
  • Halo: Combat Evolved still provides fun moments 20 years later.
  • One player accidentally kills themselves with a grenade while playing the game for the first time.
  • The game revolutionized console shooters and remains influential.

A Halo: Combat Evolved player has shown off a hilarious grenade fail while showing the game to a friend for the first time, showcasing the kind of moments it continues to create over 20 years after its initial launch. Halo: Combat Evolved may be over two decades old, but gamers are still having plenty of fun in Bungie's opening game in the series.

It's easy to forget just how influential of a title Halo: Combat Evolved was back in 2001. The game revolutionized the console shooter, showing that the FPS genre didn't have to be confined to PC to create an unforgettable experience. It was one of the best exclusives on the original Xbox, proving to be an enormous system seller that helped cement the brand's place among the console titans. There's a reason that gamers are still picking it up today - it plays great, and while the graphics may be dated at this point, it's still an absolute blast.

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Redditor KiddShi shared the hilarious clip, which was captured while showing Halo: Combat Evolved's story campaign to a friend who had never played before. KiddShi spotted an Elite that wasn't moving from behind a shield, so they told their friend to chuck a grenade at the enemy. Instead of clearing the shield, the grenade bounces back to the player, exploding and killing them before they have a chance to move out of the way. It's an awesome reminder of the fun moments the game can create, over 20 years after it was first released.

Halo: Combat Evolved Hilarious Grenade Fail

The sandbox of the Halo series is arguably one of the biggest reasons that the franchise has been successful to the level it has. Across all iterations, from Bungie to 343 Industries' efforts, the sandbox has created the feeling that anything can happen at any time, making each play session feel totally different. Most Halo players know the feeling of being killed by a flying cone, or something equally ridiculous that leaves a lasting memory from the game. One recent Halo Infinite clip featured a "lore-accurate Spartan" moment, showcasing that these types of moments are still possible in the newest game in the series.

Despite being released back in 2001, it's awesome to see players continuing to play and enjoy Halo: Combat Evolved for the first time. Its 2011 remaster is now outdated at this point, and it'll be interesting to see if 343 Industries does anything to bring the classic title back once again. There are rumors of a Halo: Combat Evolved remake even coming to PlayStation 5 at some point in the next few years, but as of right now, this should be taken with a pinch of salt. If nothing comes of it, gamers will always have the stellar original to replay over and over again.