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Hopes are high for the third and final film in David Gordon Green's Halloween trilogy, which began with Halloween in 2018 and saw Laurie Strode (Jamie Lee Curtis) facing Michael Myers again in Halloween Kills (2021). It seems like Halloween Ends, which will be in theaters and streaming on Peacock on October 14th 2022, will feature a long-awaited and epic battle between the final girl and her biggest enemy.

With so much praise sent Halloween's way over the past few decades, there is so much to talk about, but one element of the franchise that always stands out is the dialogue. Child, teenage and adult characters all have interesting things to say about the scary situations in front of them, which has resulted in some memorable quotes.

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Tommy Realizes The Truth (Halloween, 1978)

"You can't kill the boogeyman!"

Tommy Doyle in Halloween (!978)

Halloween (1978) is not only iconic but also a horror movie about babysitters as Laurie looks after Tommy Doyle (Brian Andrews) and Lindsey Wallace (Kyle Richards of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills fame). There's a lot of discussion in the original movie about Michael Myers being the boogeyman, and this is a fascinating way to think about this killer.

Michael Myers is a classic slasher villain who has been unstoppable for several decades now. Every time someone attacks him or attempts to murder him, he remains fine and comes back, which has led to questions about Michael Myers being immortal. There's a debate about whether Laurie says "That was the boogeyman" or "Was that the boogeyman?" at the end of the film, but either way, Tommy's words suggest that Michael will become the stuff of terrifying legends as the characters will always think about him.

John Is Tired Of His Mom's Rules (Halloween H20: 20 Years Later, 1998)

“Today is the day you are going to realize that I am seventeen years old and your overprotection and paranoia is inhibiting my growing process.”

Michelle Williams as Molly and Josh Harnett as John in Halloween H20

It's interesting to look back on this quote from Halloween H20, which is better than people think, as it echoes what Karen (Judy Greer) and Allyson Nelson (Andi Matichak) tell Laurie in David Gordon Green's trilogy: that Laurie has spent so long worrying and thinking about Michael that she has stopped truly living. She has also let important relationships fall by the wayside and stopped having fun.

While the Halloween timeline is different in various films and Laurie's son John Tate (Josh Hartnett) doesn't exist in the trilogy, his words still ring true. John wants to grow up, have fun, and learn who he is, and he doesn't understand how Laurie can hide and be so afraid for so many years.

Laurie Is Ready For Michael (Halloween, 2018)

"He's waited for this night... he's waited for me... I've waited for him..."

Laurie Strode in Halloween 2018

Halloween talks about the aftermath of final girls as the 2018 film is all about Laurie being sure tha Michael is going to come for her again. This time, she feels that she is ready as this is all that she has thought about over the past few decades.

Laurie is an interesting character as on the one hand, she continues to be exactly who horror fans expect final girls to be: an incredibly tough person who shows power and strength when she needs to. But on the other hand, she shows her vulnerability in many instances and makes it clear that she has been scared for a long time.

Laurie Tells Allyson That Everyone Is Scared (Halloween Kills, 2021)

"Fear. People are afraid. That is the true curse of Michael."

Karen Nelson (Judy Greer), Laurie Strode (Jamie Lee Curtis) and Allyson Nelson (Andi Matichak) in Halloween Kills (2021)

Halloween Ends should focus on Allyson as she's a character whose depths could be explored. In Halloween Kills, Laurie talks about how Michael preys on people's fears and knows that everyone is horrified to be in his presence as they know exactly what is coming for them.

While Halloween Kills has some problems, including wasting Laurie Strode by relegating her to a hospital bed, there are some great conversations between Laurie and Allyson. With this quote, Laurie puts into words what so many fans have been thinking this entire time: Michael will never truly die because his evil is so all-powerful, all-consuming, and terrifying.

Allyson Says She Was Told Not To Mention Michael (Halloween Kills, 2021)

"I can never acknowledge the tragedy. It was as If my mother's biggest fear was that my grandmother was right and the Boogeyman is real."

Allyson Nelson (Andi Matichak) looking serious in Halloween

The Halloween franchise has some of the most memorable slasher quotes because the characters often reference previous conversations, which ties the whole thing together. In Halloween Kills, Allyson is given some more layers to her character when she talks about how hard it was to grow up with Laurie as her grandmother. While Allyson of course loves Laurie, Allyson can't help but wonder what life would be like if Laurie forgot about Michael and stopped trying to chase these demons.

Allyson's mention of The Boogeyman works perfectly and proves that Karen did her best as a mother, but never wanted to discuss what Laurie had been through as she didn't want Allyson to worry or be scared. But as the three characters learn, no one can escape Michael and it's better to face those fears head on than to run.

NEXT: Scream (2022) vs Halloween Kills: What Slasher Did Better At The Box Office?