
  • The 12-Gauge Shotgun is a devastating close-range weapon that can easily take out enemies with its double-shell attack.
  • The RPG is a powerful anti-armor weapon with homing abilities that make it effective against armored vehicles.
  • The Crossbow is a versatile weapon that can instantly kill enemies at all ranges, including underwater, but ammo is scarce.

Half-Life 2 was groundbreaking in many significant ways. Grittier visuals, better AI, a much tighter and more polished story with no cutscenes whatsoever, entertaining gunfights, and so much more. It’s easily one of the most important first-person shooters in history.

Best Mods For The Original Half-Life

The original Half-Life is made even better by the presence of several highly acclaimed mods.

Naturally, an FPS of this magnitude needed a solid arsenal, and the developers delivered exactly that. Some weapons from the previous game made their way to the fray, while a bunch of other inclusions were tossed in - including one very iconic gadget as well. So, what are the best inclusions that will undoubtedly turn the tides in battle?

6 12-Gauge Shotgun

This Punchy Shotgun Is Capable Of Dispersing Two Shells For Extreme Damage

Half-Life 2 - 12-Gauge Shotgun

Never leave home without a boomstick, doubly so in a first-person shooter. Acquired early on in the game, there’s plenty of ammo available for the 12-Gauge Shotgun, and it can turn most bad guys into slurry without too much fuss. Besides, punching holes into Headcrab Zombies with it is nothing short of wonderful.

With a right-click, the shotgun will unload two shells at once for double the damage. This will mean even more spread, and it’s a waste to use it anywhere but at close range. Nevertheless, it’s a devastating attack, and can seriously give its user the edge in a close-up encounter. The same goes for multiplayer games, too.


Homing Abilities Make Using The RPG Much Easier In Fights Against Armored Vehicles

Half-Life 2 - RPG

The RPG is more than just a powerhouse, anti-armor weapon. Valve implemented a neat trick to make it even more useful than the RPG from the first game. A blast from this is roughly twice as hard-hitting as an explosion from a fragmentation grenade, and is a perfect choice for fighting against Combine gunships, APCs, enemy snipers, and the lanky, towering Striders.

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Valve might not be known for its romance plots, but that doesn't stop these couples from stealing the show.

While the original was a heat-seeker, this version comes with a laser attachment that acts as a guidance system for a launched projectile. If a grenade is about to hit a wall, then simply aiming the RPG elsewhere will be enough to steer it away. Naturally, ammo is rare, except when generously dished out via green ammo crates (infinite ammo is always a wonderful gift).

4 Crossbow

The Crossbow Will Kill Most Enemies At All Ranges Instantly And Can Be Used Underwater

Half-Life 2 - Crossbow

Sporting a makeshift design compared to its design in the first game, the Crossbow can simultaneously turn an enemy into a pincushion, with the bonus of instant death in most cases. Its range is unparalleled, its bolts can be reflected off of surfaces, and it works underwater, too.

Finding ammo for a Resistance-made weapon is a challenge, so it’s better to stock up. Though useless against vehicles and terrible when it comes to crowd control, skewering Overwatch units, Hunters and the like is where this weapon shines. In multiplayer, zipping back and forth is a good way to avoid getting hit by an opponent wielding it, though a dead-eye player is guaranteed to score a point with it!

3 .357 Magnum

Carries Less Ammo This Time Around, Though Its Damage And Accuracy Remain A Deadly Combination

Half-Life 2 - .357 Magnum

What makes the .357 Magnum so great this time around is that it is highly complimented by more outdoor locations to put it to good use. Whether up close or at long range, this portable hand cannon is so strong that it can deal just as much damage as a double-shell blast from a shotgun.

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These FPS games aren't just about moving from gunfight to gunfight. They also tell a great story as players progress.

Still, there’s no glossing over the fact that there’s 66% less max ammo for it in Half-Life 2. The slow rate of fire, plus its hefty recoil and increasing spread when fired too often, remains untouched. Hunters and Overwatch Elites fear this weapon, and so will anyone who wants to keep their head intact in multiplayer.

2 OSIPR "Pulse Rifle"

Precise, Damaging, And Quick, This Rifle Is An Excellent All-Rounder With A Nasty Alt-Fire Mode

Half-Life 2 - Pulse Rifle

The Combine had themselves some deadly weapons, like the Pulse Rifle (or, to be technical, the Overwatch Standard Issue Pulse Rifle). Again, much like the stronger weapons in the game, finding enough rounds to keep it filled is tricky, and it can be quite easy to empty it if overused. Its recoil is nasty, too. However, the benefits greatly outweigh the negatives.

The recoil can be circumvented by remaining stationary and firing in bursts, while ammo can be commonly found on Combine troops. Its alt-fire launches Energy Balls that bounce off of surfaces and can instantly kill whoever it touches - even Hunters! Though situationally useful, it’s enough to make anyone think twice upon spotting it hurtling toward them. All in all, this weapon is stellar, yet is only second-to-one…

1 Zero Point Energy Field Manipulator "Gravity Gun"

The Gravity Gun Can Manipulate Objects In The Environment, Including Grenades

Half-Life 2 - Gravity Gun

The almighty, gravity-defying tool is indeed the best weapon in the series! It’s universally beloved and praised for being such a useful weapon, outside of simply being capable of lifting and moving items. Who needs a gun when it can catch grenades or lift barrels? Tossing those at foes is deadly enough! Plus, forcing saw blades at high velocity toward Headcrab Zombies is just as effective as using a shotgun.

An upgrade will transform it into a super-powered variant, capable of picking up baddies like ragdolls ready to be thrown around without a care in the world. Its all-purpose versatility makes it the best weapon in the game.

Half-Life 2

PC , Xbox 360 , Xbox (Original) , PS3 , macOS , Linux , Android
November 16, 2004