Hades is filled with lost souls with unfinished business — but they aren't the only ones whose pasts are unresolved. The gods themselves, eternal beings as they are, carry the guilt and regret of thousand-year-old burdens. One such wound is the rift between Nyx and Chaos, which Zagreus discovers over the course of his attempts to escape.

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No stranger to parental strife himself, the son of the God of the Dead believes that this hurt can yet be healed. Throughout Hades, Zagreus has several opportunities to help those around him find closure. Here's how to do just that for the goddess who raised him.

Meet Chaos

Left: finding a chaos gate; right: Zag in the Chaos realm

To interact with Chaos for the first time, Zagreus must descend through a Chaos Gate. These portals can appear in any region of the Underworld, and open when Zagreus clears a level to emit a dark purplish vapor. Instead of heading through the gate to the next chamber, the player can choose to descend into this portal at the cost of some of their Life total (unless they are carrying the Cosmic Egg keepsake).

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Here, Zagreus will meet the ancient deity Chaos in their eponymous realm. An enigmatic figure, Chaos will offer the player various boons, similar to the Olympians (though Zagreus first must suffer curses to truly earn them). As the player visits Chaos and speaks with them each time, they learn that Chaos is the parent of Nyx, the Night Incarnate and Zag's surrogate mother in the House of Hades.

Deepen Relationships With Both Chaos & Nyx

Left: Chaos, right: Nyx

Once Zag learns of the relationship between Nyx and Chaos, speak with Nyx. She will be reluctant to divulge details about her parent, but the player can offer her Nectar to deepen her bond with Zagreus. As he grows closer to her, Nyx will explain that Chaos bore her at the dawn of time, but friction caused them to drift apart. Nyx became solitary, occupied with caring for her own many children, and has spoken to her parent in millenia.

Speaking with Chaos will confirm Nyx's story. They will express some guilt for expecting too much of her in the past, as well as a wish to see her again. Zagreus, always stubbornly determined to help his friends, encourages them to reach out. Conversations with both characters will then reveal that Chaos has been attempting to contact Nyx, much to the latter's surprise.

Restore The Eldest Sigil

The eldest sigil restoration in house contractor's work order list

Nyx is hesitant when she first receives Chaos's attempts to reach out, but Zagreus urges her to be open to the possibility. After Zagreus has given her 6 nectar, Nyx will admit a desire to attempt to reconnect with Chaos. However, this is currently impossible — the Eldest Sigil in the Administrative Chamber currently cannot access the Chaos realm. After this conversation with Nyx, a prophecy will appear on the Fated List: "Night and Darkness," regarding Nyx and Chaos's reunion.

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An upgrade will be added to the House Contractor's list at the same time, an option to restore the Eldest Sigil so that Nyx may enter the Chaos realm. At 3142 Darkness, it's a costly upgrade. Players can earn Darkness quickly with the following tips:

  • Escape the Underworld for the first time to receive 1000 Darkness.
  • When entering the chamber beyond Zagreus' room, one weapon will always glow with a purple aura; select this weapon to earn + %20 Darkness on that escape attempt.
  • The Wretched Broker will occasionally offer deals selling a few hundred Darkness in exchange for gemstones or keys.

Once the player purcases the upgrade and restores the sigil, Nyx may occasionally leave the House of Hades to spend time with Chaos, and Zagreus may find her there when entering Chaos gates. Additionally, the "Night and Darkness" prophecy will be marked complete, awarding Zagreus with four Ambrosia.

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