Halo developer 343 Industries has released a statement denying claims that the company will no longer helm Halo projects. This is in response to rumors claiming that while Microsoft was laying off up to 10,000 employees - including 343 employees - it was also looking to shift the development of Halo titles to a new studio in its restructuring efforts.

Microsoft is going through a rough patch as it manages the effects of layoffs all across the tech industry. When news first broke that Microsoft was going to have mass layoffs before the end of its fiscal year, there were immediate concerns about how it would spread to its sprawling video game departments. As the hours and days passed, news of a few developers from various studios gave word that they were let go. The most explosive news was the rumor being spread that 343 Industries was going to lose development duties on the Halo games.

RELATED: Former Halo Infinite Devs Call Out Microsoft Leadership After Layoffs

In a new update on the Halo Twitter account, Pierre Hintze, the Studio Head of 343 Industries, issued a statement beginning with, "Halo and Master Chief are here to stay." The short statement affirms the studio's intentions to remain the developer of any future Halo games and storytelling. Earlier in the week, rumors began circulating that Microsoft was considering removing 343 Industries from Halo projects. The tweet raises questions on whether there have been boardroom meetings where agreements were made to keep 343 Industries as the Halo franchise developer, or whether the developer is putting up a fight for its signature project.

With 343 Studio Head Pierre Hintze signing the statement, it offers a definitive denial to quell the heat sparked by the rumors. Time will tell if it remains true, but by having 343's Studio Head make the statement, it looks like Halo will indeed remain with 343 Industries in the near future. 343 Industries has had a hard time following through with parts of its post-launch content of Halo Infinite. Unkept promises like the scrapped split-screen co-op as well as a lack of excitement surrounding the multiplayer modes has left Halo Infinite lost in the wake of its competitors.

Microsoft is very purposeful with how it handles messaging on social media. Whether it's the fun appeals of gamers enjoying what they play or serious statements like the many Microsoft has had to make in the middle of the Activision deal, when a public statement is made by the company, there is intent with what and how it says things. Microsoft is going through many changes at the moment, but this statement intends to say that for now, a separation of 343 Industries and Halo isn't going to be one of those changes.

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