominous villain, but the final fight with this boss isn't difficult. The Harbinger will attack Master Chief until she takes enough damage, then will retreat to the center of the room, where she will be shielded from all damage. In between each of her attack phases, Banished enemies will emerge from all sides of the room. These enemies can sometimes pose an issue on higher difficulties, but if players avoid taking damage, most of these enemies can be picked off from range.

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The Harbinger will try to attack Chief during her attack phases and can deal decent damage if players are hit with her blade, but this is easily avoided. Keeping distance and taking out the additional enemies in between attacking the Harbinger is an easy way to win.

6 Tremonius

Halo Infinite Boss Tremonius

The fight with Tremonius is the first boss battle that players will have to tackle, and while he isn't difficult to defeat, many players will not yet be completely familiar with the combat mechanics of the game. Tremonius has both close-range and long-range attacks and he can even lunge through the air towards players who are far away, making it difficult to stay clear of damage.

The easiest way to defeat Tremonius is to be evasive. Staying in cover and avoiding his jump attacks will save players from the majority of damage. Keep an eye on whether he is using his close-range Bulldog or long-range Hydra weapons. The grapple hook is a huge asset in this battle, as it allows players to move and dodge fast to avoid quicker attacks.

5 Chak 'Lok

Halo Infinite Boss Chak 'Lok

Chak 'Lok will be the second boss that players encounter in Halo Infinite, and is a much larger threat than Tremonius. Chak 'Lok uses an Energy Sword and can cloak with active camouflage. He will disappear from sight, and then attack players with surprise swipes from his sword. These hits can do massive damage and are a quick way to lose the fight.

Shortly before the fight with Chak 'Lok, players will gain access to the Threat Sensor ability. This is very useful during the boss battle because players can use it to keep track of Chak 'Lok even when he is cloaked, making it easier to avoid his surprise attacks. Grappling out of the way is always a good idea too. If players get too far away, he sometimes also fires a Pulse Carbine, which can do serious damage to shields, so be sure to watch out for these. Around the room, players can find Shock Coils that can be thrown at Chak 'Lok to do effective damage.

4 Jega 'Rdomnai

Halo Infinite Boss Jeda 'Rdomnai

Jega 'Rdomnai is similar to Chak 'Lok, but can be far more deadly. This fight isn't overwhelmingly difficult, and similar rules apply to the tactics used when facing Chak 'Lok. Jega will cloak himself to try to surprise attack players to deal massive damage. Using the Threat Sensor (or two, if players have upgraded the ability by this point) can help players keep an eye on him.

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The difference between Jega's cloaking and Chak 'Lok's, though, is Jega will disappear even from Threat Sensors after disappearing. However, they are still effective at giving players a heads up before he attacks. Using the grapple hook to move to safety when an attack is coming is the most effective way to avoid major damage during this battle. Being evasive and patient are the best tactics for fighting Jega.

3 Tovarus & Hyperius

Halo Infinite Boss Tovarus and Hyperius

Tovarus and Hyperius are Spartan-killers, hailed for their effectiveness in battle. Players must fight both of these bosses at once during the later stages of the game. Hyperius will attack players in his Brute Chopper, while Tovarus uses his Scrap Cannon from a distance to deal heavy damage. There are many smaller enemies that will spawn in the area and cause problems if not handled quickly. Taking them out right away will clear up attention to focus on the bosses.

Attacking one target at a time is the best way to handle this double boss. Luring Hyperius and his vehicle out of Tovarus' view will allow players to focus on him without fear of Tovarus' damaging Scrap Cannon firing at them from range. Players can also do things the other way around and try to lure Tovarus into the UNSC wreckage, out of sight of Hyperius. Here, they can pick him off and use his Scarp Cannon to take out the second boss.

2 Bassus

Halo Infinite Boss Bassus

Bassus is a menace in battle. He has melee attacks like Chak 'Lok and Jega 'Rdomnai, but unlike the two sword-bearers, Bassus will charge players headfirst. The relentless slams from his Hammer can be a real issue for players that are not used to evasive fighting, but evasiveness is required in the fight with Bassus. Players can use the grapple hook to their advantage and move long distances around the room to avoid Bassus' attacks, taking their own shots in between.

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Luring Bassus into the larger room with two inclines is an effective way to slow his attacks and give players more maneuverability, with nothing blocking them from grappling long distances. To get the fight with Bassus over with as quickly as possible, players should focus on the most effective weapon type for the fight. Using plasma weapons to take down his shields and then using kinetic weapons or grenades to take his health down will yield the best results.

1 Escharum

Halo Infinite Boss Escharum

Escharum is easily the most difficult boss in Halo Infinite. With multiple stages, a large shield, and high health, the fight can go on for several minutes, especially on higher difficulties. Esharum uses a Scrap Canon like Tovarus, but his weapon also does knockback damage, which removes the player's mobility. There are multiple stages, with the first being a simple "lower the health" stage. Esharum will then activate shields that are powered by cores around the room, which players will have to destroy. Once they are gone, Esharum will enter his final stage where he chases the player with his red Gravity Hammer.

Different stages call for different tactics, but the most important thing to do in the fight with Esharum is stay in cover. Taking him on while out in the open will result in a quick death, whether he is using his Scrap Canon or Gravity Hammer. The arena place provides players with many places to duck into and avoid damage. Circling around the arena's corridors is a great way to stay alive while Esharum charges.

Halo Infinite was released on December 8th, 2021, and is available on PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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