The Halo franchise's transition to PC has been a long process, with 343 Industries bringing The Master Chief Collection over game by game. Now, it's Halo 3's turn, and as one of the defining games of the Xbox 360 – and one of Microsoft's most popular exclusives of all time – it has quite a big reputation to live up to.

Luckily, Halo 3 is the best PC port the franchise has had yet, revitalizing the 2007 classic in a way that 343 hasn't been able to accomplish with the other games. Where the ports of Reach, Halo 2, and Combat Evolved haven't managed to shirk the feeling that they were designed for controllers, Halo 3 is a natural fit for keyboard and mouse, especially when using precision-focused Halo weapons like the Covenant Carbine or Battle Rifle.

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The game controls are incredibly smooth on PC, giving it a feeling of equal parts reaction and skill-based, but refreshingly slowed down. Shooters have evolved a lot since Halo 3's debut, steadily becoming faster and more twitch-based, and while fans may be afraid Halo 3 doesn't hold up compared the other options on the platform, like Modern Warfare or Valorant, the fresh coat of paint and control options makes the classic feel new again.

Sgt Johnson smoking Cigar

Halo fans are likely intimately familiar with Halo 3's campaign levels, but it's yet another area where the game has stood the test of time. Even with the context of Halo 4  and 5's lackluster storytelling, the relationship between Cortana and the increasingly damaged portrayal of Master Chief is moving. That doesn't fix the questionable moments and unceremonious character deaths, but that hasn't stopped Halo 3 from holding its own as one of the franchise's best campaigns.

There are some areas where the level design is a bit stale compared to what's out in the wild now, but the narrative itself is still solid for a sci-fi shooter. Bungie fans will clearly be able to see some of the experience the developer had accumulated by working on the franchise in Destiny 2's DNA, and while that evolution didn't stop at Halo 3, it's impossible to deny its influence.

Of course, 343 was clearly more interested in preserving the original experience of Halo 3 while still moving it to PC. This comes across in a few different areas, but AI is the biggest one, as enemy and companion AI simply aren't good. Enemies have predictable patterns, which does set players up for some cool moments, but it would have been good to see some greater improvements on that front.

Master Chief with Arbiter

While it's nothing major, 343 industries did make some additions to Halo 3. A recent Master Chief Collection update brought a few changes to the game, along with the other entries currently available on PC. Customization is now more in-line with what players had in the Xbox 360 version of Halo 3, and a new skull has been added that gives Master Chief a jetpack, though players will need to unlock it.

Halo 3's Skulls still offer a fun way to add an extra layer of challenge regardless of difficulty setting or turn the game into a chaotic experience. Those looking for a replayable experience will find a lot to love with skulls, even more so for those that decide to have a couple of friends tag along.

But players will likely spend the most time in Halo 3's multiplayer, which is one of the most iconic Xbox Live experiences ever. For many, Halo 3 multiplayer is the main reason to pick up the Master Chief Collection in the first place, and even in 2020, it doesn't disappoint.

Halo 3 Big Team Slayer Match

Players have access to all the maps and game modes found in the original, but with new life on PC. Halo 3's maps are still some of the best-designed in competitive shooters, and they feel distinct from one another in a way that not many games can match. Despite having spent hundreds of hours in them over the years, the maps still have a timeless appeal that will keep players coming back for more as long as the Master Chief Collection is supported on PC.

Fans also have access to Forge, which can be used to construct custom map variations. When Halo 3 originally launched on the Xbox 360, Forge was a major addition, offering players a chance to get creative and invent some mind-bending maps. The toolset is the same this time around, so players should have no problem replicating or innovating on their original designs. Those maps can then be used in Custom Games, but there isn't any officially supported Forge map browser in the game, which means no community maps unless players want to mess around with the game's files.

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However, Forge's control set is the one area that the keyboard and mouse don't feel great. The menu system was clunky enough originally, but the camera in Forge is awkward to move and objects can be difficult to get into position. That being said, players can easily plug in a controller to solve the problem, as it's a better way to edit maps.

Halo 3's PC port is by far the best yet, giving the game smoother controls but otherwise keeping the original experience intact. It's just as fun to play today as it was back when it launched in 2007, a testament to Bungie's design. Both returning and fans will find something to enjoy here, either for a nostalgia trip or for an experience unlike anything else currently on the market.

Halo 3 is available now on PC and Xbox One. Game ZXC was provided a Steam code for this review.

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halo 3
Halo 3

Released in 2007, Halo 3 is the third installment in the mainline series of the long-running Halo series from Bungie. This title follows Master Chief and a mysterious ally called the Arbiter as they attempt to stop a Covenant leader from activating a dangerous artifact.