Hades is a roguelike game that doesn't skimp out on difficulty. Though the game isn't that difficult in the base mode, if someone wishes to challenge themselves, they can activate the Pact of Punishment and add handicaps to themselves, making each run more difficult than the last.

The maximum “heat” (the level of difficulty) a player will get an achievement for is 32. This is one of the most difficult achievements in the game to acquire and requires an in-depth knowledge of game mechanics, a high level of mechanical skill, and not a small amount of luck. Here's how players can maximize their chances of achieving it.

Hades: How To Defeat Alecto

Defeating this relentless Fury will take some effort, as her title of Tormentor of Passions is rightfully earned. Here are some tips and tricks!

General Tips For 32-Heat Run In Hades

the god hades talking to zagreus in the game hades

The game plan the players need to follow is simple in theory but difficult in execution. They need to kill enemies as fast as possible and get hit as little as possible. The most direct way of doing this is creating a high damage/high dodge build using the boons of someone like Zeus and Hermes, but other options are available for people willing to experiment that are just as viable.

The best boons players should always go for when doing any kind of run are as follows:

  • Greater Reflex (Hermes): This boon gives the player an additional dash. Since dashes in Hades give player a small window of invincibility, this effectively makes the player that much harder to hit.
  • Divine Dash (Athena): Divine Dash gives the player's dash the ability to deflect attacks. This makes the player much more safe in their dash, and it damages enemies when players are dashing.
  • Hyper Sprint (Hermes): This boon makes the player sturdy after dashing and gives them additional movement speed. When the player has an additional charge of dodging, extra speed after dodging, and deflect while dodging, they become much harder to damage.

Reset Runs When Needed

end runs when needed in hades

Think of Hades as a balance between skill and luck. The more lucky the player is, the less skill they need to keep progressing. The more skilled a player is, the less luck they need.

However, there's a certain limit after which it becomes nearly impossible, even for the most skilled player, to progress on skill alone. If the player feels that their build isn't good enough by the time they reach the end of Elysium, they should reset and try again. Going any further is almost definitely a waste of time and will only serve to demotivate the player when they lose the run at the end. Remember, the game should be fun, not tedious.

Use Specific Builds

Selection of chaos boons

While certainly possible, attempting to clear a 32-heat run without any definite build in mind is as advisable as going into a beehive without a protective suit on. People can attempt to do so, but the level of luck required rises, making each run less likely to succeed.

Players should at least have a general build that they're trying to achieve. They don't have to achieve the build exactly, but it is generally helpful when they have something similar to what they were aiming for at the start.

Choose Boons Over Resources

poseidon giving a boon in hades

A somewhat obvious piece of advice is that players should always go for boon rewards rather than materials. These rewards are shown by a gold laurel, while material rewards are shown by a blue laurel. Gold Laurel rewards include Boons, Poms, Hammers, Centaur Hearts, etc. Meanwhile, Blue Laurel rewards include Obols (gold), gems, darkness, nectar, etc.

In a 32-heat run, going after long-term resources isn't worth it. Players should try to get everything that makes their current run the best one possible.

Fated Authority only switches rewards within the same type. Obols will only switch to another blue laurel reward, etc.

All The Gods In Hades, Ranked

Hades (and now it's sequel as well) are two incredibly beloved roguelikes. And, of all the gods that appear in them, these are the best.

Best Keepsakes & Companions For 32-Heat Run In Hades

best keepsakes and companions in hades

Keepsakes and companions are tools presented to the player that can drastically change their run. These will never change, and they provide a constant anchor in the sea of RNG. Players should use Keepsakes wisely to dictate what their run will look like as they progress through it.

  • Olympian Keepsakes should be used at the start to get the desired boons for a specific build.
  • Evergreen Acorn, Lambent Plume, Lucky Tooth, and Broken Spearpoint give the player significantly higher survivability.
  • Shattered Shackle, Pom Blossom, and Distant Memory enhance your overall damage output.

There are a total of 8 companions in the game. However, players should go with either Battie or Mort to accompany them on their run.

Unless going for a specific build, players should always use Evergreen Acron or Lucky Tooth in their runs once they have their desired boons.

Hades: How to Farm Nectar

Looking for a way to get as much nectar as you need in Hades? This guide can help you do that.

Best Mirror Of Night Upgrades In Hades

Mirror of Night, Hades-1

These Mirror of Night upgrades are the best out of the lot and should be the focus of any serious player.

  • Death Defiance/Stubborn Defiance: Death Defiance is a better upgrade overall since it gives the player 50% of their health back. However, Stubborn Defiance gives the player 3 revives per run. The problem with Stubborn Defiance is that it only gives one revive per chamber, meaning it is much less useful than Death Defiance in a boss fight. However, it gives the player more leeway in normal rooms.
  • Dark Foresight: Players should have Dark Foresight in their arsenal to make sure they spawn as few blue laurel rooms as possible. This maximizes their run-specific advantages, letting them accumulate more power overall.
  • Privileged Status: It is somewhat difficult to apply multiple status effects to enemies, but if done right, it leads to a 40% increase in total damage done to them by the player. Privileged Status is worth the effort of activating.
  • Fated Authority/Persuasion: Both Fated Authority and Fated Persuasion are okay choices since they give the player the option to reroll the RNG in their favor in different ways. If the player chooses to remove the mirror for the night upgrades, though, these two will be the first ones to go.
Hades: How to Farm Darkness

Looking for a way to increase your darkness counter as fast as possible in Hades? This guide will help you make the numbers go up.

Best Pact Of Punishment Options In Hades

best pact of punishment options in hades

There are no "good" options in the Pact of Punishment, though some are less harmful than the others. When doing a 32-heat run, players will need to activate almost all the punishments to some degree.

  • Hard Labor: Increases the damage of enemies by 20% per rank. Players should only choose Hard Labor when playing with a long range weapon that ensures the player isn't in close quarters with the enemy.
  • Lasting Consequences: Reduces the amount of health players gain from any healing source by 25% per rank. Players should only reduce the health gain by 50% — any more, and healing becomes almost useless.
  • Convenience Fee: Goods cost 40% higher per rank.
  • Jury Summons: Spawn 20% more foes per rank.
  • Extreme Measures: Adds a new attack pattern to a boss for each rank. Players should bump up extreme measures to three and learn the new attack patterns of the bosses.
  • Calisthenics Program: Increases the health of enemies by 5% per rank. A few stacks of Calisthenics isn't too bad when the player has a good build. They shouldn't exceed more than 2-3 stacks, though, since smaller enemies will become much harder to kill, making their high numbers a big problem.
  • Middle Management: Each mini-boss has a new aspect to it, making the fight more difficult for players. Similar to extreme measures, this is just a matter of players getting used to new attack patterns.
  • Forced Overtime: Increases the attack speed and damage of enemies by 20% per rank. This should only be used once to get 3 heat. Any more, and the player risks making the enemies too fast to dodge. It should be noted that players will need to get used to the new speed of each enemy type before they can comfortably clear a new area.
  • Damage Control: Adds a shield that absorbs a scaling number of hits (1 for each level) to each enemy during a new encounter. This condition is manageable as long as the player has an AoE attack — or a fast-paced weapon to remove the shields.
  • Approval Process: This reduces the amount of choices the player has when boons or upgrades are presented. Only add one rank to this, so that the player has at least two choices.
  • Tight Deadlines: For 6 heat levels, set a 5-minute timer within which the player has to clear each region of the underworld. This is somewhat manageable for players once they get used to the extra fast-paced combat.

Players should completely avoid increasing the rank of the following punishments:

  • Benefits Package
  • Underworld Customs
  • Approval Process

Best Weapons & Their Aspects For 32-Heat Run In Hades

best weapons and their aspects in hades

The weapons in Hades have different aspects that can be equipped once certain conditions have been met. The best weapon aspects lend to a high skill ceiling and perform the best under difficult situations. They are as follows:

  • Aspect of Hera (Coronacht)
  • Aspect of Beowulf (Aegis)
  • Aspect of Guan Yu (Varatha)
  • Aspect of Arthur (Stygian Blade)
  • Aspect of Hestia (Adamant Rail)
  • Aspect of Talos (Malphon)

September 17, 2020
Supergiant Games
Action RPG , Roguelite
How Long To Beat
23 Hours