Halo is one of the greatest sci-fi first-person shooter franchises of all time. While the development of Halo Infinite has left most fans worried, there's no denying the fact that its release will still be a massive event in the gaming industry due to just how beloved this series really is.

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One of the most iconic parts of the Halo series that most fans will recognize instantly is the Energy Sword. Depending on the player's skills when it comes to Halo, the Energy Sword can either be a source of great enjoyment or frustration. This weapon can be hard to master, but players who understand how the Energy Sword works can easily lay waste to most enemies at a moment's notice. Here are some of the more unique and weird facts about this weapon that most fans had no idea about.

7 Fable 2: Limited Edition Came With This Energy Sword

Hal's Sword and Armor in Fable 2

Along with Halo, there's another franchise that Microsoft holds near and dear to its heart. This series is none other than Fable, and its upcoming return has left most fans salivating at the prospect of trying out the latest chapter in this amazing fantasy series.

Fable 2 was one of the many celebrated titles in the series, with the Limited Edition having a pretty clever callback to Halo in the form of the Energy Sword, which could be obtained in the Limited Edition. Cleverly enough, this weapon was simply named Hal's Sword, and came along with Hal's Armor — an in-game recreation of the Mjolnir armor from the series.

6 A Glitch Can Turn The Energy Sword Nearly Invisible In Halo 2 And 3

Silhouette Sword in Halo 2

Halo 2 was the first game to make the Energy Sword usable by the player. This game and its sequel made the Energy Sword one of the most iconic weapons in the entire game, with the icing on the cake coming in the form of a unique glitch that made this weapon even more fun to use.

With a nifty trick, the Energy Sword could be rendered almost invisible, save for the shimmer surrounding it. This form of the weapon has been nicknamed the Silhouette Sword by fans who love to slice and dice through enemies using this alternate version of the Energy Sword.

5 Halo Wars Calls The Energy Sword By A Different Name

A Warthog and Wraith battle in Halo Wars

Halo Wars is a unique entry in the series, featuring RTS gameplay that fits in perfectly with the world and established mechanics of Halo. The game serves as a breath of fresh air, prompting many fans to ask why more people don't talk about it when discussing the franchise.

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That being said, there was one particular change in Halo Wars that confused fans to no end. For some reason, the name of the Energy Sword was changed to the Plasma Sword. It's a change that seems nonsensical, given how iconic the Energy Sword moniker already is.

4 The Weapon's Appearance And Background Is Similar To The Katar

Katar, a popular South Asian weapon

The Katar is a weapon from South Asia that was mainly carried around by members of the higher class and featured a design that basically allowed players to punch while using a blade. Suffice to say, this weapon's design was the inspiration behind the design of the Energy Sword.

The backgrounds of both these weapons are quite similar as well, with the Energy Sword also serving as a status symbol of sorts amongst the Elites of Halo. Given how legendary the Energy Sword has become in modern times, it's only fair that its inspiration is also a blade steeped in cultural significance.

3 The Sword Was Meant To Be Usable In The First Halo Title

Energy Sword from Halo

Halo: Combat Evolved is the only game in the series that doesn't allow players to use the patented Energy Sword. Ironically enough, the motivation behind this change stems from the fact that the first Halo game was conceived without a particular genre in mind.

Over time, the developers decided to make a first-person shooter and scrapped the idea of a melee-oriented weapon like the Energy Sword. This is quite hilarious in retrospect, given the fact that the Energy Sword is one of the best weapons that feels incredible to use in later Halo titles.

2 The Elites Will Remark About Recovering This Blade If The Master Chief Dies While Wielding It

Halo Reach Elite Ultra Forge Screenshot Energy Sword

Halo 2 features a rather unique piece of dialogue that most players might miss out on if they don't use the Energy Sword frequently enough in the game. This dialogue is triggered if the player is killed by a group of Elites while using the Energy Sword.

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As Master Chief's body falls lifelessly to the ground, players will be able to hear an Elite tell his teammate to recover the Energy Sword that the player was wielding at the time. It's a small but noticeable change that goes to show just how much detail was put into the design and worldbuilding of Halo 2.

1 Behind-The-Scenes Footage Of Halo 3 Showed A Jiralhanae Chieftain Wielding The Energy Sword

Halo Jiralhanae Form

Halo 3 featured a bunch of behind-the-scenes footage that took a look at the various aspects of the game and how they were developed and combined into one enjoyable package. One such piece of footage, called "Et tu Brute?", focused on the heavy enemies of the game and how they were modeled and developed.

This development footage showed a Jiralhanae Chieftain, one of the toughest enemies in the game, using an Energy Sword as a weapon. However, in the final build, no member of the Jiralhanae, Chieftain, or otherwise, uses this weapon against the player.

More: Every Halo Game, Ranked From Worst To Best (According To Metacritic)