After a 10-year wait, the Dead Space franchise has returned to remind players why it is one of the biggest names in sci-fi horror. The Dead Space Remake has reintroduced fans to Isaac Clarke's spine-tingling adventure, and they cannot wait for more. While another Dead Space title may be on the horizon, other sci-fi video game franchises may want to take some notes. Specifically, Microsoft's Halo series could do a lot with the Dead Space model.

Halo is not a particularly scary franchise, but it does have a few terrifying moments. Ever since Halo: Combat Evolved, players have had to deal with the disgusting Flood parasite. These encounters have led to some of the scariest missions in the franchise, but this antagonist has not been seen in a mainline game since Halo 3. If the franchise wants to do something exciting and unique after Halo Infinite, then it may be time for this parasite to return in its own standalone horror title heavily inspired by the Dead Space franchise.

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Halo’s Flood Are the Perfect Antagonists for a Standalone Game

Halo The Flood Halo 3

Halo's Flood are considered one of the greatest threats to the entire galaxy. They are responsible for consuming most sentient life in the universe and are even credited with taking down Halo's Forerunners during the 300-year-long Forerunner-Flood war. Their primary purpose is to consume biomass and reproduce as they go, which only makes them stronger. They are virtually unstoppable, and the only way to defeat them is to starve them to death.

Players encounter Halo's Flood for the first time in Halo: Combat Evolved, and they quickly overwhelm the UNSC and Covenant forces. This leads to some graphic and terrifying moments as the player has to desperately fight back against the parasite. They manage to stop the Flood from escaping into the galaxy, but the threat was far from over.

The Flood returned in Halo 2 and Halo 3, and brought even more spine-tingling scenarios with them. The parasite ended up infesting Delta Halo and High Charity in Halo 2, and Halo 3 saw it attempt to infest Earth itself. While players have not seen the Flood since the events of Halo 3, the infection is likely still festering in parts of the galaxy, and it is time to bring it back.

The Flood have usually been relegated to secondary antagonist status, but a new Halo spin-off could but this infection at the forefront. The Dead Space remake sees players investigate a distress call only to get attacked by creatures made from the corpses of the ship's crew. It is a terrifying scenario that keeps players on the edge of their seats the entire time, and a Halo Flood spin-off could replicate that same model. Put players in the shoes of a marine or Spartan investigating a distress call and have them soon discover that the Flood have overwhelmed the ship.

Putting the Flood at the forefront of a Halo spin-off could lead to an exciting new experience within this sci-fi franchise. The series has mostly stayed within the realm of the classic sci-fi FPS model, but a Flood spin-off could go all in on the survival horror genre. The original Halo trilogy dipped its toes in horror elements with the Flood, and the spin-off could take it even further. There is a ton of potential here for a new adventure in 343 Industries' franchise, and it may be exactly what the series needs right now.

Halo is in a bit of a rough spot right now with the controversial post-launch support for Halo Infinite and the loss of some major developers. No one really knows what to expect from the future of this series, but it may be time for a bit of reinvention. The future of Halo may want to set Master Chief aside for now and delve into uncharted genres like survival horror. It could help reinvigorate the IP and give fans a Halo experience they have never had before.

Halo Infinite is available now on PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S

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