Of the many accolades that rogue-like Hades has received, maybe the most consistent praise has been directed at the game's depth in nearly every area. Whether this is the impressive amount of unique dialogue in Hades, its complex Boon system, or the many different Artifacts players will need to manage properly in order to power up, the game seems to make every run feel like at least something has been earned. As Zagreus makes his way through the levels of the Underworld, he will occasionally have the chance to earn Titan Blood, and this guide will help players further understand the mysterious substance.

This article will include light spoilers concerning areas and rewards in Hades.

Titan Blood is one of the many Artifact currencies in Hades, though it is specifically a Bounty Artifact. Along with Diamonds and bottles of Ambrosia, these Bounty Artifacts are primarily obtained through defeating Underworld bosses. As each boss is defeated for the first time, players will be gifted Titan Blood for the first boss, a Diamond for the second boss, a bottle of Ambrosia for the third, and more Titan Blood for Hades' last boss. This is the first of many opportunities to obtain Titan Blood from the first and last bosses, but there are also other ways to get it.

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How To Get Titan Blood

Zagreus stands in front of a stone door

There are actually six different ways of obtaining Titan Blood in Hades. The first way, which has already been discussed, is beating the game's first and last bosses. However, players should try to beat these bosses with each of the six Infernal Arms, as each boss kill with a particular weapon that will offer Titan Blood. Once the first and last bosses have been beaten with all of the Infernal Arms, players must get ready to turn up the Heat.

Hades' Heat system allows players to up the difficulty of runs in specific ways in order to earn more rewards. To do this, they must access the Pact of Punishment before embarking on a new escape attempt. There are 20 different Heat levels and each one will offer chances to get more Titan Blood for boss kills with each of the Infernal Arms.

In Hades' Hell Mode, the Pact of Punishment must be used at the start of the game, which will make it so players can earn more Titan Blood faster but with a big spike in difficulty.

Hades Temple of Styx Exit

The third way to get Titan Blood involves completing tasks from the Fated List of Minor Prophecies. Tasks such as defeating a certain number of Underworld enemies or escaping from the Underworld using each weapon will reward Zagreus with Titan Blood.

The fourth way to get it is through trades with the Wretched Broker. Found in the House of Hades' lounge area, the Wretched Broker acts as a sort of exchange system for Hades' currency where players can trade certain Artifacts for others they want more. A repeatable trade allows one bottle of Ambrosia for one Titan Blood, but there are limited-time offers that can give better trades.

The final two ways of obtaining Titan Blood involve Charon the boatman and the Head Chef in the House of Hades. Sometimes, if players get lucky, Charon will offer Titan Blood in his shop setup in the Temple of Styx. It's expensive, but it's worth it if players are eager for more of the substance. The last way requires fishing for a sturgeon in the final boss area or the area beyond it in Greece. One sturgeon will get one Titan Blood from the Head Chef.

How to Use Titan Blood

Image of Cerberus from the game Hades

Obtaining a bunch of Titan Blood in Hades requires dedication, but how do players use it once they have it? Well, its most obvious use is to upgrade each of the Infernal Arms. The Stygian Blade, Eternal Spear, Shield of Chaos, Heart-Seeking Bow, Twin Fists of Malphon, and the Adamant Rail all have four different Aspects that can be unlocked by spending Titan Blood. Different Aspects allow for different play styles with each weapon, which further increases gameplay variety during escape attempts.

The other two main uses of Titan Blood is to purchase reward augments as players make it deeper and deeper into the game. One of these rewards is the Stygian Theme for the House of Hades, which can be purchased from the House Contractor in the building's main hall. The other rewards are rank badges that can be bought from the Resource Director in Lord Hades' bedchambers. There are 50 rank titles, and though not all of them require Titan Blood, the key title advancements do.

To fully upgrade all of the Infernal Arms and purchase all available reward augments, players will need 326 Titan Blood. 295 of these can be earned through defeating bosses on various Heat levels and completing all of the corresponding tasks on the Fated List of Minor Prophecies.

The rest must be obtained via Charon's shop, Wretched Broker trades, or giving sturgeon to Hades' Head Chef. This will take a long time to do, but with so many things to learn in nearly every escape attempt, it's definitely worth it for Hades completionists.

Hades is out now for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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